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True Orthodox Judaism

Ok. Since you all think you know Greek so well, maybe you can answer this for me. Why in only two letters is there a distinction between what is referred to as the synagogue of satan beit knesset ( Hebrew) in Aramaic (knista)of the adversary, and the rest of the church dealing with this knesset? I'm asking because you both seem to be blurring the lines. How would you bridge the gap? Also, just following your lead, we know, any mention of the adversary means satan unless you know of someone else with that label?

Let's say I am a new student under your tutelage, how would I understand the phonetics that would allow me to know and distinguish between these two assemblies in the two letters addressing an adversarial group? You both in essence deny any distinctions between 'assembly' of satan and assembly of Christ, in those letters. What word equivalents do you think are needed for translation to English, or to Latin from the Greek? Christ spoke Aramaic which is simply a Hebrew/Greek mashup due to cultural intwining over time. But the NT was written in plain Greek. So, what are the two letters saying?

Obviously when interpreting or looking for a word equivalent from one language to another, you have to use the word which best fits the word translated. I am only saying that because you seem to be blurring the lines making no distinction between assembly of believers and those who are of the adversary-satan. What, in the Greek allows for the distinction? And news flash satan is not locked up! You would think all the crazy in the world would be indicative of that fact. Lastly, what constitutes a real Jew? Thank you.
There is no personal "Satan." They're ALL locked up.

4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; 2 Peter 2:4.

6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
Jude 5–6.

15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. Isaiah 14:15.

A Jew is a descendant of Judah in one sense, and a descendant of Abraham in general in another.
There is no personal "Satan." They're ALL locked up.

4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; 2 Peter 2:4.

6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
Jude 5–6.

15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. Isaiah 14:15.

A Jew is a descendant of Judah in one sense, and a descendant of Abraham in general in another.
Ok I'm good. You can try to dress up what you preach with the word 'Christian' I know my Lord and He knows me. Enjoy your stint in time.
The Greek word ekklésia means assembly or congregation.
Strong's Concordance

ekklésia: an assembly, a (religious) congregation​
Original Word: ἐκκλησία, ας, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: ekklésia
Phonetic Spelling: (ek-klay-see'-ah)
Definition: an assembly, a (religious) congregation
Usage: an assembly, congregation, church; the Church, the whole body of Christian believers.E
ek-klesai = called-out assembly
I still find it incredible how many Gentile Christians - or even fakes - say they are Christian and reject the Scripture in order to hold to their personal beliefs.
Pater says the angels that sinned were cast down to hell delivered in chains of darkness reserved unto judgment day and you reject this.
I still find it incredible how many Gentile Christians - or even fakes - say they are Christian and reject the Scripture in order to hold to their personal beliefs.
Pater says the angels that sinned were cast down to hell delivered in chains of darkness reserved unto judgment day and you reject this.
1 Peter5:8
I still find it incredible how many Gentile Christians - or even fakes - say they are Christian and reject the Scripture in order to hold to their personal beliefs.
Pater says the angels that sinned were cast down to hell delivered in chains of darkness reserved unto judgment day and you reject this.
(chuckle) SPECIFIC ANGELS were imprisoned unto the Judgement, not all. If you're going to cite 2 Peter 2:4 then do it accurately.
(chuckle) SPECIFIC ANGELS were imprisoned unto the Judgement, not all. If you're going to cite 2 Peter 2:4 then do it accurately.
I suppose the angels that DIDN'T sin are locked up?
Or maybe I should add the word "not all" the angels that sinned are locked up and correct the Holy Spirit.
I suppose the angels that DIDN'T sin are locked up?
Or maybe I should add the word "not all" the angels that sinned are locked up and correct the Holy Spirit.
Since the Bible calls out Specific angels (related to Noah's time). the only one you'd be "correcting" is youself.
I still find it incredible how many Gentile Christians - or even fakes - say they are Christian and reject the Scripture in order to hold to their personal beliefs.
Pater says the angels that sinned were cast down to hell delivered in chains of darkness reserved unto judgment day and you reject this.
You are confusing the 200 Watchers which stood on Mt Hermon. They are at present chained. Enoch spoke of them . That is who St. Peter was speaking of. However, Lucifer ( satan) and the 1/3 cast out of heaven at the fall of man are the first group. The Watchers sinned after that and from the time of their sentence to now, have been in chains . Enoch witnessed their sentence.
You are confusing the 200 Watchers which stood on Mt Hermon. They are at present chained. Enoch spoke of them . That is who St. Peter was speaking of. However, Lucifer ( satan) and the 1/3 cast out of heaven at the fall of man are the first group. The Watchers sinned after that and from the time of their sentence to now, have been in chains . Enoch witnessed their sentence.
Extra-biblical writings are not bible and not inspired.
I still find it incredible how many Gentile Christians - or even fakes - say they are Christian and reject the Scripture in order to hold to their personal beliefs.
Pater says the angels that sinned were cast down to hell delivered in chains of darkness reserved unto judgment day and you reject this.

