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The mark of the beast

What is the mark of the beast?

  • The literal number 666

  • A microchip

  • A world system

  • A spirit of the antichrist

  • An unbeliever who persists in wickedness

  • Symbolize's belonging to Satan

  • I have no idea.

  • Someone's name

  • The God-opposing, Christ rejecting, church persecuting spirit of antichrist, where and when it shows

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Well, although I gave some thought to the mark of the beast being a tattoo of MSNBC on ones hand or forehead ... upon further reflection ...

I think it is some ID on the hand or forehead. Given the technology we have today a microchip would be my best guess as that would uniquely ID a person. They do it to a limited extent in Sweden (https://www.npr.org/2018/10/22/6588...des-are-inserting-microchips-under-their-skin)

Someone said the mark can't be a physical mark for then someone could force it upon a person. Like the COVID shot I am sure pressure would be applied but not forced. God won't lose any of the elect so I am sure one of His adopted won't be forced to get the mark.

Hopefully, the mark is one of those thermometers they put to your forehead to take your temperature or I am "TOAST".
I agree. What you have presented is a photo-type of what is to come.

What also is needed is a one world money system (not here yet) as well as a means for world wide connection into this system. (also not here yet).

Currently the infrastructure is being built.
IMO....the mark will be a technical method in which something is placed in and can be seen on a persons right hand or forehead.
This mark will contain information about you that can be read from an external device. This "mark" will provide financial information and allow for the transference of payment for goods and services. Unless you are tied into the system of the mark you will not be able to buy or sell legally.
Thanks for prefacing that with IMO. I have a real problem with people predicting, interpreting prophetic scriptures and so on speaking as though THEY have it right. God will show us all for the fools we are (IMO, lol).
Would it be impossible for God to accept him because he got the chip?
There are those who speculate that the "chip"...or mark....will alter ones DNA to the point they are no longer "human" and no longer have the ability to be washed by the blood of Christ.
Thanks for prefacing that with IMO. I have a real problem with people predicting, interpreting prophetic scriptures and so on speaking as though THEY have it right. God will show us all for the fools we are (IMO, lol).
You're welcome....It isn't hard to look at today's technology and see how Rev 13 can easily come to fruition. NOW is the only time in mans history that technology has advanced to this point.

One question I have is how does this technology survive Rev 8 and 9.
Thanks for prefacing that with IMO. I have a real problem with people predicting, interpreting prophetic scriptures and so on speaking as though THEY have it right. God will show us all for the fools we are (IMO, lol).
@CrowCross and everyone else in this thread and all end times threads, who are making flat statements of fact concerning the interpretation of Revelation.

There are several schools of thought on this subject. As the book of Rev is portraying its message through symbolic language, it leaves it open to multiple ideas about their meaning. The symbols and representations used were not alien to the original recipients of the letter. As such they are found within the OT usage as to their meaning. One should attempt to keep this in mind and search the scriptures. In addition it is paramount that the consistency of teaching within the Bible be kept straight. And the overall message and purpose of the book be ascertained.

Since there is so much controversy concerning Rev's interpretation, in order for conversations to be maintained, things explored, flat statements of fact should not be made. Rather prefacing statements with "imo" of "the way I understand it is", (or similar) and then produce the Scriptural evidence. Listen to the other side and respond accordingly. Making edict-like assertions, as though the one giving it carries all authority on the matter, is still just an assertion and it tends to raise the hackles of those with different views. Making conversation and discussion impossible, just two voices shouting at each other.

This is not a rule. It is a suggestion. All would be better off if it were heeded.

In addition, what is in the world should not be used to interpret the Bible. One of course may think whatever they desire in that realm, but it is best to keep it to oneself, as it is incorrectly dividing the word, and is not correct apologetics (what I believe, and why I believe it, from within the scripture.)
@CrowCross and everyone else in this thread and all end times threads, who are making flat statements of fact concerning the interpretation of Revelation.

There are several schools of thought on this subject. As the book of Rev is portraying its message through symbolic language, it leaves it open to multiple ideas about their meaning. The symbols and representations used were not alien to the original recipients of the letter. As such they are found within the OT usage as to their meaning. One should attempt to keep this in mind and search the scriptures. In addition it is paramount that the consistency of teaching within the Bible be kept straight. And the overall message and purpose of the book be ascertained.

Since there is so much controversy concerning Rev's interpretation, in order for conversations to be maintained, things explored, flat statements of fact should not be made. Rather prefacing statements with "imo" of "the way I understand it is", (or similar) and then produce the Scriptural evidence. Listen to the other side and respond accordingly. Making edict-like assertions, as though the one giving it carries all authority on the matter, is still just an assertion and it tends to raise the hackles of those with different views. Making conversation and discussion impossible, just two voices shouting at each other.

This is not a rule. It is a suggestion. All would be better off if it were heeded.

In addition, what is in the world should not be used to interpret the Bible. One of course may think whatever they desire in that realm, but it is best to keep it to oneself, as it is incorrectly dividing the word, and is not correct apologetics (what I believe, and why I believe it, from within the scripture.)
I have listened to the other interpretations and find them wanting.
The ironic thing is that you seem to believe only your interpretation is the correct interpretation....

I have shown through numerous post that Revelation is future....I have shown through history that Revelation whether it be literal or symbolic has not occurred as of yet.

In the past I have enjoyed your post and even been edified by many of them...but I believe you are wrong concerning your view of Revelation.
I see your eschatology as simply "opinion".

Can you deny that we are currently about 90% + or - a little on having the capability of implementing a mark that will allow one to but and sell?
Not exactly its in what Jesus did not us but salvation is proven through works
Salvation is proven through the works of Christ Jesus.

What do you do with Eph 2: 8For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
You're welcome....It isn't hard to look at today's technology and see how Rev 13 can easily come to fruition. NOW is the only time in mans history that technology has advanced to this point.

One question I have is how does this technology survive Rev 8 and 9.
I don't know if you have read about the advances lately of implanted brain interfaces. This thing could be a lot more intimate than we can imagine or like. Rev 8 and 9 does not preclude even electromagnetic wave communication, nor whatever may be 'the next step', since we don't know the amount of time between Rev 9 and Rev 13. A lot of infrastructure can be rebuilt in a very short time, and we don't know what form that infrastructure will take.

But, I don't even see it proven that the events of Rev 13 must come AFTER those of Rev 9.
Salvation is proven through the works of Christ Jesus.

What do you do with Eph 2: 8For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Salvation is a free give from God we are saved by grace through faith its not what we do but what Jesus did for us.

What I am saying is that our actions after we are saved proves that we are saved.

John 14
“If you love me, keep my commands.
I don't know if you have read about the advances lately of implanted brain interfaces.
Yes, I have read about what Musk is doing.
This thing could be a lot more intimate than we can imagine or like. Rev 8 and 9 does not preclude even electromagnetic wave communication, nor whatever may be 'the next step', since we don't know the amount of time between Rev 9 and Rev 13. A lot of infrastructure can be rebuilt in a very short time, and we don't know what form that infrastructure will take.
That is true, though much of the infrastructure can be space based..like the Starlink satellite as the in-between communications between the mark...readers...and the beast computer system.
But, I don't even see it proven that the events of Rev 13 must come AFTER those of Rev 9.
I was assuming that Rev is mostly linear.
Salvation is a free give from God we are saved by grace through faith its not what we do but what Jesus did for us.

What I am saying is that our actions after we are saved proves that we are saved.

John 14
“If you love me, keep my commands.
OK. Thanks for the clarification.

In addition concerning our works 1 Cor 3 speaks of the Bema Seat Judgement...where our works will be judged and rewards given.
There will be some who fall under this category.... 15If anyone’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire.

This verse seems to indicate some people will be saved...and produce little work..
IMO....the mark will be a technical method in which something is placed in and can be seen on a persons right hand or forehead.
This mark will contain information about you that can be read from an external device. This "mark" will provide financial information and allow for the transference of payment for goods and services. Unless you are tied into the system of the mark you will not be able to buy or sell legally.
That is what I meant like a mark that tells where to scan (for instance if it is a chip inside/under the skin. However, the chip itself may not be the mark. And yes, all you say makes sense, even if it isn't spelled out in scripture. This is eschatology. This is prophecy. It is literal in the sense that it is an event that will happen, and it will tie people into the economy through the beast. (Hence the mark is his name, or number).
Not exactly its in what Jesus did not us but salvation is proven through works
Better wording then is we are sealed by God in salvation. God does not need us to prove our salvation since it is from Him. However, our salvation will be seen because we will have works that validate our faith. It is the faith that saved, alone, but its existence is proven by how we live/work.8
IMO....the mark will be a technical method in which something is placed in and can be seen on a persons right hand or forehead.
This mark will contain information about you that can be read from an external device. This "mark" will provide financial information and allow for the transference of payment for goods and services. Unless you are tied into the system of the mark you will not be able to buy or sell legally.
Please consider again what is written above: #35
It is also important that we are not led astray to believe this is a literal mark. It's not a literal mark on anyone anymore than this beast who causes them to receive it is a literal beast ('he who hath an ear, let him hear'). We know this is not a literal beast with seven literal horns that had come out of the 'literal' earth. Nor is this second a literal beast with horns like a lamb that speaks like a dragon. Could anyone even say how a Dragon would speak? We could only answer that honorably when we understand that the Dragon is not literal, and so it speaks as Satan, who is spiritually a Dragon. And so if it's not a literal beast, it would logically, rationally, and biblically follow that this is not a literal mark that this non-literal beast would make. In fact, it would be illogical to think so. Both images (the beast and the mark denoting it's family character) are symbolic images depicting spiritual realities. And what they symbolize is Satan bringing men into servitude by means of his false prophets. These false prophets cause the unfaithful church to be deceived and fall away to become slaves of Satan. that they go forth destroying the field. The enemy sows tares among the wheat, and there comes a falling away
That is what I meant like a mark that tells where to scan (for instance if it is a chip inside/under the skin. However, the chip itself may not be the mark. And yes, all you say makes sense, even if it isn't spelled out in scripture. This is eschatology. This is prophecy. It is literal in the sense that it is an event that will happen, and it will tie people into the economy through the beast. (Hence the mark is his name, or number).
You folks are not considering all scriptures, thereby, you cannot understand what it means to buy and sell. Buy and selling has reference to moving freely within, and among, the false churches of the latter day, and only those men and women who have the mark of the beast, will be able to do so. The mark of the beast is the depraved human nature unconverted, men whom God has left to themselves, the two third, or, the majority of professing believers. These men and women alone can operate within the harlot churches of the last days. Actually, many of the great among them, become filthy rich, and live like kings. It is NOW going on right before our eyes! These men and women have no such silly thing as a micro chip, etc., for them to do so~all they need is a lying spirit working through them that allows them to buy and sell, or live among them. The Benny Hinn's of the harlot church, along with many others, do quite well.

