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Jun 4, 2023
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Hebrews was written to the Hebrews/Jews for it speaks extensively about the Judaic religion and Messiah's effect on Judaism. James writes to the "twelve tribes scattered," another obvious. But don't think that because the other letters and gospels don't readily identify Jews or Hebrews that in your mind and by default they are writing to Gentiles? Self-serving.
Read carefully.

Fact One: The New Covenant is made between God and the House of Israel.
Fact Two: Gentiles are NOT Israel.

Fact Three: The writings discuss things in the Judaic religion, their covenants, their promises, their history, their prophets, their culture, their language, their rituals and practices, everything in these writings address Jewish issues and concerns.

Fact Four: Before the destruction of the Temple everything that happened from John the Baptist to Jesus to the Feast of Harvests happened to ISRAEL and while the Temple STILL stood everything that did happen in Israel was Jewish and included NO GENTILES.
In the minds of the Jews, Messiah's coming affected THEM and everything happening had to be sorted out and matched up with the covenants in the OT and the prophecies of the Old Testament. Gentiles would have NO KNOWLEDGE of the things Jewish Christians (Peter, James, Paul, John) discussed in their writings to JEWISH CHRISTIANS about this New Covenant they were coming to find themselves in.

Fact Five: 3000 Jews were saved on the day of the Feast of Harvest. Being a major Feast in the Jewish religion/Law Jews from all over Israel and Gentile lands - even Rome (and Spain) - came to this feast as good observant Jews would. Study the languages these people witnessing the apostles speak and locate them on the map. Gentile lands. So, if these visitors recognized their language spoken isn't it reasonable that they also came from these areas in Gentile lands?

Fact Six: Now that these Jews are saved and filled with the Holy Spirit they went back to their homes after their feast to Gentile lands, and as observant Jews went to their synagogues on the seventh day, shared their experiences with their Judaic brethren and more Jews became saved and filled with the Holy Spirit.

Fact Seven: Being that the Messiah (Jesus) was hung on a tree, and the Law stating that anyone that hung on a tree was cursed, these Judaic brethren could not reconcile Messiah's cross with what Moses said in their Law so a split occurred and a good bet is that these Jewish Christians in these Gentile lands were excommunicated from Judaism and their synagogues and began to gather in their homes.

Fact Eight: As the years went on and while the Temple still stood the events that occurred to Jews and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as per Joel's prophecy occurred to the Jews as part of the New Covenant God made with the House of Israel and in their minds was totally a "Jewish thing" as Christ was in the process of building His Church which in these first several decades was populated by Jews since it is a Jewish Covenant and that Jews were being saved through word of mouth in these Gentile towns and cities like Corinth, Ephesus, Philippi, Thessalonica, etc., and these Jewish fellowships grew.

Fact Nine: In time Judaizers got fed up with these Jewish Christians and their Messiah on a tree that persecution took place and even MORE Jewish Christians left their homes and either went back to Israel or settled still in other Gentile lands and took Jesus with them.

Fact Ten: By the time Paul came out of Arabia and began his travels with Barnabas the New Covenant Church was populated by Jewish Christians in many Gentile locations and lands that Paul upon first coming to a city went into the synagogues and soon learned that these Judaizers didn't want to hear about a Messiah that hung on a tree (stumbling stone), so Paul and Barnabas found the Jewish Christians in their various homes and in time left, and when retuning to Antioch or Ephesus he wrote his letters to the Jewish Christians in these Gentile cities and discussed the effect Israel's Messiah had upon the Jewish religion.

What more is there to say? It was a Jewish Covenant and Jews populated these Jewish home churches and all the writings of the New Covenant epistles we have today as part of our canon were written to Jewish Christians to Jewish Christ-followers in Gentile lands.
ALL the covenants God made, first with Abram the Hebrew and to his seed which were later the children of Israel, and Moses and the giving of the Law, this people that came out of Egypt comprised over 3 million Jews and were called the "Great Congregation" and the New Covenant Church Christ said He was to build is a continuation of the Great Congregation Church of "called out [one's]" (Gr. "ekklesia') founded by God in the desert at the time of the Tabernacle.

