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What ever happened to the Gospel


Courage, dear heart.
May 19, 2023
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New England
Marital status
What is the gospel?
"The word gospel literally. Means good news. So when you say the good news or the gospel of Jesus Christ you are saying the good news of Jesus."

The word itself comes from a Greek word euangelion, which literally means “good news.” In the New Testament, it refers to the announcement that Jesus has brought the reign of God to our world through his life, death, and resurrection from the dead.

The short answer is: The word “gospel” means“good news.” It's the good news message that mankind can be saved from the penalty of their sin and receive eternal life in Heaven with God through the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The word “gospel” means news. It is the news about who Jesus Christ is, what He has done, and how that changes everything. The gospel, or the good news about Jesus, is the best and most important news you will ever hear. It's the most life-changing news you could ever share with someone else.

According top most of the world, the gospel is just about good news.
What is the gospel?
"The word gospel literally. Means good news. So when you say the good news or the gospel of Jesus Christ you are saying the good news of Jesus."

The word itself comes from a Greek word euangelion, which literally means “good news.” In the New Testament, it refers to the announcement that Jesus has brought the reign of God to our world through his life, death, and resurrection from the dead.

The short answer is: The word “gospel” means“good news.” It's the good news message that mankind can be saved from the penalty of their sin and receive eternal life in Heaven with God through the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The word “gospel” means news. It is the news about who Jesus Christ is, what He has done, and how that changes everything. The gospel, or the good news about Jesus, is the best and most important news you will ever hear. It's the most life-changing news you could ever share with someone else.

According top most of the world, the gospel is just about good news.
As far as I am concerned, the greatest issue facing the Christian church as we move into the 21st century is the character of God.
Unless we recommit ourselves to understand who God is and what He is like, nothing else in the bible will make sense. Apart from understanding God's justice, wrath, mercy, and holiness, there is no way we can understand the gospel. The cross will make no sense to us if we do not understand why God's character required it. But if you understand the character of God, then not only does the gospel make sense, but the doctrines of scripture, Christ, and everything else fall into place.
On the other hand, everything else can be correct apart from your doctrine of God and you are still a pagan. You are still an idolater. You may be an inerrantist, your eschatology might be right on target; you may never miss a quiet time or an opportunity to go to church. But if you do not worship and serve the right God, you worship and serve a false one. R. C. Sproul.
Christians are called today as ever before to preach, teach, and believe the whole council of God. And any distortion of the character of God poisons the rest of our theology.
I think the ultimate form of idolatry is humanism, which regards man as the measure of all things.

We Christians must press on to know the Lord.

Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord;
his going out is sure as the dawn;
he will come to us as the showers,
as the spring rains that water the earth.”
Hos 6:3.
Man must know two things for sure. How radical of a fall it was. And how Holy God is.
Unless we know who we are and how far we have actually fallen and how Holy God is, we cannot understand the gospel.

To think modern evangelistic sermons of contemporary preachers so often take verses out of context or present a string of texts that do not belong together. Modern preachers, in quest of a simple gospel, favor a mere formula, a packaged presentation, instead of the whole council of God. They remove important words from their context like elect, or predestination, steering the context and sermon towards humanism. Seem's many preachers have a better understanding of Professional football and television programs than they do the teaching of the bible.
Greetings Carbon,
What is the gospel?
"The word gospel literally. Means good news. So when you say the good news or the gospel of Jesus Christ you are saying the good news of Jesus."

The word itself comes from a Greek word euangelion, which literally means “good news.” In the New Testament, it refers to the announcement that Jesus has brought the reign of God to our world through his life, death, and resurrection from the dead.

The short answer is: The word “gospel” means“good news.” It's the good news message that mankind can be saved from the penalty of their sin and receive eternal life in Heaven with God through the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
A good example of what is the Gospel, is given in the following summary:
Acts 8:5–6,12 (KJV): 5 Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them. 6 And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. 12 But when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.

What constitutes "the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ" can be to some extent assessed by the the details of the Speeches by Peter in Acts 2 and 3, where both aspects of the Gospel are elaborated.

