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The Gospel in Genesis

Sorry but I cannot understand what you're trying to say above. Your sentence doesn't flow smoothly. Also, my argument had nothing to do with her sin nature per se (i.e. that she became a slave to sin). My argument has to do with God's sovereign decree and its ramifications. Everyone in this world loves and serves ONE of two masters: Either God or "mammon" (i.e. any other idol in our heart). The operative phrase in Mat 6:24 is no one can. Therefore, since God placed enmity between Eve and her chosen master (the serpent) who deceived her, this logically and biblically implies that He simultaneously removed the enmity that Eve placed between Him and herself when she sinned. "How so", you ask? Because, again, everyone chooses to love and serve either God or something else. While Eve freely chose to serve the Serpent by trusting him, the text implies that God, on the other hand, being rich in mercy and compassion and kindness graciously chose to remove the enmity that was between the woman and himself, thereby reconciling Eve to himself; for it would not have been possible for Eve to love and serve some other master. And this is so because Eve is a moral image-bearer of God. Only if Eve had been an amoral creature, would she have had another option. In fact, another Law of Logic applies here, called the Law of the Excluded Middle. And this law applies due to what Jesus taught in Mat 6:24. All of God's moral image-bearers love and serve ONE of TWO Masters. Not one of three or four or five. Therefore, there is no third option -- it's excluded! Eve, as a moral image-bearer, could not be enemies with God and the serpent -- because who else would she love and serve? Don't you know that there are only two kinds of people in this world: The children of God and the the seed of the devil (Jn 8:44; Mat 13:38; Act 13:10; 1Jn 3:8-10)?

I can explain this to you, sir, but one thing if for certain: I cannot make you understand it. That's way above my pay grade. This is why God in this New Covenant dispensation has graciously given to his people The Helper and other means of grace, as well.
You may as well be a Catholic with this line.
makesends said:
Do you suppose the Word of God will become irrelevant in Heaven? Outdated?

Well, you said "...on this side of the grave (or the Parousia, which ever comes first), I'm afraid we have to settle for the 66 books of the canon. Perhaps this is the reason we are so often commanded to study and meditate on the scriptures so that we can grow in grace and knowledge. We can now only "know in part" -- but in our eternal state that will change." (My emphasis Mks)

Sounds like you are saying the Bible will no longer be used or needed.
In our eternal state the faith we had in this age will become sight, therefore translating into more complete knowledge (1Cor 13:12-13). Paul in that passage says "I shall know fully", yet I don't think God can ever be fully comprehended -- certainly not in this age. But maybe Paul is right that in our glorified state, our minds might be fit to understand "fully".
In our eternal state the faith we had in this age will become sight, therefore translating into more complete knowledge (1Cor 13:12-13). Paul in that passage says "I shall know fully", yet I don't think God can ever be fully comprehended -- certainly not in this age. But maybe Paul is right that in our glorified state, our minds might be fit to understand "fully".
I understand that. Maybe my point will be more plain when I say that the "Word of God", is likely a pretty strong play on words. I don't think we will ever hear the end of it.
I understand that. Maybe my point will be more plain when I say that the "Word of God", is likely a pretty strong play on words. I don't think we will ever hear the end of it.
The fact that God's word is eternal is exactly what gives me pause about Paul said. But you might be right, too. The new eternal order will be as eternal as God's word, so that gives us all eternity to have the universe's longest bible study ever led by the Living Word himself. 😃 I have wondered if the saints in our resurrected bodies will have an experience similar to when two disciples were met by the resurrected Jesus on the road to Galilee, and he gave them a short bible study about himself being the central figure in the OT? Even that short time he spent with them, scripture says their hearts were burning within them. As a very popular contemporary Christian song says, "I Can Only Imagine".
makesends said:
Do you suppose the Word of God will become irrelevant in Heaven? Outdated?

Well, you said "...on this side of the grave (or the Parousia, which ever comes first), I'm afraid we have to settle for the 66 books of the canon. Perhaps this is the reason we are so often commanded to study and meditate on the scriptures so that we can grow in grace and knowledge. We can now only "know in part" -- but in our eternal state that will change." (My emphasis Mks)

Sounds like you are saying the Bible will no longer be used or needed.
Good thoughtful questions and discussion to ponder. We know that the Son is the Eternal Word made flesh. His words are spirit and truth. Not one jot or tittle will pass away until all be fulfilled. Jesus is the Living Word, the Living Water. His words and spirit and life. The very words He speaks are the very words of God while He was walking this earth. Now all authority in heaven and earth are His in His exalted state. I'm not sure the written word will be necessary since we will be in eternity with the living Word. Like has been mentioned now we only know in part but when face to face will be fully known. Think about the entire 1 Cor 13 passage. There will no longer be any need for faith or hope because it will have its fulfillment in eternity. But there will always be love in its complete and perfect way just as Gods love within Himself is eternal we will know and experience that love throughout eternity. Knowledge will be done away with and not necessary. What a glorious day and time that will be in out resurrected state.
Good thoughtful questions and discussion to ponder. We know that the Son is the Eternal Word made flesh. His words are spirit and truth. Not one jot or tittle will pass away until all be fulfilled. Jesus is the Living Word, the Living Water. His words and spirit and life. The very words He speaks are the very words of God while He was walking this earth. Now all authority in heaven and earth are His in His exalted state. I'm not sure the written word will be necessary since we will be in eternity with the living Word. Like has been mentioned now we only know in part but when face to face will be fully known. Think about the entire 1 Cor 13 passage. There will no longer be any need for faith or hope because it will have its fulfillment in eternity. But there will always be love in its complete and perfect way just as Gods love within Himself is eternal we will know and experience that love throughout eternity. Knowledge will be done away with and not necessary. What a glorious day and time that will be in out resurrected state.
Interesting thoughts. Perhaps what Paul meant by "knowledge will be done away with" is that the acquisition of knowledge will no longer be necessary. I say this for two reasons: A) Intuitive knowledge is not acquired; it's instilled in us by God. And B) I'm mindful of Adam's apparent pre-Fall genius. In a real sense, he was mankind's first scientist, for he named (classified) all the animals on the earth which is what taxonomists do; and since he was charged with the care, cultivation and expansion of the Garden this implies he had the working knowledge of botanists from day one. Perhaps, in our glorified state, the written Word of God will be eternally instilled in us, making that kind of knowledge intuitive. Imagine having the entire Word of God written on every segment of our heart, including our memories.