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"The Word Became Flesh"

Continued from above...

During this council, Eusebius the Bishop of Caesarea (as the spokesman for the middle-of-the-road group) attempted to settle it by submitting a confession of faith that according to some sources was an old Palestinian confession. It seems it had been used in instructing converts to Christianity and had doubled as a baptismal confession. Eusebius had hoped that it would suit everyone present at the council, thereby restoring harmony again. This confession of faith was in fact middle-of-the-road and non-controversial. The reason why I say this is because the vast majority present at this council (if not all) would have believed it. The problem was that whilst this confession suited the Arians and also the middle-of-the-road group, meaning it suited the vast majority at this council, it did not suit the up and coming trinitarians. This is because whilst they would have believed what it said, it also allowed for the beliefs of the Arians. In other words, this confession that Eusebius presented was theologically correct but was far too elastic - too all embracing. This confession was rejected whilst another was submitted (and eventually accepted) that condemned the Arians. The latter formed the basis of the orthodox trinity doctrine that came later. As far as our talks here are concerned, it is very interesting to examine the confession of faith that Eusebius presented at the council. We can read this today because in explanation of what had happened at Nicaea, He later included it in a letter to his parishioners. He wrote to them saying

“As we have received from the Bishops who preceded us, and in our first catechizings, and when we received baptism, and as we have learned from the divine Scriptures, and as we constantly believed and taught as presbyter and bishop, so believing also at the time present, we report to you our faith, and it is this:” (Eusebius, letter to his church, as quoted in J. Stevenson’s ‘A New Eusebius’ revised by W. H. C. Frend)

Eusebius informed his parishioners that the confession of faith that he personally had presented at Nicaea was the very same faith as that which he had been teaching them. He also said that it was what the other bishops before him had been teaching. This therefore had been the consistent faith of what we term today early Christianity. Notice that Eusebius said it was the faith that they as Christian leaders had “learned from the divine Scriptures” and had “constantly believed and taught”. This faith therefore was the norm. In other words, what Eusebius said he had presented at Nicaea (the old Palestinian confession) was, at that time, the common faith of Christianity. It was not something new. It should go without saying therefore that what Alexander and his group were pushing for (the up and coming trinitarians) was something new. Certainly it was something not generally believed then by Christians. It was therefore to Christianity, a new theology. Eusebius continued in his letter to his parishioners (this is the confession of faith he presented at the council)

We believe in One God, Father Almighty, the Maker of all things visible and invisible. And in One lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God, God from God, Light from Light, Life from Life, Only - begotten Son, first-born of all creation,’ before all the ages begotten from the Father, by whom also all things were made; who for our salvation was incarnate, and lived among men, and suffered, and rose again the third day, and ascended to the Father, and will come again in glory to judge living and dead. And we believe also in One Holy Spirit.”

Adapted from a study on the subject of the term "begotten" by Terry Hill.
He both true God and true man so he can always be called a man!

No worshipped?


Only God may lawfully receive adoration and worship!

Heb 1:6 worship
Matt 2:11 worshipped him
Matt 4:10 worship
Matt 8:2 worshipped
Matt 9:18 worshipped
Matt 14:33 worshipped
Matt 15:25 worshipped
John 9:38 worshipped
The Bible says the only God is invisible. Jesus isn't invisible (Colossians 1:15), wasn't immortal; he died and needed to be resurrected. The same kind of death and resurrection Jesus had is what Christians are going to receive later.

1 Timothy 1
17Now to the King eternal, immortal, and invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
The Bible says the only God is invisible. Jesus isn't invisible (Colossians 1:15), wasn't immortal; he died and needed to be resurrected. The same kind of death and resurrection Jesus had is what Christians are going to receive later.

1 Timothy 1
17Now to the King eternal, immortal, and invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
Two natures in one person
In his humanity Christ can suffer and die
That isn't what the Bible says. There is do difference between the baby Jesus born in Bethlehem, the Son of Man, the Son of God, the Messiah, and the man who died and was resurrected.
In his humanity Christ can suffer and die
Christ, meaning the anointer or teacher is not human but is the Holy teaching Spirit of God. The unseen Holy Father the invisible head The husband of the bride the church .

The son of man signified as sinful suffered. . . as the Father struck the Son, bruised his heal and his heal crushed the head of the serpent . A parable. The gospel . It was to fulfil the two prophecies. One in Genesis 3 the companion Isaiah 53 .
If He did not suffer, He did not accomplish what His Father wanted Him to accomplish.

It has nothing to do with your man man god.
It’s really God-man

Jesus Christ is a divine person not human

Divine nature or essence
Human nature or essence
Two wills in on divine person!

If Jesus is not God how does he escape the “total depravity” and mankind?
How can He be the atoning sacrifice?

