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Why every Christian has to stand before Judgement

Wow, that's pretty much out there.

No way would anyone read the bible and come up with that.
Why not? I am reading it exactly as presented.

"Christ the FIRST-fruits" and those raised that same day composed the "FIRST resurrection". Anybody out there want to argue that "Christ the FIRST-fruits" was not the occasion of the "FIRST resurrection" event??

A "remnant of the dead" came to life again as being part of that "First resurrection", which John said was when the millennium had "finished". Again, does anybody want to say that the many Matthew 27:52-53 saints raised the same day as Christ were not a partial fraction of the whole total of those who would eventually be resurrected??

Satan was going to be released from his millennial "chain" for a "little season" after that "First resurrection" event of Christ and the Matt. 27:52-53 saints. Does anybody want to argue that Satan's release from that millennial "chain" is not the end of the millennium??

The thousand years of Satan's deception of the nations being bound are just that - a literal thousand years which began long ago back in Solomon's days, and were finished when the "First resurrection" event had happened (in AD 33). And not just by coincidence, it was a literal thousand years from when the foundation stone of Solomon's temple was laid down until Christ rose from the dead and was established as the "chief cornerstone" for the spiritual temple not made with hands.

Also not by coincidence, the ministries of the major and minor prophets surged during this millennial period, by which means Satan's deception of the nations was further quelled.

And if you have not read about God's plans for the destruction of the entire Satanic realm by the time Jerusalem was destroyed in AD 70, then you haven't dug far enough yet into the scriptures.
Why not? I am reading it exactly as presented.

"Christ the FIRST-fruits" and those raised that same day composed the "FIRST resurrection". Anybody out there want to argue that "Christ the FIRST-fruits" was not the occasion of the "FIRST resurrection" event??

A "remnant of the dead" came to life again as being part of that "First resurrection", which John said was when the millennium had "finished". Again, does anybody want to say that the many Matthew 27:52-53 saints raised the same day as Christ were not a partial fraction of the whole total of those who would eventually be resurrected??

Satan was going to be released from his millennial "chain" for a "little season" after that "First resurrection" event of Christ and the Matt. 27:52-53 saints. Does anybody want to argue that Satan's release from that millennial "chain" is not the end of the millennium??

The thousand years of Satan's deception of the nations being bound are just that - a literal thousand years which began long ago back in Solomon's days, and were finished when the "First resurrection" event had happened (in AD 33). And not just by coincidence, it was a literal thousand years from when the foundation stone of Solomon's temple was laid down until Christ rose from the dead and was established as the "chief cornerstone" for the spiritual temple not made with hands.

Also not by coincidence, the ministries of the major and minor prophets surged during this millennial period, by which means Satan's deception of the nations was further quelled.
There's only one verse about that "resurrection"....and you somehow develop a whole theology out of it.

No, the bible says there will be a thousand year time period when the devil is locked up....then released at the end...Judged and thrown into the lake of fire.
Guess what? Satan is still roaming around today. The 1,000 years mentioned in Rev isn't here yet.
Guess what? Satan is still roaming around today. The 1,000 years mentioned in Rev isn't here yet.
Sorry, but I choose to believe the scriptures that describe the death of Satan and his devils back in the AD 70 destruction of Jerusalem. God was quite plain about this. And about the timing of the long-past millennium, which "expired" with the "First resurrection" of Christ and the Matthew 27:52-53 resurrected saints. And you are mistaken that Matthew is the only NT writer who sad anything about those Matt. 27 individuals raised from their graves the day Christ was risen. Paul wrote about them and their activity. And so did John. And Christ spoke about them also during His earthly ministry.

If you choose to believe that this destroyed evil character Satan and his devils are still alive and operating today, all I can do is pity you for not believing the promises given to those believers back in the first century that God was going to crush Satan under their feet "shortly" (Romans 16:20). For most of my Christian life, I too fell for the same misinformation about a still-living Satan taught by error in many a pulpit and classroom. Not anymore.

You've got the "Lake of Fire" / "Second Death" misidentified also.
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Sorry, but I choose to believe the scriptures that describe the death of Satan and his devils back in the AD 70 destruction of Jerusalem. God was quite plain about this. And about the timing of the long-past millennium, which "expired" with the "First resurrection" of Christ and the Matthew 27:52-53 resurrected saints. And you are mistaken that Matthew is the only NT write who wrote about those individuals raised from their graves the day Christ was risen. Paul wrote about them and their activity. And so did John. And Christ spoke about them also during His earthly ministry.

