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What happens now. the New World Order....


Aug 5, 2023
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I was reading the news when the hair in the back of my neck started to tingle. I looked twice to see if I was reading it right. ...November 8, 2024-Putin says 'new world order' is taking shape in speech after Trump win.

The Russian president called NATO out of date, praised President-elect Donald Trump for acting courageously after the assassination attempt and said he hopes U.S.-Russia relations will be restored.


putin says new world order - Suchen Videos

Putin congratulated Trump on winning the US election and said he was "ready" to talk to the US president-elect, adding: "I was impressed by Trump's behaviour during the assassination attempt.

Putin said Russia and Europe must return to a state of mutual trust. Russia, Putin said, did not consider Western civilisation to be the enemy despite attempts by the United States and its allies to isolate Moscow.

"The former structure of the world is irrevocably disappearing, we can say it has already gone, and a serious, irreconcilable struggle is unfolding for the formation of a new one," Putin said.

Now this has been championed by Catholic Church for some time as one can see..

"...Pope Proposes New Financial Order...
"...Pope Benedict XVI called for a new financial order with �real teeth� as Group of Eight leaders prepare to discuss ways out of the worst recession since World War II. �Profit is useful if it serves as a ...From profits to ethics: pope calls for a new political and financial world order...
"...This must be tackled, he said, by the creation of a global political authority and financial order based not just on the search for ever greater profits, but on ethics and a sense of the common good.The pontiff made the appeal in a 144-page encyclical � a reflection on doctrine that is the highest form of papal writing � three days before he was due to discuss the global downturn with Barack Obama.

From profits to ethics: pope calls for a new political and financial world order

"...Pope Benedict today pinned responsibility for the worldwide recession squarely on greed and an amoral fascination with technological progress for its own sake. This must be tackled, he said, by the creation of a global political authority and financial
Georgetown/On Faith: Pope Benedict on Economic Justice - Thomas J. Reesehttp://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/onfai...l?hpid=talkbox1

"...Pope: encyclical, even globalization in need of a soul..Globalisation, which marks society today, is in need of a reaffirmation of ethical values, as well as �a personal and communal cultural orientation, open to transcendence" that is capable of "correcting its malfunctions." Moreover, in our age, �the State finds itself having to address the limitations to its sovereignty imposed by the new context of international trade and finance�. �This new context has altered the political power of States� (n. 24). But �as we take to heart the lessons of the current economic crisis, it seems more realistic to re-evaluate their role and their powers, which need to be prudently reviewed and remodelled�
Pope: encyclical, even globalization in need of a soul

"...Pope Benedict's long awaited encyclical calls for a radical rethinking of economics so that it is guided not simply by profits but by "an ethics which is people-centered."
...days before he is to meet with Pope Benedict XVI on his first trip to Italy, President Obama told FOX News that the Catholic Church's long tradition of social justice has had a "profound influence" on him. Obama told FOX News that he looks forward to reading the encyclical, a "circular letter" titled "Charity in Truth," published by the Vatican.

Pope Francis Calls For 'New World Order' After The Pandemic

Vatican News — Pope Francis insists in a new book things will never be the same in a post-pandemic world, calling instead for the establishment of a "new world order."

In a book-length interview with journalist Domenico Agasso titled God and the World to Come, scheduled for release in Italian on Tuesday, the pontiff reiterates his case for the Great Reset with a shift away from financial speculation, fossil fuels, and military build-up toward a green economy based on inclusiveness.

Pope Francis Calls For ‘New World Order’ After The Pandemic

And Putin has picked up the Popes line..

A Clash of Worldviews as Pope Francis and Putin Meet Again (Published 2019)

We are seeing the Image of the Beast being formed..
If one looks we see the men placed in high places now are from the church of Rome, and many Jesuit trained and the rising authoritism which the Beast of Revelation ruled and the image will imitate..
What happens now? We can never know for sure. Why? Because it's always up to God. I enjoy the study of 'end time events'. And watch the political climate of the day, paying attention and comparing it to what Scripture says.

But even though things may appear to be ready for those end time events to occur, it is God's call if they will or not.

Dispensationalists are accused of seeing those things occuring in every generation. But, that is just because they are watching for them. And there is nothing wrong with that.

Do you think Satan watches? Of course he does. Because he doesn't know when the time is either. All he can do is observe and be ready for that end time to place his man in power. Which can only mean, in every generation, he has a man ready to plug in.
