So, what Adam did had no effect on his posterity?
It kept any of posterity out of the Garden. But then, no one would have been any better at not sinning than was Adam; no one would have lasted very long in the Garden anyway.
I will reiterate what I have said here a couple of times, Romans 5:12-19 says, against what so many claim, that the effect of Jesus' obedience negated any such effect as original sin that Adam's disobedience might have had. Consider verse 18.
(KJV)Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
Let A be "the offence of one judgment" and let B be "the righteousness of one ". Then verse 18 reads
(KJV)Therefore as by A came upon all men to condemnation; even so by B the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
I think there is no doubt that in reading that, one would have to conclude that the effect of B is upon the very same group as the effect of A. And since it is generally interpreted that the "all men" effected by A is indeed the whole of mankind, then that is the same group as the "all men" effected by B. There is no rational analysis, other than a misguided preconceived view of things, that would change the group designated all men in the first half of that sentence to some other group designated all men in the second half. It must be talking about the same group, the same all men.
And since the effect of A is taken to be the condition of the spirit of a person at conception (or birth if you prefer), the effect of B must be taken to be also the condition of the spirit of a person at conception. This has nothing to do with anything that the person does after birth. It is dealing strictly with the condition at conception.
Those who profess the soteriology of the Reformed Theology like tout and spout the Doctrines of Grace the subject of the OP.
And from my view, they ignore the very first doctrine of Grace that God gives to each and every human being. That of Original Grace. Every child comes into this world as a child of God. He loses that position when he commits his first sin.
Having lost that position, his only hope then is to be born again, to be REborn.
What did Paul say? He said,
" I was once alive apart from the law, but when the commandment came, sin came alive and I died . the very commandment that promised life proved to be death to me. For sin, seizing an opportunity through the commandment, deceived me and through it killed me."
And I would here remind you that Romans 5:12 does not say that death spread to all men because of Adam. It says, "death spread to all men because all sinned--". And here death is spiritual death.
I could continue with a lot more, but I won't bother now.