This Red Baker you quoted is denying and rejecting both biblical and other forms of accurate history. His remarks clearly contradict historical evidence.
Buff ~Aka:
I have debated this with you before, and back then you proved your lack of understanding, to where you bail out of the debate, probably forgot, or maybe just selected memory. Be as it may~Your position, and others like you
must depend on trying to deceive others like you have been deceived in using
extra biblical source of information to attempt to convince others of your own position which is so unbiblical. Truth, biblical truth on
any subject is
strictly contain
within the word of God, "
not" outside of the scriptures, how foolish to believe otherwise! All it does is it leads men down the path of corrupting God's holy word, and for doing so, there will be a price to pay, not only in this world by being blinded to the truth, but in the great judgement day, one will give account on how they handle the scriptures, we all can be assured of that.
If I had never heard of 70 A. D. then I would have never
even consider thinking that the Olivet discourse is talking about that event~and neither would any of God's children, but sad to say, even some them have been duped by men like you.
I'm surprised, and deeply disappointed, that he advocates the tribulation in Mattherw 24 and Luke 21 to be "spiritual in nature."
Why would I not? I have support from so many scriptures~trusting this thread goes on , and if it does, then I shall prove my position with the word of God, not with extra-biblically lies that only steals truth from the scriptures and keeps men in darkness concerning that which is to come upon the whole world just before Jesus returns.
If this is causing you to be "deeply disappointed"~ then I would suggest you rethink your teachings that you have learned from the feet of the unbelieving Jewish historian, Josephus, a true infidel! I'm here to bring the truth like so many have gone on before me, by trusting in the
scriptures alone for our "only" authority to teach bible truths~we have "no other source" that we have a right to use, other than God's "very own testimony" of what is the truth!
This claim is so non-biblical and non-historical he might as well affirm that Jesus is not a real person, but a figurative creation.
Oh, it is biblical~ but true, its non-historical as far as needing Josephus to help me to
fill in the blanks.
Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection is all recorded
in the scriptures, why would not I believe God's testimony of His Son? If it was not in the scriptures but only in the writings of some man like Josephus, then I would NOT believe since no words of men are inspired other than those men who spoke under the inspiration of God.
Besides, it was Jesus who spoke the Olivet discourse and warned us to not be deceived, especially so by men who come bringing others testimonies, other than the word of God, concerning what is written in Matthew 24; Mark 13; and Luke 21, etc.
It would be interesting to know from what source he is achieving his "knowledge."
Thought you would never ask!
My source is taken from the scriptures ALONE, period! If any man does not speak according to God's word, then it is because they have no light in them, pure and simple is it not.