If you choose to believe that this destroyed evil character Satan and his devils are still alive and operating today, all I can do is pity you for not believing the promises given to those believers back in the first century that God was going to crush Satan under their feet "shortly" (Romans 16:20). For most of my Christian life, I too fell for the same misinformation about a still-living Satan taught by error in many a pulpit and classroom. Not anymore.

You've got the "Lake of Fire" / "Second Death" misidentified also.
LOL...oh wow....you're telling me Satan is locked up right now? Seriously?

They say one of Satans biggest lies is that he doesn't exist...I think the locked up right now scenario you're presenting is a close second.
LOL...oh wow....you're telling me Satan is locked up right now? Seriously?
NO, I'M NOT saying that. I'm saying that SATAN IS DEAD at present, and has been since AD 70. And all his devils and the unclean spirits are dead also. You seriously need to do some study on this subject. You've missed the whole thing and are busy fighting a dead foe.

The lie is that Satan has never existed, which is certainly not true. And I read some of those who do claim this error.
NO, I'M NOT. SATAN IS DEAD at present, and has been since AD 70. And all his devils and the unclean spirits are dead also. You seriously need to do some study on this subject. You've missed the whole thing and are busy fighting a dead foe.

The lie is that Satan has never existed, which is certainly not true. And I read some of those who do claim this error.
I find it hard to trust the words of a "christian" who says Satan and his demons are dead. Sorry.
I find it hard to trust the words of a "christian" who says Satan and his demons are dead. Sorry.
If you are going to cast aspersions on my status as a child of God for my position on this, then I would challenge you to find an orthodox creed which makes any mention of a teaching concerning a still-living Satan and his devils. This is merely a traditional opinion that has been established in order to keep the masses in fearful submission to "mother church". People who are scared witless of the demonic realm are more easy to control.

When I read the scriptures' description of God's design to end Satan and all his minions in Jerusalem's Lake of Fire as it was being burned up for a second time in AD 70, I believe that instead of what I am traditionally taught. If you want to worship at the shrine of tradition for traditions' own sake, then knock yourself out.
If you are going to cast aspersions on my status as a child of God for my position on this, then I would challenge you to find an orthodox creed which makes any mention of a teaching concerning a still-living Satan and his devils. This is merely a traditional opinion that has been established in order to keep the masses in fearful submission to "mother church". People who are scared witless of the demonic realm are more easy to control.

When I read the scriptures' description of God's design to end Satan and all his minions in Jerusalem's Lake of Fire as it was being burned up for a second time in AD 70, I believe that instead of what I am traditionally taught. If you want to worship at the shrine of tradition for traditions' own sake, then knock yourself out.
Jerusalem's Lake of Fire....isn't even in the bible.

What group traditionally taught you this stuff? Just asking.
Jerusalem's Lake of Fire....isn't even in the bible.
Yes it is.

The "Lake of Fire" is defined in Revelation 21:14 as being "the Second Death". It was the second time that "Death" and "Hell" had overwhelmed the inhabitants of the city of Jerusalem, and the city and its temple had died by fire.

The first time Jerusalem and its temple died by fire with "Death" and "Hell" (the grave) overwhelming the inhabitants of the city was back in Isaiah 28:14-18, finishing with "the flame of devouring fire" in Isaiah 29:6. This was the Babylonian invasion of 586 BC.

The second time that Jerusalem and its temple died by fire with "Death" and "Hell" again being cast into the city (Rev. 21:14) was in the AD 70 invasion of the Romans. For those looking on from a distance, the entire city appeared to be engulfed by flames - thus making the "Lake of Fire" a very apt description of Jerusalem's condition at that time.

The prophet Isaiah once said that God's "fire is in Zion, and his furnace in Jerusalem" (Isaiah 31:9). This location of Jerusalem was the very same "furnace of fire" (Matt. 13:42) in which the living inhabitants were suffering when the city was being destroyed in AD 70. With weeping and gnashing of teeth, they were pleading, "We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets" (Luke 13:26). Only the first-century living inhabitants of Jerusalem would be able to state this.

