We are not talking about God loving all men without exception. That is a straw man. That is not what scripture is saying in John 3:16 when it says "For God so loved the world..." That love is a universal love from which common grace flows. Do note that if one considers this one verse, God would not have sent His only begotten Son if He had not so loved the world. Yet, John 3:16 is clear that the focus of John 3:16 is not the world, but those who would believe in His Son. There is the individual, and there is the individual love that is not without exception. The exception is those who are not believing in Christ. The will still perish and not have everlasting life. In this verse, we see there are two distinct levels to love with God. The group, which is not stated as "all men without exception", but is stated as "the world", and then those who are believing in His only begotten Son experience a whole other love at the individual level. They will not perish, but have everlasting life.If God Loved all men without exception, Christ words in Jn 14:21,23 are meaningless which are:
Again, this is love on an individual basis, and is not related to the universal love that causes it to rain on the just and the unjust, that causes both the righteous and unrighteous to sleep at night, and awaken in the morning, alive and breathing. Common grace comes from universal love.Jn 14:21,23
21He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
Again, love on the individual level, except it also includes an individuals love to Christ. When have I ever said that God will make His abode with all mankind? The difference here should be obvious. It is a different love then the common love that exists because we are the handiwork of God's hands.23Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
Again, we aren't talking about God loving all men without exception. Adding without exception means you are bringing it down to the individual level. By definition, that would mean you aren't talking about a universal love, but an individual love. However, they are two different things. One is in connection with salvation, while the other is just the common love of a Creator for that which He created. If God hated what He created, that would make Him imperfect, since that would mean the work of His hands was imperfect.Again, if God loved all men without exception, that means that even though men do not Love and obey Christ can be assured of the Fathers Love, as indicated in Jn 3:16
Your strawman is "loved all men without exception". The reality is "For God so loved the world", which is followed by the salvation ONLY of those who are believing in His Son. Everyone else, without exception, will face the ire and wrath of God.