You still haven't answered the question. WHY did you say,
Rufus said:
Since we're moral creatures created in God's image, it's impossible for us to be enemies of Good (God) and Evil (Satan) at the same time in the same sense
And do you admit to speculation based on a line of logic, or should it be doctrine that Adam was condemned but Eve was redeemed, as you claimed (my paraphrase).
I said what I said for two reasons: If some
moral image-bearer of God hates both good and evil, he'd be hating
contradictory things; thereby violating a law of logic known as the Law of Non-Contradiction. (And, yes, God gave us the laws of logic! We did not invent those laws; we discovered them.)
Secondly, it would violate the principle taught in Mat 6:24. The universal principle is this: We either love and serve our Creator....
OR we love and serve an idol, which could be any number of things. We can never do both, however! As moral creatures, it would be impossible. We either love the Light (righteousness) or we love the darkness (evil).
Therefore, since God sovereignly placed enmity between Eve and the Serpent, this can only logically and biblically imply that he removed the enmity that she created between herself and her Creator when she sinned. But, again, I ask: Was Adam included in that decree!?
And, no, I do not admit to speculation based on a "line of logic". However, if any premise or conclusion violates any God-given law of logic, that's enough right there to give me pause, since God is not the author of confusion, nor should we be.
Now...I fully understand that one of the "sacred cows" (albeit often unspoken) of the Christian Faith (as in the objective Christian faith) is that God saved both our first parents. This is about as sacred as what numerous Christians believe about the nature of God's love, which they believe is unconditional. So, I get it that I'm treading a bit on pretty sacred ground here. However, I have studied this matter out in quite some depth several years ago...actually out of necessity due to defending the doctrines of grace in a debate I was having at the time. So, I did a study and came up with about a 12-point argument whereby due to the sheer preponderance of evidence that I had amassed, I could only reasonably and logically conclude that God redeemed Eve, but passed over Adam. Therefore, we have a picture of Unconditional Election in the Garden immediately after the Fall. If you or anyone else here is interested in seeing that lengthy argument, I will dig through my [digital] "stack of stuff", as the late great Rush Limbaugh often said <g>, and post it here.