The New Covenant mentioned in Jeremiah and along with the prophecies of Isaiah, Hosea, Joel, and the rest of these Jewish prophets God made this New Covenant with the House of Israel and NO GENTILES were part of it.
Every mention in the New Covenant writings are discussions of the effect Israel's Messiah had upon their Law and covenants (Abraham) and that these writings were addressed to Jewish Christians.
Hebrews was written to the Hebrews/Jews for it speaks extensively about the Judaic religion and Messiah's effect on Judaism. James writes to the "twelve tribes scattered," another obvious. But don't think that because the other letters and gospels don't readily identify Jews or Hebrews that in your mind and by default they are writing to Gentiles? Self-serving.
Read carefully.

Fact One: The New Covenant is made between God and the House of Israel.
Fact Two: Gentiles are NOT Israel.
That is not correct.

  1. The covenant made with Abraham was made long before the "House of Israel" ever existed.
  2. Whenever God speaks to the "House of Israel" about His covenant He often ties it back to the covenant He made with Abraham and the patriarchs.
  3. Gentiles are included in the "House of Israel," when that house is correctly understood.

Fact Three: The writings discuss things in the Judaic religion, their covenants, their promises, their history, their prophets, their culture, their language, their rituals and practices, everything in these writings address Jewish issues and concerns.
Yes, and the New Testament is fairly clear....

  1. Judaism often had God and His word incorrect,
  2. Judaism of Christianity is to be avoided,
  3. There are no Jews or Gentiles in Christ.

There is also the problem of the theology that separates Israel and the Church is one invented in the 19th century, one that is inconsistent with the orthodox historical and scriptural perspective where the two are parts of the same tree into which Gentiles have been grafted. One "tree," not two. Failure to acknowledge and apply these four points leads to bad theologies.
Fact Four: Before the destruction of the Temple everything that happened from John the Baptist to Jesus to the Feast of Harvests happened to ISRAEL and while the Temple STILL stood everything that did happen in Israel was Jewish and included NO GENTILES.
In the minds of the Jews, Messiah's coming affected THEM and everything happening had to be sorted out and matched up with the covenants in the OT and the prophecies of the Old Testament. Gentiles would have NO KNOWLEDGE of the things Jewish Christians (Peter, James, Paul, John) discussed in their writings to JEWISH CHRISTIANS about this New Covenant they were coming to find themselves in.
Mostly correct!

Not only did God repeatedly tie His mentions of His covenant with "the House of Israel" back to the covenant made with Abraham, in the New Testament God repeatedly ties the Old Testament covenant(s) forward to Jesus, and Jesus living, dead, resurrected, and ascended. As I recently posted in another thread,

Do a word search of the words, "covenant" and "covenants." Notice the plural form of the term is rarely used in the Bible. It is a FACT the plural form occurs only four times and it is also a FACT two of those four uses have nothing to do with any covenant initiated by God. That means only two out of the 320 uses of the term are plural.

Look it up.


There is only one covenant. With the exception of two mentions, God speaks of His covenant in singular terms and He Himself ties them all together in Christ.
Fact Five: 3000 Jews were saved on the day of the Feast of Harvest. Being a major Feast in the Jewish religion/Law Jews from all over Israel and Gentile lands - even Rome (and Spain) - came to this feast as good observant Jews would. Study the languages these people witnessing the apostles speak and locate them on the map. Gentile lands. So, if these visitors recognized their language spoken isn't it reasonable that they also came from these areas in Gentile lands?
This is entirely correct.