Kind regards
What is the gospel?
"The word gospel literally. Means good news. So when you say the good news or the gospel of Jesus Christ you are saying the good news of Jesus."

The word itself comes from a Greek word euangelion, which literally means “good news.” In the New Testament, it refers to the announcement that Jesus has brought the reign of God to our world through his life, death, and resurrection from the dead.

The short answer is: The word “gospel” means“good news.” It's the good news message that mankind can be saved from the penalty of their sin and receive eternal life in Heaven with God through the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The word “gospel” means news. It is the news about who Jesus Christ is, what He has done, and how that changes everything. The gospel, or the good news about Jesus, is the best and most important news you will ever hear. It's the most life-changing news you could ever share with someone else.

According top most of the world, the gospel is just about good news.
The Law says Do! The Gospel says Done!
What is the gospel?
"The word gospel literally. Means good news. So when you say the good news or the gospel of Jesus Christ you are saying the good news of Jesus."

The word itself comes from a Greek word euangelion, which literally means “good news.” In the New Testament, it refers to the announcement that Jesus has brought the reign of God to our world through his life, death, and resurrection from the dead.

The short answer is: The word “gospel” means“good news.” It's the good news message that mankind can be saved from the penalty of their sin and receive eternal life in Heaven with God through the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The word “gospel” means news. It is the news about who Jesus Christ is, what He has done, and how that changes everything. The gospel, or the good news about Jesus, is the best and most important news you will ever hear. It's the most life-changing news you could ever share with someone else.

According top most of the world, the gospel is just about good news.
Excellent post my Brother! Gospel must be preached, heard, and shared everyday. This marvelous announcement of Good News for the ungodly is radically wonderful and full of Grace. It's a Free Gift with no strings attached to it. And the Freer it is the better it is.

To confuse it or turn this marvelous good news into exhortation; commands; or legalism, robs this Free Gift. Takes away the freeness of it; places the sinner back under the Law; trying to attempt to meet the Holy Standard of perfection; basically saying you don't trust or believe God that he can justify the ungodly through Faith Alone apart from the Law, and that sinners can fulfill the Law perfect obedience; is just absurd!

Understanding the distinction between Law & Gospel in relation to Justification by Faith Alone is key to understanding, how amazing God's Grace really is!​
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Excellent post my Brother! Gospel must be preached, heard, and shared everyday. This marvelous announcement of Good News for the ungodly is radically wonderful and full of Grace. It's a Free Gift with no strings attached to it. And the Freer it is the better it is.

To confuse it or turn this marvelous good news into exhortation; commands; or legalism, robs this Free Gift. Takes away the freeness of it; places the sinner back under the Law; trying to attempt to meet the Holy Standard of perfection; basically saying you don't trust or believe God that he can justify the ungodly through Faith Alone apart from the Law, and that sinners can fulfill the Law perfect obedience; is just absurd!

Understanding the distinction between Law & Gospel in relation to Justification by Faith Alone is key to understanding, how amazing God's Grace really is!​
that sinners can fulfill the Law perfect obedience; is just absurd!

How was Noah just?

Gen 6:7 These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.

Zacharias and Elizabeth?

Lk 1:6 And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless.
Excellent post my Brother! Gospel must be preached, heard, and shared everyday. This marvelous announcement of Good News for the ungodly is radically wonderful and full of Grace. It's a Free Gift with no strings attached to it. And the Freer it is the better it is.

To confuse it or turn this marvelous good news into exhortation; commands; or legalism, robs this Free Gift. Takes away the freeness of it; places the sinner back under the Law; trying to attempt to meet the Holy Standard of perfection; basically saying you don't trust or believe God that he can justify the ungodly through Faith Alone apart from the Law, and that sinners can fulfill the Law perfect obedience; is just absurd!

Understanding the distinction between Law & Gospel in relation to Justification by Faith Alone is key to understanding, how amazing God's Grace really is!​
that sinners can fulfill the Law perfect obedience; is just absurd!

How was Noah just?

Zacharias and Elizabeth?

Lk 1:6 And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless.