Time for more education then.
Education is suppose to be
an enlightening experience, so far you have failed in doing this for your readers, at least for me, though I'm all ears if you have a word from the Lord. No pun intended TMSO.
If I say we can't fathom, and I make suggestions, that basically means there isn't much support and it is a... suggestion.
TMSO, why not just come out and say you at lost as to the meaning of the mark of the beast? Suggestions add not one thing to the truth of the scriptures, it only adds more confusion. You are the one that said it is time for more education, yet you only want to make suggestions? There's support for the truth,
as much as God knew was needed for his children to grasp the truth contain in the scriptures.
There is plenty of scriptural support, that it will be a mark (hmm...that is rather obvious),
Okay, then you are
now saying, there's plenty of scriptural support, which I agree, as far as all that is needed for us to see and understand.
and that it would be around his name, or number.
You are using "his" as a
a possessive pronoun, as though
the beast is a male person, when in fact it is not a male person, but a
confederation of world leaders against God, and his people.
It could be a political system, or perhaps his campaign.
There you go again! So, truly you are just confuse as to having wisdom and understanding to know the truth on this subject. Then my suggestion for you would be that you should labor and pray to God for wisdom and understanding.
If it is difficult to follow, just ask.
TMSO, somethings are hard to learn, so, I trust God that he would be pleased to guide and teach me his truth. Truth take many years to see clearly, and even then, one is always learning truth more perfectly each and every day. We will never learn it all, too much to learn, at least for me.
Why would you keep putting forth your own understanding that is not in scripture, and then get upset if someone else does the same?
TMSO, I do not get upset at brethren for saying things that may not be scriptural, God forbid. I may get upset at those who purposely with an malice spirit speak against the gospel of Christ, but very seldom ever get upset over eschatology.
If you believe I have said anything that is not scriptural, then show me, so I can either defend my position, or repent and correct it, and I will if anyone can show me my error. I was taught what you now believe many years ago and changed my position after about four years or so searching what I was first taught and realized I could not support it with God's word.