It is reasonable to think they all came from areas in Gentile lands. It is also reasonable to think one of the purposes God had in having the gospel preached to Jews from a variety of Gentile lands is to have the gospel taken to those lands by people other than the eleven (or twelve ;)) apostles. Soon after Pentecost God directed the apostles to leave Jerusalem (and within a few decades God saw fit to demolish that city). After all, from the beginning God wanted His people to be fruitful, multiply, subdue the earth and rule over it and one of the last commands Jesus gave to the eleven Jews he'd chosen to follow him was to baptize all the nations in his name and teach them his commands. Presumably, that included all the Gentile nations since there was only one Jewish nation.
Fact Six: Now that these Jews are saved and filled with the Holy Spirit they went back to their homes after their feast to Gentile lands, and as observant Jews went to their synagogues on the seventh day, shared their experiences with their Judaic brethren and more Jews became saved and filled with the Holy Spirit.

And every single one of them ceased to be Jews and became Christians. At first, they were called followers of "The Way." That was originally a sect within Judaism that meant "the way of Jesus," or "the way of the Messiah." It is somewhat similar to the Sadducees tracing their sect back to the High Preist Zadok during the time of Solomon. Gentile converts to Christ were included and, in the beginning, they met in the outer courtyards of the temple because Gentiles still were not permitted inside. Mainstream Judaism in the first century did not tolerate the early converts to Christ well and they persecuted, prosecuted, and on some occasions murdered the followers of Jesus' way. As a result, the early followers of Jesus moved out of the Jewish temple and synagogues and began meeting in one another's' homes. This happened in all the cities throughout the land of Israel, Asia (as it was known in those days) and the Roman empire). In Antioch those who were followers of the way of the Messiah became known as Christians. The New Testament writers used different identifying labels, most frequently that of "saint" or "bondservant" or a description entailing their belief in Jesus and their indwelling by God's Holy Spirit.

No distinction between Jew and Gentile is made in Acts or the epistolary.
Fact Seven: Being that the Messiah (Jesus) was hung on a tree, and the Law stating that anyone that hung on a tree was cursed, these Judaic brethren could not reconcile Messiah's cross with what Moses said in their Law so a split occurred and a good bet is that these Jewish Christians in these Gentile lands were excommunicated from Judaism and their synagogues and began to gather in their homes.
Yep. Probably.

I am unaware of any specific, overt, and formal "excommunication" ever documented in Judaism but I do think "Fact Seven" is a fair summary. I'd like to see any first century documentation of excommunication if available.
Fact Eight: As the years went on and while the Temple still stood the events that occurred to Jews and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as per Joel's prophecy occurred to the Jews as part of the New Covenant God made with the House of Israel and in their minds was totally a "Jewish thing" as Christ was in the process of building His Church which in these first several decades was populated by Jews since it is a Jewish Covenant and that Jews were being saved through word of mouth in these Gentile towns and cities like Corinth, Ephesus, Philippi, Thessalonica, etc., and these Jewish fellowships grew.

Fact Nine: In time Judaizers got fed up with these Jewish Christians and their Messiah on a tree that persecution took place and even MORE Jewish Christians left their homes and either went back to Israel or settled still in other Gentile lands and took Jesus with them.

Fact Ten: By the time Paul came out of Arabia and began his travels with Barnabas the New Covenant Church was populated by Jewish Christians in many Gentile locations and lands that Paul upon first coming to a city went into the synagogues and soon learned that these Judaizers didn't want to hear about a Messiah that hung on a tree (stumbling stone), so Paul and Barnabas found the Jewish Christians in their various homes and in time left, and when retuning to Antioch or Ephesus he wrote his letters to the Jewish Christians in these Gentile cities and discussed the effect Israel's Messiah had upon the Jewish religion.
I'd make a few adjustments but that is a fair summary.
What more is there to say? It was a Jewish Covenant and Jews populated these Jewish home churches and all the writings of the New Covenant epistles we have today as part of our canon were written to Jewish Christians to Jewish Christ-followers in Gentile lands.
It was not a "Jewish Covenant."