The word "Hell" was added to the scriptures by the Catholics.
As you can see these two scriptures do not agree:

2 Peter 2:4
For if God did not spare (angels / messengers) when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment;

Jude 1:6
And the (angels / messengers) who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling—these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day.

Jude 1

5. I will remind you although you once knew this, how Yahwah, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that did not believe.
6. Those messengers did not keep their first estate, and they were removed from their place, and He has reserved for them everlasting chains of darkness for that great day of judgment.
The word "Hell" was added to the scriptures by the Catholics.
As you can see these two scriptures do not agree:

2 Peter 2:4
For if God did not spare (angels / messengers) when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment;

Jude 1:6
And the (angels / messengers) who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling—these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day.

Jude 1

5. I will remind you although you once knew this, how Yahwah, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that did not believe.
6. Those messengers did not keep their first estate, and they were removed from their place, and He has reserved for them everlasting chains of darkness for that great day of judgment.
Both apostles are speaking of the same thing. They were together with Jesus when He taught them.
He may have been referencing Isaiah 14:15 with more insightful information.
Both apostles are speaking of the same thing. They were together with Jesus when He taught them.
He may have been referencing Isaiah 14:15 with more insightful information.

Orthodox Jews do not believe in Hell. The words "Gehenna" were changed to Hell. Gehenna is used as a parable for destruction. That is where people threw their broken pottery.​

Isaiah 14:15
15 But you are brought down to the (realm / place) of the dead,
to the (depths / bottom) of the pit.

That simply means "grave."
There is no personal "Satan." They're ALL locked up.

4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; 2 Peter 2:4.

6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
Jude 5–6.

15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. Isaiah 14:15.

A Jew is a descendant of Judah in one sense, and a descendant of Abraham in general in anot
Extra-biblical writings are not bible and not inspired.
Extra bublical writings? Jude quotes directly from Enoch. Only the Protestant's OT is in conformity to the Orthodox synagogue of satan's, thanks to Luther's synagogue of satan pandering. The Roman Catholic church didn't add the book of Enoch either because at the time they developed their Canon, it wasn't available to them.

The Ethiopians had it because it was gifted to Mekeda ( the queen of Sheba) when Solomon had the Book of the Prophets transcribed for her. If St. Jude quotes directly from it that means it was a book of study for Jews and approved!

Just because a group of wanna be Jews, (because you are one REALLY when one inwardly); who came up after the fact, wanting to preserve only ancient Hebrew written works or works written from Moses on, doesn't make the Book of Enoch irrelevant.

That same synagogue of satan didn't compile their Tanakh until their counsel of Jamnia. They only accepted works from Moses on, Enoch was written before that. Also, that same synagogue rejected anything written in Greek even if it was translated into Greek by Greek speaking Jews. Hence, rejected the Greek Septuagint.

This counsel agrued it isn't legit because anything translated into Greek from Hebrew is not considered holy inspired. Doesn't matter if all the Jews before this counsel spoke Greek and wrote in Greek. Hence, why they rejected even the books of Maccabees.

Yet, at the time of Christ, Jews celebrated the Feast of the Dedication which was a commemorative celebration of that very thing which happened concerning the Maccabees. They can't get anymore ignorant of " their own history" they claim to be of and is documented in Torah in Christ's time which supports it. Oy vey!

So, this synagogue of satan, centuries later, talking smack about this or that being unacceptable, is simply them trying to play God and even discredit the history and people they say they are of. All because they hate Christ and the gentile who would come to honor Him greatly according to the prophets. While all the so called " House" rejects Him.

Christ and many of Christ's time spoke Aramaic a Hebrew/Greek dialect of the time. Then 2 centuries later here comes a bunch of know -it-alls wanting to reinvent history to suit themselves. By then even, the Hebrew they spoke -evolved. Even today's Hebrew, concerning eastern European Ashkenazi - the so called "13th" tribe group ( no such thing really) come with their yiddish form of Hebrew and teach blind men. The blind leading the blind. So please.

