Anyone examining the uses of that verb genesthai in all the context would have to honestly admit that John 8:58 is the oddball and seems to be the result of doctrinal bias.However the verse didn't use ginomai. It used genesthai, which is conjugated, and is aorist. The word ginomai is not aorist, it is a verb. When conjugated it changes.
There is PLENTY of scriptural justification for saying "was" or "was born". Abraham WAS in Jesus past. The word genesthai is aorist simple past. An even that occurred once in the past, and is not continuing. If Jesus was simply a man, or a man with the job of prophet (as there have been quite a few in history), you have no hope of attaining salvation. Men can't die for even there own sin, much less someone else's. You can read scripture all the way through, and it does not once include human sacrifice in the sacrificial system, does it?
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