The covenant made with Abraham was made before any Jews existed. Not only was it made before any Jews existed, but God Himself repeatedly tied His Old Testament discussion of covenant back to Abraham and His New Testament discussion of covenant forward to Jesus. From the very beginning, one of the covenant promises made to Abraham was that he would be the father of many nations, not just one, and he was promised a seed and that seed is Jesus. Any "Jewish Covenant" (a phrase I cannot find anywhere in the Bible) was subordinate to that found made to Abraham and that found fulfilled by Christ and Christ alone in whom there is no Jew or Gentile.
ALL the covenants God made, first with Abram the Hebrew and to his seed which were later the children of Israel
The children of Israel is not the promise seed. Jesus is the promised seed. This is explicitly stated by the Jewish convert to Christ, Paul, in his letter to the Galatians.

Galatians 3:15-18
Brethren, I speak in terms of human relations: even though it is only a man's covenant, yet when it has been ratified, no one sets it aside or adds conditions to it. Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. He does not say, "And to seeds," as referring to many, but rather to one, "And to your seed," that is, Christ. What I am saying is this: the Law, which came four hundred and thirty years later, does not invalidate a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to nullify the promise. For if the inheritance is based on law, it is no longer based on a promise; but God has granted it to Abraham by means of a promise.

That is a FACT.

Christ, not the children of Israel, is the promised seed.

Furthermore, the New Testament does something remarkable that the Jews failed to comprehend. It makes Jesus Israel! This is first foreshadowed in the fact Isaac is the monogenes son. Isaac is the son of promise. His son, Jacob, is the first one called "Israel," which means "God perseveres." A Jew reading the scripture of Tanakh would have read "God perseveres" every time we read the English "Israel." More importantly, and more directly, Matthew draws a connection between "Israel" and Jesus when He cites Hosea 11:1 and identifies the Israel of Hosea's prophecy as Jesus.

Hosea 11:1
When Israel was a youth I loved him, and out of Egypt I called My son.

Matthew 2:13-15
Now when they had gone, behold, an angel of the Lord *appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, "Get up! Take the Child and His mother and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is going to search for the Child to destroy Him." So Joseph got up and took the Child and His mother while it was still night, and left for Egypt. He remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet: "Out of Egypt I called My Son."

Jesus's coming out of Egypt was the fulfillment of prophecy. Jews were not the promised seed. Jesus is.
Hebrews was written to the Hebrews/Jews for it speaks extensively about the Judaic religion and Messiah's effect on Judaism. James writes to the "twelve tribes scattered," another obvious. But don't think that because the other letters and gospels don't readily identify Jews or Hebrews that in your mind and by default they are writing to Gentiles? Self-serving.
Read carefully.

Fact One: The New Covenant is made between God and the House of Israel.
Fact Two: Gentiles are NOT Israel.

Fact Three: The writings discuss things in the Judaic religion, their covenants, their promises, their history, their prophets, their culture, their language, their rituals and practices, everything in these writings address Jewish issues and concerns.

Fact Four: Before the destruction of the Temple everything that happened from John the Baptist to Jesus to the Feast of Harvests happened to ISRAEL and while the Temple STILL stood everything that did happen in Israel was Jewish and included NO GENTILES.
In the minds of the Jews, Messiah's coming affected THEM and everything happening had to be sorted out and matched up with the covenants in the OT and the prophecies of the Old Testament. Gentiles would have NO KNOWLEDGE of the things Jewish Christians (Peter, James, Paul, John) discussed in their writings to JEWISH CHRISTIANS about this New Covenant they were coming to find themselves in.

Fact Five: 3000 Jews were saved on the day of the Feast of Harvest. Being a major Feast in the Jewish religion/Law Jews from all over Israel and Gentile lands - even Rome (and Spain) - came to this feast as good observant Jews would. Study the languages these people witnessing the apostles speak and locate them on the map. Gentile lands. So, if these visitors recognized their language spoken isn't it reasonable that they also came from these areas in Gentile lands?

Fact Six: Now that these Jews are saved and filled with the Holy Spirit they went back to their homes after their feast to Gentile lands, and as observant Jews went to their synagogues on the seventh day, shared their experiences with their Judaic brethren and more Jews became saved and filled with the Holy Spirit.

