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What does "Deity of Christ" mean?

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Acts 1:24-25 is still there.
And yet we still have John 20 that explicitly identifies the Father as Thomas' God. What you're using is called eisegesis. No one prayed to Jesus in the Bible. No one worshipped him as God. Your ship has sunk and you'll go down with it. :)
Different location.

Says your heresy.

Not for you when you twist it.

See above.
Jesus' brothers are his disciples:

Matt 12​
49Pointing to His disciples, He said, “Here are My mother and My brothers.
Jesus said his brothers' God is the Father:

John 20​
17“Do not cling to Me,” Jesus said, “for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go and tell My brothers, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God.’ ”
Jesus' brother Thomas said his God is the Father:

John 20​
28Thomas replied, “My Lord and my God!”
You dodging Acts 1:24-25.

Let me clue you in on something.
It is still there. :) :)
It doesn't say Jesus' name lol. Keep pretending.
Thus proving Jesu is the Almighty.
^^^ This is what delusional looks like.

This proves you don't have a single example from the Bible of Jesus being prayed to.
It doesn't say the Father's name.

Thanks for making that easy for me.
Jesus said Thomas' God is the Father.

Thomas said "my God" then he's referring to the Father. Deal with it.
When you refuse to believe Jesus is "my God" - yeah I know. You are delusional.
Not according to Jesus who said his brothers' God is the Father. You're imagining things.
Total dodge of Acts 1:24-25.

They prayed to God in Acts 1:24-25. The Lord is God, Jesus is His servant. See Acts 4. No one ever prayed to Jesus. Nope, not once. Why? Only God is prayed to. Jesus isn't God. Wake up.
Not according to Jesus who said his brothers' God is the Father. You're imagining things.

Which doesn't refute Jesus is "my God" in John 20:28.

You are hiding from things.
Which doesn't refute Jesus is "my God" in John 20:28.

You are hiding from things.
In John 20:17 Jesus said his brothers' God is the Father. It doesn't follow that Thomas said Jesus is his God and that isn't even what he said in the first place. Scripture wins. You lose. This isn't going away.
Still dodging the evidence that teaches "the Lord" refers to Jesus.

Keep hiding.
It makes it even easier for me.
You have alleged "evidence" and I have proof. Keep pretending. Jesus is not named there. There is no precedent for Jesus being prayed to support your false doctrine. Only God is prayed to and Jesus only taught his disciples to pray to the Father.

Matt 6
6But when you pray, go into your inner room, shut your door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen.
9So then, this is how you should pray:
‘Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be Your name.
You have alleged "evidence" and I have proof. Keep pretending. Jesus is not named there. There is no precedent for Jesus being prayed to support your false doctrine. Only God is prayed to and Jesus only taught his disciples to pray to the Father.

Matt 6
6But when you pray, go into your inner room, shut your door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen.
9So then, this is how you should pray:
‘Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be Your name.

It doesn't say to pray "only" to the Father.

That's not John 20:28.

You are seeing numbers that are not there.

Get help.
In John 20:17 Jesus still said his brothers' God is the Father. Thomas' God is the Father. Take it up with God if you don't like it but you're going to be in for a rude awakening.
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