Did He say He is God-man????????

Jesus is a divine person with a divine & human nature

Jesus is not only a divine person
Jesus is not only a human person
Jesus not a human person who become divine

The word (God or divine) becomes flesh human Jn 1:1

Came down from heaven
Jn 6:33-36

Holy Spirit also God
Came down from heaven
Matt 3:16
Jesus is a divine person with a divine & human nature

Jesus is not only a divine person
Jesus is not only a human person
Jesus not a human person who become divine

The word (God or divine) becomes flesh human Jn 1:1

Came down from heaven
Jn 6:33-36

Holy Spirit also God
Came down from heaven
Matt 3:16
Nothing from Jesus saying "God-man".

It is trin formula. Not of Jesus.

So you are not Christ-centered.

You are triune god centered.
Two natures in one person

Our Holy Father is Supernatural (without beginning of Spirit life or end of Spirit life.

One Holy Spirit the invisible Holy Father working in dying mankind to both (the gospel key)reveal his living will (all truth) and empower them do to Holy Father's good pleasure

Jesus the Son of man did the will of the father as food the disciples knew not of ,Do the will father with delight . Unlike Jonas the murmurer that desired to die rather then see the results of him preaching the gospel to the Ninevites.

I believe teaching us God is not served with the dying hands of mankind. He alone can throw a mountain into the sea

1Philipians 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Do all things without murmurings and disputings:

John 4:31-34 In the mean while his disciples prayed him, saying, Master, eat. But he said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of. Therefore said the disciples one to another, Hath any man brought him ought to eat? Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.
To will and do
Nothing from Jesus saying "God-man".

It is trin formula. Not of Jesus.

So you are not Christ-centered.

You are triune god centered.
The apostolic church has authority from Christ to teach (bind) all men unto the Christian faith! Matt 28:19

The Christian faith Upholds the divine person of Jesus Christ, and that He became man. Jn 1
And the holy trinity, one God in three divine persons as a mystery of faith

Decreed with apostolic authority in the authentic creeds, councils, and dogma’s of holy mother church!

We must believe and obey both Christ and the church He founded on the apostles (Matt 16:18-19) to teach and sanctify all men unto eternal salvation! (Matt 28:19)

(Not scripture alone)
Sacred Scripture according to the churches cannon and interpretation? Yes!
Scripture alone? No!

Heb 1:1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,

2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

“Not by scripture alone”!

That’s the nail in the coffin of “Sola scriptura” it is dead and buried, “false doctrine” the doctrine of demons like all the sola’s!

For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. Jn 1:17

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life! Jn 14:6

And this extends to His apostolic church, Christ and His church are one and inseparable! Acts 9:4 Jn 15:5 eph 5:32 acts 2:42

Jesus Christ is the Light of the world! Jn 8:12
Apostolic church the light of the world! Matt 5:14

Must Hear Jesus Christ! Matt 17:5
Acts 3:23
Must Hear the apostolic church! Matt 18:17 1 Jn 4:6

Authority of Jesus Christ! Matt 28:17
Authority of the apostles! Jn 20:21

Jesus Christ has Reconciliation!
2 cor 5:19
Apostles have ministry of Reconciliation! 2 cor 5:18

Jesus Christ have power to forgive mens sins! Lk 5:20 Jn
Apostles have power to forgive mens sins! Jn 20:23

Jesus Christ is the truth! Jn 14:6
The apostolic church is the pillar of truth! 1 Tim 3:16

For the apostolic authority in Holy church decided and decreed (bound on earth / bound in heaven) the cannon of Scripture, and is the only authentic interpreter of scripture!

Jesus Christ before ascending to heaven gave His apostles the fullness of truth, the apostolic church our mother and teacher is commanded by Him to teach and to sanctify with her sacraments (the promise of the spirit) all men unto eternal salvation! We are commanded to believe and obey! Matt 28:19

How can the Protestant concept: “sacred scripture is the only infallible source of truth” be true? There must be some infallible source that must tell us what is the cannon of scripture & has authority to interpret scripture!

It is impossible to reject the church or her teaching without rejecting Christ who founded the church and revealed her teaching!

You cannot reject the kingdom established by the king and say I obey and submit to the king!
The apostolic church has authority from Christ to teach (bind) all men unto the Christian faith! Matt 28:19
The authority of the gospel is Jesus Christ.

Not triune god worshippers.
Decreed with apostolic authority in the authentic creeds, councils, and dogma’s of holy mother church!
What is the apostles authority to the preach he gospel if not the living abiding word of God ?
Of course but you trins dont hear Him.

Jesus says His Father is God yet you claim Jesus is God.

This is clear defiance.
And we believe the father is God

Where does Jesus say “I am not god”?