Fact Seven: Being that the Messiah (Jesus) was hung on a tree, and the Law stating that anyone that hung on a tree was cursed, these Judaic brethren could not reconcile Messiah's cross with what Moses said in their Law so a split occurred and a good bet is that these Jewish Christians in these Gentile lands were excommunicated from Judaism and their synagogues and began to gather in their homes.

Fact Eight: As the years went on and while the Temple still stood the events that occurred to Jews and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as per Joel's prophecy occurred to the Jews as part of the New Covenant God made with the House of Israel and in their minds was totally a "Jewish thing" as Christ was in the process of building His Church which in these first several decades was populated by Jews since it is a Jewish Covenant and that Jews were being saved through word of mouth in these Gentile towns and cities like Corinth, Ephesus, Philippi, Thessalonica, etc., and these Jewish fellowships grew.

Fact Nine: In time Judaizers got fed up with these Jewish Christians and their Messiah on a tree that persecution took place and even MORE Jewish Christians left their homes and either went back to Israel or settled still in other Gentile lands and took Jesus with them.

Fact Ten: By the time Paul came out of Arabia and began his travels with Barnabas the New Covenant Church was populated by Jewish Christians in many Gentile locations and lands that Paul upon first coming to a city went into the synagogues and soon learned that these Judaizers didn't want to hear about a Messiah that hung on a tree (stumbling stone), so Paul and Barnabas found the Jewish Christians in their various homes and in time left, and when retuning to Antioch or Ephesus he wrote his letters to the Jewish Christians in these Gentile cities and discussed the effect Israel's Messiah had upon the Jewish religion.

What more is there to say? It was a Jewish Covenant and Jews populated these Jewish home churches and all the writings of the New Covenant epistles we have today as part of our canon were written to Jewish Christians to Jewish Christ-followers in Gentile lands.
ALL the covenants God made, first with Abram the Hebrew and to his seed which were later the children of Israel, and Moses and the giving of the Law, this people that came out of Egypt comprised over 3 million Jews and were called the "Great Congregation" and the New Covenant Church Christ said He was to build is a continuation of the Great Congregation Church of "called out [one's]" (Gr. "ekklesia') founded by God in the desert at the time of the Tabernacle.

The New Covenant mentioned in Jeremiah and along with the prophecies of Isaiah, Hosea, Joel, and the rest of these Jewish prophets God made this New Covenant with the House of Israel and NO GENTILES were part of it.
Every mention in the New Covenant writings are discussions of the effect Israel's Messiah had upon their Law and covenants (Abraham) and that these writings were addressed to Jewish Christians.
Hebrews was written to the Hebrews/Jews for it speaks extensively about the Judaic religion and Messiah's effect on Judaism. James writes to the "twelve tribes scattered," another obvious. But don't think that because the other letters and gospels don't readily identify Jews or Hebrews that in your mind and by default they are writing to Gentiles? Self-serving.
Read carefully.

Fact One: The New Covenant is made between God and the House of Israel.
Fact Two: Gentiles are NOT Israel.
Fact Two: part 2.

In the NT apostolic teaching authoritative to the people of God (Lk 10:16),
all those who believe in Christ are the seed (descendants) of Abraham; i.e., Israel, and heirs according to the promise
(Gal 3:29).

Your issue is with Jesus in Lk 10:16.
Fact Three: The writings discuss things in the Judaic religion, their covenants, their promises, their history, their prophets, their culture, their language, their rituals and practices, everything in these writings address Jewish issues and concerns.
Fact Four: Before the destruction of the Temple everything that happened from John the Baptist to Jesus to the Feast of Harvests happened to ISRAEL and while the Temple STILL stood everything that did happen in Israel was Jewish and included NO GENTILES.
In the minds of the Jews, Messiah's coming affected THEM and everything happening had to be sorted out and matched up with the covenants in the OT and the prophecies of the Old Testament. Gentiles would have NO KNOWLEDGE of the things Jewish Christians (Peter, James, Paul, John) discussed in their writings to JEWISH CHRISTIANS about this New Covenant they were coming to find themselves in.