They deny the history they say they uphold. Clearly, Enoch was among the Book of the Prophets that is how Ethiopia has it. So, they call Solomon a liar and don't even know it because their neuron frequencies are dulled. Like please!

With that, you shouldn't even be using the KJV because without the Greek Septuigint that book and every bible used among all denomnations including Messianic and Protestant etc.... wouldn't have smack! So, please hypocrite, go find an original Hebrew bible and try to argue your talking points. You won't because there would be no vowels in it and not one person today would understand a word you are saying. So, you're welcome for the translations you do use! You would really be babbling on worse than you are now. Period! God doesn't need ancient Hebrew as His only means of communication because He made all languages. He's God!

So, keep using your bibles transcribed from the Greek Septuagint and Latin Vulgate sources to tell every Christian out of Gentile nations how NOT special they are. "In the very place where it is said you are not a people you shall be called My Beloved, son's of the Most High".

Orthodox Jews do not believe in Hell. The words "Gehenna" were changed to Hell. Gehenna is used as a parable for destruction. That is where people threw their broken pottery.​

Isaiah 14:15
15 But you are brought down to the (realm / place) of the dead,
to the (depths / bottom) of the pit.

That simply means "grave."
Yes, I know. The Septuagint.
OK, so Satan was killed and buried in a grave. Even better.
They're not locked up. They're all dead. Better,
Extra bublical writings? Jude quotes directly from Enoch. Only the Protestant's OT is in conformity to the Orthodox synagogue of satan's, thanks to Luther's synagogue of satan pandering. The Roman Catholic church didn't add the book of Enoch either because at the time they developed their Canon, it wasn't available to them.

The Ethiopians had it because it was gifted to Mekeda ( the queen of Sheba) when Solomon had the Book of the Prophets transcribed for her. If St. Jude quotes directly from it that means it was a book of study for Jews and approved!

Just because a group of wanna be Jews, (because you are one REALLY when one inwardly); who came up after the fact, wanting to preserve only ancient Hebrew written works or works written from Moses on, doesn't make the Book of Enoch irrelevant.

That same synagogue of satan didn't compile their Tanakh until their counsel of Jamnia. They only accepted works from Moses on, Enoch was written before that. Also, that same synagogue rejected anything written in Greek even if it was translated into Greek by Greek speaking Jews. Hence, rejected the Greek Septuagint.

This counsel agrued it isn't legit because anything translated into Greek from Hebrew is not considered holy inspired. Doesn't matter if all the Jews before this counsel spoke Greek and wrote in Greek. Hence, why they rejected even the books of Maccabees.

Yet, at the time of Christ, Jews celebrated the Feast of the Dedication which was a commemorative celebration of that very thing which happened concerning the Maccabees. They can't get anymore ignorant of " their own history" they claim to be of and is documented in Torah in Christ's time which supports it. Oy vey!

So, this synagogue of satan, centuries later, talking smack about this or that being unacceptable, is simply them trying to play God and even discredit the history and people they say they are of. All because they hate Christ and the gentile who would come to honor Him greatly according to the prophets. While all the so called " House" rejects Him.

Christ and many of Christ's time spoke Aramaic a Hebrew/Greek dialect of the time. Then 2 centuries later here comes a bunch of know -it-alls wanting to reinvent history to suit themselves. By then even, the Hebrew they spoke -evolved. Even today's Hebrew, concerning eastern European Ashkenazi - the so called "13th" tribe group ( no such thing really) come with their yiddish form of Hebrew and teach blind men. The blind leading the blind. So please.

They deny the history they say they uphold. Clearly, Enoch was among the Book of the Prophets that is how Ethiopia has it. So, they call Solomon a liar and don't even know it because their neuron frequencies are dulled. Like please!

With that, you shouldn't even be using the KJV because without the Greek Septuigint that book and every bible used among all denomnations including Messianic and Protestant etc.... wouldn't have smack! So, please hypocrite, go find an original Hebrew bible and try to argue your talking points. You won't because there would be no vowels in it and not one person today would understand a word you are saying. So, you're welcome for the translations you do use! You would really be babbling on worse than you are now. Period! God doesn't need ancient Hebrew as His only means of communication because He made all languages. He's God!

So, keep using your bibles transcribed from the Greek Septuagint and Latin Vulgate sources to tell every Christian out of Gentile nations how NOT special they are. "In the very place where it is said you are not a people you shall be called My Beloved, son's of the Most High".
And Enoch understood the Gospel in the stars.
That's pretty much of his writings that can be supported by the prophecies of Israel's Redeemer, Messiah, and King in the stars.
The heavens do declare the glory of God.