No problem of all men being able to buy goods/foods/drinks, for such things will be in abundant just before the coming of Christ.

Matthew 24:38​

“For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,”

Luke 17:28​

“Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;”

Business as usual, but truly, better than ever!
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I have listened to the other interpretations and find them wanting.
The ironic thing is that you seem to believe only your interpretation is the correct interpretation....

I have shown through numerous post that Revelation is future....I have shown through history that Revelation whether it be literal or symbolic has not occurred as of yet.

In the past I have enjoyed your post and even been edified by many of them...but I believe you are wrong concerning your view of Revelation.
I see your eschatology as simply "opinion".

Can you deny that we are currently about 90% + or - a little on having the capability of implementing a mark that will allow one to but and sell?
And everyone who disagrees with what you present would say exactly the same thing about you. And they would be correct in doing so. No conversation can be had when one approaches the subject as you and most do. As authoritative, indisputable fact, That is why I suggested a different approach. I have been learning to do that myself and it makes for a much more constructive exchange.

Some things are not negotiable but the differences in the end times interpretations are. There are pros and cons in all the views and a lot of it has to do with how we are interpreting the rest of Scripture. It is not one of those things that we all have to understand in the same way, as long as we get the truth of the important underlying message of Revelation. Personally I believe that a great deal of the Dispensational view of Revelation wrecks havoc on the continuity of what the Bible is----the story of redemption. And its interpretation of Revelation misses the purpose of the book having been given to us, and cannot give Scriptural support without also, in the process, producing contradictions in the Bible.

I feel the same about the Preterist and partial Preterist views. But, as I said, that is the way I look at it. I tend to engage very little in this discussion as it always degenerates and becomes corrupt. If you can't say what you believe without invoking the outside world to do with it, it suggests to me that something is very wrong with the interpretation. Scripture is its own interpreter. Bible hermeneutics 101.

As to the chip question----what does that have to do with the scriptures? If John is recording something that was given to him in a vision and the mark is a representation of something and not an actual mark, the fact that we can all be chipped or marked is meaningless. Why do you not do the same thing with the seal with which we are sealed in Christ, as belonging to him, by the Holy Spirit way back in Eph, that you do with the mark of belonging to the false Trinity in Revelation?

You are not the authority of prophetic (speaking God's words) symbolic utterances. Try not to post as though you are. That is all I am asking of anyone.
OK. Thanks for the clarification.

In addition concerning our works 1 Cor 3 speaks of the Bema Seat Judgement...where our works will be judged and rewards given.
There will be some who fall under this category.... 15If anyone’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire.

This verse seems to indicate some people will be saved...and produce little work..
That is actually speaking of building on a different foundation than the one laid by the apostles. All those works will be burned up. I am guessing that would be true Christians who abandon the foundational (full and only) doctrines given in our Bible, use them carelessly and with little knowledge or just make some up. Such as we see all over the post-modern church.
You're welcome....It isn't hard to look at today's technology and see how Rev 13 can easily come to fruition. NOW is the only time in mans history that technology has advanced to this point.
What makes me doubtful about this view is that John doesn't present it to his audience as if it was something that they could not possibly understand in the time they were told it, using the imagery/symbolism they would understand at the time instead of using imagery/symbolism that couldn't be understood until 2000 years in the future.

Wisdom is free and can't be bought or sold. (see all of Job chapter 28 and other scriptures).

Revelation 13:18 KJV
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.