Fact Five: 3000 Jews were saved on the day of the Feast of Harvest. Being a major Feast in the Jewish religion/Law Jews from all over Israel and Gentile lands - even Rome (and Spain) - came to this feast as good observant Jews would. Study the languages these people witnessing the apostles speak and locate them on the map. Gentile lands. So, if these visitors recognized their language spoken isn't it reasonable that they also came from these areas in Gentile lands?

Fact Six: Now that these Jews are saved and filled with the Holy Spirit they went back to their homes after their feast to Gentile lands, and as observant Jews went to their synagogues on the seventh day, shared their experiences with their Judaic brethren and more Jews became saved and filled with the Holy Spirit.

Fact Seven: Being that the Messiah (Jesus) was hung on a tree, and the Law stating that anyone that hung on a tree was cursed, these Judaic brethren could not reconcile Messiah's cross with what Moses said in their Law so a split occurred and a good bet is that these Jewish Christians in these Gentile lands were excommunicated from Judaism and their synagogues and began to gather in their homes.

Fact Eight: As the years went on and while the Temple still stood the events that occurred to Jews and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as per Joel's prophecy occurred to the Jews as part of the New Covenant God made with the House of Israel and in their minds was totally a "Jewish thing" as Christ was in the process of building His Church which in these first several decades was populated by Jews since it is a Jewish Covenant and that Jews were being saved through word of mouth in these Gentile towns and cities like Corinth, Ephesus, Philippi, Thessalonica, etc., and these Jewish fellowships grew.

Fact Nine: In time Judaizers got fed up with these Jewish Christians and their Messiah on a tree that persecution took place and even MORE Jewish Christians left their homes and either went back to Israel or settled still in other Gentile lands and took Jesus with them.

Fact Ten: By the time Paul came out of Arabia and began his travels with Barnabas the New Covenant Church was populated by Jewish Christians in many Gentile locations and lands that Paul upon first coming to a city went into the synagogues and soon learned that these Judaizers didn't want to hear about a Messiah that hung on a tree (stumbling stone), so Paul and Barnabas found the Jewish Christians in their various homes and in time left, and when retuning to Antioch or Ephesus he wrote his letters to the Jewish Christians in these Gentile cities and discussed the effect Israel's Messiah had upon the Jewish religion.

What more is there to say? It was a Jewish Covenant and Jews populated these Jewish home churches and all the writings of the New Covenant epistles we have today as part of our canon were written to Jewish Christians to Jewish Christ-followers in Gentile lands.
ALL the covenants God made, first with Abram the Hebrew and to his seed which were later the children of Israel, and Moses and the giving of the Law, this people that came out of Egypt comprised over 3 million Jews and were called the "Great Congregation" and the New Covenant Church Christ said He was to build is a continuation of the Great Congregation Church of "called out [one's]" (Gr. "ekklesia') founded by God in the desert at the time of the Tabernacle.

The New Covenant mentioned in Jeremiah and along with the prophecies of Isaiah, Hosea, Joel, and the rest of these Jewish prophets God made this New Covenant with the House of Israel and NO GENTILES were part of it.
Every mention in the New Covenant writings are discussions of the effect Israel's Messiah had upon their Law and covenants (Abraham) and that these writings were addressed to Jewish Christians.
Fact Two: part 2.

In the NT apostolic teaching authoritative to the people of God (Lk 10:16),
all those who believe in Christ are the seed (descendants) of Abraham; i.e., Israel, and heirs according to the promise
(Gal 3:29).

