No, Adam was NOT deceived, either by Eve or the serpent Satan. Scripture flatly contradicts you in 1 Timothy 2:14. And this subject has nothing to do with the first-century antichrists that were then presently operating in those days.
Satan always worked as a deceiver, but that did not make him one of John's many antichrists, or even "The Antichrist" who was being restrained in Paul's days. You do realize that humanity can deceive itself even without Satan's assistance or his presence in this world, don't you? "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked..."
Those "false christs" and the "false prophets" that were promoting those false christs in the first century were perfectly capable of deceiving themselves and others into following them as they presented themselves as the prophesied Messiah Christ that would come into the world.
Hi thanks
I see it a little differently today . I would offer going back to Genesis to the foundation of the matter .
God using mankind (creation) to demonstrate the invisible
work of God as
King of earthly kings and
Lord of earthly lords. In order to inform us of his priesthood of believers sending them out as his bride apostles. Like those sent out to gather in for the wedding supper in the new heavens and earth in Mathew. . The gospel in a parable.
The priesthood mankind preaching prophesying the gospel of Christ .
The prophecy was given to Adam alone. Adam was to represent our unseen head
Christ. Eve the woman used to represent the
bride of
Christ the
whole church (weaker vessel) The bride in the position of a priestess to preach the gospel. Same order as the parable in Exodus below. Using mankind Moses to show
His inviable power of His mighty faithfulness that he works in those yoked with him . giving words to his prophets sent as apostles
Exodus 7:1 And the Lord said unto
Moses, See,
I have made
thee a
god to Pharaoh: and
Aaron thy brother shall be
thy prophet .(preacher)
Satan the father of all false lies. . father of false prophets, false apostles. The deceiver knew the body of a Eve represented the whole church and Adam as if Christ ....bringing new prophecy.
Deceiving her. . The spirit of the antchrist (Satan) murders the human race. death came . Satan hates all flesh He was a murderer from that beginning as a false god declaring false prophecy (oral traditons of dying mankind )..
Satan who usurps the teaching authority gave it over to the false church called the strange woman . . . dying mankind as if God was a man. Like that of the Pope the assumed infalible interpreter (daysman) as a umpire set between God not seen and dying mankind seen . Satan needs mankind (human form) to deceive .He has no voice of its own
Satan added to prophecy (neither shall you touch) acting as a false apostles Eve (to represent the bride of Christ . The false prophecy deceived Adam who was to protect her just as God protects his church washing her with the water of the word (the gospel)
So then Adam was deceived by the same false prophecy . He was just not the originator. Both ate .
The warning is to the church (mankind) Not signaling out woman. Men must learn in silence with all subjection to the living word in the same way . It does not give the husband the last word . Man represents our husband Christ . he does the washing and renewing . Adam failed to represent Christ not seen . Now days absentee fathers is on the increase . I think the reason for the one new ceremonial law as a sign to the world not a sign to the church . the headship figure of speech. all of the other shadows of ceremonial law (shadow) became sight at Calvary
The whole church as the bride is not the interpreter of all things written in the law and prophets (sola scriptura) the invisible things of Him
1 Timothy2: 11-14 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a
woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the
man, but to be in silence. For Adam was
first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
She delivered the false prophecy .They both believed the same lie (neither shall you touch) Looking to lust after . . . . . they had fallen dead
Matthew 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to
lust after her hath
committed adultery with her already in
his heart