The Lake of Fire / Second Death is not a representation of the tormented after-life existence of the wicked. It was a condition of intense suffering for the living, besieged inhabitants of Jerusalem, with the entire city finally going up in flames by AD 70.
What kind of a Jew ? One born again of the Spirit of Christ? Seeing if any man has not the Spirit of Christ they are not of Christ

Romans 8:9010 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.
26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
27 For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.
Rom. 11:25–27.

God made Promises. God will keep His Promises.
The "Lake of Fire" is defined in Revelation 21:14 as being "the Second Death". It was the second time that "Death" and "Hell" had overwhelmed the inhabitants of the city of Jerusalem, and the city and its temple had died by fire.
So, all the stuff mentioned in the book of Revelation that precedes that...happened?

You also didn't answer the question....What group traditionally taught you this stuff?
So, all the stuff mentioned in the book of Revelation that precedes that...happened?
Yes, that's what both John and the angel said regarding all of those future events which were "about to be hereafter", and which were then "AT HAND" or presently starting to unfold for John's own readers to experience (Rev. 1:3, 19 and 22:10). Both the introduction to the book and its conclusion are agreed on that, and I believe them both. The only exceptions of unfulfilled prophecies in Revelation are the prophecies in Revelation 10:4 which the seven thunders uttered, and which were "sealed up" for times not related to John's immediate future. These "sealed up" prophecies can also apply to our own future. But everything else in Revelation is ancient history by now.

You also didn't answer the question....What group traditionally taught you this stuff?
No group whatever. I don't attend anywhere since I left a 16-year SB membership 7 years ago. I have done my own Bible study on eschatology and related subjects for the last 12 years, as anybody else can also do for themselves.
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25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.
26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
27 For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.
Rom. 11:25–27.

God made Promises. God will keep His Promises.

I would offer.

Israel a word God uses to represent all of those born again by Spirit of Christ. It had nothing to do with Jacob's(deceiver) flesh it is a position not a person

Genesis 32:28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed

Not all of Israel is born again Israel.

In Isaiah 62 the Holy Spirit our Father propmised to re-name His bride a new name. At the time of first century reformation it restored the order of Judges men and woman prophets sent out as apostles with the gospel of Christ. . . restored the order.

Giving His bride a new name more befitting to represent the bride of all the nations "Christian" literally "Residents of the heavenly City of Christ" prepared for his bride the church named after her founder and husband Christ

Isaiah 62King James Version62 For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth. And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name. Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God. Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken; neither shall thy land any more be termed Desolate: but thou shalt be called Hephzibah, and thy land Beulah: for the Lord delighteth in thee, and thy land shall be married. For as a young man marrieth a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee: and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee.But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

A fulfilment of Joel marking the last days, restored to the period of Judges male and female prophets sent out as apostles from all nations.

Back to the invisible head Christ
Yes, that's what both John and the angel said regarding all of those future events which were "about to be hereafter", and which were then "AT HAND" or presently starting to unfold for John's own readers to experience (Rev. 1:3, 19 and 22:10). Both the introduction to the book and its conclusion are agreed on that, and I believe them both. The only exceptions of unfulfilled prophecies in Revelation are the prophecies in Revelation 10:4 which the seven thunders uttered, and which were "sealed up" for times not related to John's immediate future. These "sealed up" prophecies can also apply to our own future. But everything else in Revelation is ancient history by now.
So, if I were to make a lest of the events in Revelation...1/3 of the grass burning up....big rock slamming into the ocean...1/4 of the world's population dying...and the list goes on...you'll be able to show how they were fulfilled in 70 AD?
No group whatever. I don't attend anywhere since I left a 16-year SB membership 7 years ago. I have done my own Bible study on eschatology and related subjects for the last 12 years, as anybody else can also do for themselves.
Soooooooooooooooooo the way I see it, you're right and everyone else is wrong. OK. Got it.
Yes, that's what both John and the angel said regarding all of those future events which were "about to be hereafter", and which were then "AT HAND" or presently starting to unfold for John's own readers to experience (Rev. 1:3, 19 and 22:10). Both the introduction to the book and its conclusion are agreed on that, and I believe them both. The only exceptions of unfulfilled prophecies in Revelation are the prophecies in Revelation 10:4 which the seven thunders uttered, and which were "sealed up" for times not related to John's immediate future. These "sealed up" prophecies can also apply to our own future. But everything else in Revelation is ancient history by now.

Revelation a summary of the whole book of law, Bible .Past, Present, Future

Isaiah 42 9 Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things (present )do I declare: before (future) they spring forth I tell you of them.
So, if I were to make a lest of the events in Revelation...1/3 of the grass burning up....big rock slamming into the ocean...1/4 of the world's population dying...and the list goes on...you'll be able to show how they were fulfilled in 70 AD?
Most of those, yes, I can. Because the majority of people think that the Greek term "tes ges" refers to the entire world at large, and it doesn't. In Revelation, "tes ges" is almost always referring to "the land"...of Israel and the judgments that Christ pronounced against His own people of that first-century generation.
Soooooooooooooooooo the way I see it, you're right and everyone else is wrong. OK. Got it.
Why would I post something if I didn't believe that scripture taught it? You do the same thing on your end of it, do you not? And I certainly don't have a unique ability to see these things. The world is a big place, and I could hardly have invented something never seen by anybody else before. When you write about "everyone else", you are painting with a very broad brush here....
Most of those, yes, I can. Because the majority of people think that the Greek term "tes ges" refers to the entire world at large, and it doesn't. In Revelation, "tes ges" is almost always referring to "the land"...of Israel and the judgments that Christ pronounced against His own people of that first-century generation.

Almost always??? OK, but not always. Many try to say the flood of Noah was local....but the language surrounding it tells us the flood was global. The same is true for the tribulation.
Why would I post something if I didn't believe that scripture taught it? You do the same thing on your end of it, do you not? And I certainly don't have a unique ability to see these things. The world is a big place, and I could hardly have invented something never seen by anybody else before. When you write about "everyone else", you are painting with a very broad brush here....
My main point is the tribulation Revelation speaks of...hasn't happened yet. You suggest it happened in 70 AD with no biblical or historical support.
Yes, certain aspects of 70AD were predicted...but Revelation doesn't speak of it. In fact, many scholars believe Revelations was written after 70AD. My bible in the "introduction to the revelation of John" says John wrote it in the 90's. Another suggest it was after 96.
The same is true for the tribulation.
No, the "Great Tribulation" was going to be the "great distress in the land" (tes ges) "and wrath upon THIS people" who were in Judea (Luke 21:23-24). We know that the "Great Tribulation" was going to be localized in Judea, because Christ warned His disciples to flee from Judea and Jerusalem and head for the mountains to avoid it.

After the Great Tribulation with the people in Judea falling by the edge of the sword, the surviving captives in Judea were going to be "led away captive into all nations", which means the prophesied events of the "Great Tribulation" or "Great distress in the land" was not going to be a feature of ALL the nations of the world at large.

Besides the scripture's predictions of these "days of vengeance" falling on that first-century generation in Judea, the Arch of Titus is a rather obvious portrayal showing that the captives of Judea actually were sent into "all nations" as captives.
No, the "Great Tribulation" was going to be the "great distress in the land" (tes ges) "and wrath upon THIS people" who were in Judea (Luke 21:23-24). We know that the "Great Tribulation" was going to be localized in Judea, because Christ warned His disciples to flee from Judea and Jerusalem and head for the mountains to avoid it.

After the Great Tribulation with the people in Judea falling by the edge of the sword, the surviving captives in Judea were going to be "led away captive into all nations", which means the prophesied events of the "Great Tribulation" or "Great distress in the land" was not going to be a feature of ALL the nations of the world at large.

Besides the scripture's predictions of these "days of vengeance" falling on that first-century generation in Judea, the Arch of Titus is a rather obvious portrayal showing that the captives of Judea actually were sent into "all nations" as captives.
When the first century reformation came the great tribulation for the unbelieving Jew that was trusting his flesh. one like need before or ever again. Great Joy like never before or ever again. Jews could now worship together with the Gentile as one bride
When the first century reformation came the great tribulation for the unbelieving Jew that was trusting his flesh. one like need before or ever again. Great Joy like never before or ever again. Jews could now worship together with the Gentile as one bride
Nowhere in all the bible are Gentiles called the Bride. But it does say God is betrothed to Israel.