Your issue is with Jesus in Lk 10:16.
Read it again in context to WHOM Paul writes to:

He writes to Jewish Christians and these Jewish Christians had difficulty with the effect Israel's Christ had on the Abrahamic Covenant, so Paul sorts it out for them.
Read it again in context to WHOM Paul writes to:

He writes to Jewish Christians...
If the Pauline text being referenced is Galatians 3:29 then Paul is not writing to Jewish Christians. The preceding verse (v.28) explicitly states there are no Jews or Greeks in Christ. Verse 29 is half of a sentence, a sentence that begins in verse 28 so the whole sentence reads,

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus and if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to promise.

Furthermore, Paul addresses the letter to the "churches in Galatia," to those for whom Christ had given himself "to rescue us from the present evil age," not the Jews in Galatia. Jesus had chosen Paul to preach to both Gentiles and Jews (Acts 9) He told Ananias, "...he is a chosen instrument of mine, to bear my name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel." Later, Paul recounted how Christ sent him to preach to the Gentiles.

Acts 22:20-21
And when the blood of Your witness Stephen was being shed, I also was standing by approving, and watching out for the coats of those who were slaying him.' And He said to me, ‘Go! For I will send you far away to the Gentiles.’”

1 Timothy 2:5-7
For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all, the testimony given at the proper time. For this I was appointed a preacher and an apostle (I am telling the truth, I am not lying) as a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.

Galatians 2:6-10
But from those who were of high reputation (what they were makes no difference to me; God shows no partiality)—well, those who were of reputation contributed nothing to me. But on the contrary, seeing that I had been entrusted with the gospel to the uncircumcised, just as Peter had been to the circumcised (for He who effectually worked for Peter in his apostleship to the circumcised effectually worked for me also to the Gentiles), and recognizing the grace that had been given to me, James and Cephas and John, who were reputed to be pillars, gave to me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship, so that we might go to the Gentiles and they to the circumcised. They only asked us to remember the poor—the very thing I also was eager to do.

Paul was not writing specifically or exclusively to Jewish Christians. Paul had been sent by both Christ and the ruling apostles explicitly to the Gentiles. As far as he was concerned in his letter to the ekklesia in Galatia, there are no Jews or Greeks.
Read it again in context to WHOM Paul writes to:

He writes to Jewish Christians....
I can see how that pov would be reached since the preceding verses mention Abraham and the Law, but Gentile converts to Christ were also heirs to the promises God made to Abraham. There were no Jews at that time. There were Hebrews, but not Jews. The larger context is not Jewish Christians' difficulty with the effect Jesus had on God's covenant with Abraham. The context is there were people in Galatia preaching gospels other than that which Paul preached.

Galatians 1:6-7
I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.

It was not just Gentile Christians or Jewish Christians that were having this problem.

Galatians 1:8-9
But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!

We have that exact same problem today. It is evident in the false gospel of the Latter Day Saints. Their "gospel" came from an angel (supposedly). That problem goes all the way back to the first century.

We also know this is not a to-the-Jewish-Christians-only matter because Paul repudiates disparate treatment between Jewish and Gentile converts. That problem was so severe Paul had to admonish Peter to correct his hypocrisy.

Galatians 2:11-16
But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned. For prior to the coming of certain men from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles; but when they came, he began to withdraw and hold himself aloof, fearing the party of the circumcision. The rest of the Jews joined him in hypocrisy, with the result that even Barnabas was carried away by their hypocrisy. But when I saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas in the presence of all, "If you, being a Jew, live like the Gentiles and not like the Jews, how is it that you compel the Gentiles to live like Jews? "We are Jews by nature and not sinners from among the Gentiles; nevertheless knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, so that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the Law; since by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified.

As far as his chapter 3 comments about the Law go, what Paul states at the end of the previous chapter provides the context.

Galatians 2:20-21
I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly.

Righteousness does not come through the Law.

