From my own personal experience in debates with Arminianists over Calvinism I find them mostly giving proof texts without any exegesis of them. And when a Reformed exegesis is given that shows, that sure, their proof text on the surface sounds like it is saying what they claim on the surface, it contradicts this, and this, and this. Then clear scriptures, surrounding context, chapter context, historical context, context within the Bible teaching as a whole etc. they ignore what is said and simply begin repeating themselves. More often than not they begin my grossly misstating the Calvinist teaching, and even when corrected, continue to argue from their fallacy. There are people who can write very convincing affirmations of Arminianism that can confuse the best of us. But if you look closely through the lens of critical thinking you will find all the sleights of hand.
I am firmly convinced it is because that position cannot be defended soundly and biblically simply because it is not true. And I think the reason we find that many Calvinist are adept at defending their position is because it is such a hard teaching, utterly alien from what most of the churches teach. So they want to be sure. Truth becomes what is most important. They study, and study, and study the teachings laying them alongside the scriptures again and again, daily even. In the process they become very familiar with the whole Bible and the whole Bible put together as the unit that it is. We learn to think, which sadly is becoming a lost art.
At least that has been my experience and I see evidence of it on this forum in others.