The context does not show Paul has departed from the larger audience of Christians in Galatia to speak only to the Jewish converts. Eleanor is correct. Paul clearly stated all who believe in Christ are descendants of Abraham. Jesus, not Israel, is the seed promised Abraham. Galatians 3:15-18 makes this very clear (see Post #8).
Read it again in context to WHOM Paul writes to:

He writes to Jewish Christians and these Jewish Christians had difficulty with the effect Israel's Christ had on the Abrahamic Covenant, so Paul sorts it out for them.
Previously addressed:

in which context all those in Jesus Christ by faith are Abraham's seed (descendants) and heirs according to the promise (Gal 3:29).
Previously addressed:

in which context all those in Jesus Christ by faith are Abraham's seed (descendants) and heirs according to the promise (Gal 3:29).
Paul writes to Jewish Christians who are unsure of Messiah's effect upon their covenants, specifically the Abrahamic Covenant - the one Paul writes about.
Paul writes to Jewish Christians who are unsure of Messiah's effect upon their covenants, specifically the Abrahamic Covenant - the one Paul writes about.
Argumentum ad nauseam
Paul writes to Jewish Christians who are unsure of Messiah's effect upon their covenants, specifically the Abrahamic Covenant - the one Paul writes about.
And in that writing Paul includes believing Gentiles in the seed (descendants) of Abraham (Gal 3:29).

Have you even read the text?
And in that writing Paul includes believing Gentiles in the seed (descendants) of Abraham (Gal 3:29).

Have you even read the text?
The covenant is with Abraham and His seed. No Gentiles are mentioned in ANY covenant God made with Israel proper. Gentile Christians know they have no covenant with God, so they try to steal Israel's.
What are you talking about??? Gentiles do not come from the loins of Abraham.

Yes, read and UNDERSTOOD.
You seem to have problem, though.
Let's look at the context:
First, Paul is writing to Jewish Christians in their home churches in the region of Galatia:

23 But before faith came, we were kept under the law (Jews), shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.
24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster (more Jews) to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith (and 3000 Jews were saved at their Feast of Harvest. Gentiles weren't there. They were lighting candles to their dumb idols.)
25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster (more Jews)
26 For ye are all the children of God (more and more Jews) by faith in Christ Jesus.
27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ (more Jews were baptized into Christ Israel's Messiah) have put on Christ.
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise (more Jews.)
Gal. 3:23–29.

And the promise was made with the House of Israel and Gentiles are not Jews/Israel.
So, someone is not rightly dividing the word of TRUTH.
And it's not me.
The covenant is with Abraham and His seed. No Gentiles are mentioned in ANY covenant God made with Israel proper. Gentile Christians know they have no covenant with God, so they try to steal Israel's.
What are you talking about??? Gentiles do not come from the loins of Abraham.

Yes, read and UNDERSTOOD.
You seem to have problem, though.
Let's look at the context:
First, Paul is writing to Jewish Christians in their home churches in the region of Galatia:

23 But before faith came, we were kept under the law (Jews), shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.
24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster (more Jews) to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith (and 3000 Jews were saved at their Feast of Harvest. Gentiles weren't there. They were lighting candles to their dumb idols.)
25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster (more Jews)
26 For ye are all the children of God (more and more Jews) by faith in Christ Jesus.
27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ (more Jews were baptized into Christ Israel's Messiah) have put on Christ.
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise (more Jews.)
Gal. 3:23–29.

And the promise was made with the House of Israel and Gentiles are not Jews/Israel.
So, someone is not rightly dividing the word of TRUTH.
And it's not me.
Non-responsive to NT apostolic teaching authoritative to the church (Lk 10:16), where there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, only between In Christ and not in Christ.
"If you be in Christ (no exceptions stated), then you are Abraham's seed (descendants) and heirs according to the promise" to the Jews.

The OT is understood in the light of the NT, where the laws of defilement, food, cleansings, etc. are obsolete (Eph 2:15), being part of the obsolete Mosaic covenant (Heb 8:13).

You simply do not believe the NT.
The covenant is with Abraham and His seed.
And the seed of Abraham is Jesus, the firstborn of many. We, the converts to Christ in whom there are no Jews or Greeks, are nation of priest God promised.