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Six Problems in Dispensationalism, Part 4: The Delusional Life


Senior Member
May 19, 2023
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VA, south of DC
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Married with adult children
Earlier I wrote of the hypocrisy inherent in Dispensational Premillennialism. Sadly, the practice of preaching one premise and either living as if, the premise is not true or criticizing those who believe otherwise leads to a life that can correctly and justly be called delusional; so delusional that it borders on the dissociative. The term "dissociation" (dissociation, not disassociation) is a condition in which parts of the individual become psychologically separated from one another. Simply put, years of believing the teachings of Dispensationalism causes a change in the way the world and reality is perceived. All of the hypocrisies and mentioned in Part 2 of this series on problems inherent within Dispensational Premillennialism contribute to this delusionally dissociative life but perhaps the most influential is the continuous practice of believing and saying the world is going to hell in a handbasket any day now. If that is truly true then there is absolutely no sense in doing things like taking out a mortgage, saving for children's college, or putting away money for retirement. If it is true Christians are going to be removed from the planet any day now then none of us will be around to reap the benefits of long-term investment and all that money would be going to waste, not spent in more effective ways in what remains of our time here on earth. It is a notable example of poor stewardship. Christians should live in a manner consistent with their stated beliefs and Dispensational Premillennialism is an obvious example of that not happening, but it is also an example of how this teaching skews practice because the DPer walks around with a pessimistic belief system, eschewing any possibility the gospel might have a positive global effect in all areas of life and criticizing those who believe otherwise.

Understand that dissociation occurs unawares. Psychologically, it is a term used in reference to occasions when thought or emotions get disconnected from each other or the person’s environment. In some ways this is a very commonplace or ordinary condition, such as when we forget the last mile of road on a long trip. We were alive and breathing and thinking and acting and negotiating the highway but not heeding the last mile or three. In extreme conditions the soul fractures and multiple personalities form. There’s a lot of terrain between the two. I'm not saying the Dispensationalist is mentally ill or crazy. I am saying the longer a person lives with that teaching the more different reality, the world, and their Christian life becomes. I’ve used this term in reference to Dispensational Premillennialism because of the disconnection or disjointedness between things taught by the teachers, things claimed by the adherents, actual action commonly practiced, and the actual way the world exists. I remind everyone that there's not one single prediction by a DPer in the last 190 years that has ever come true. This 100% fail rate is important to note because the word "delusion" means, "false belief or judgment about external reality, held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary." There is incontrovertible evidence of zero correct predictions, but the belief in imminent events persists. It persists so well that they are willing and constantly speculating how modern conditions might be end-times signs. There is incontrovertible evidence the rate of evangelical conversion has persisted (not declined or increased) over the last century, and incontrovertible evidence the gospel is having positive effect in countries outside of the US (especially in Asia and Africa over the last half-century but the Dispensationalist believes differently and holds a much different view of external reality.

Other examples include how a Christian truly believing they are going to be raptured any day now while plan for their retirement 20, 40, or more years from now, or how they can espouse a literal reading of scripture and not practice it..... thinking they are doing so! These aren't just inconsistencies between thought, word, and deed; they are examples of a serious disconnection, of a life lived so dissociated from what one preaches, and the inconsistency isn’t even seen (or recognized when attention is brought to it).

Because I live in the DC area I have occasionally been privileged to interact with politicians, lobbyists, and think-tank members working for gospel-oriented change. Every single occasion in which I have conversed with Dispensationalists they’ve all communicated at least one common theme: none of their efforts will endure if they succeed! I have dined with members of Focus on the Family, the Family Research Council, radio-syndicated preachers, professors at Christian universities, and leaders of local evangelical organizations who regularly go to Capitol Hill working for political/societal change and heard them state this. When asked another common theme is expressed: Jesus is coming back any moment and they are going to be removed from the planet with their work unfinished and the world going to go to hell….. because that is the way God plans to do things! On occasion I have asked these folks (some of them public figures whose names most of us would recognize) what they think might happen if 60 or 80 or even all 100 Senators were Christians. Would it make any difference? Most of them say it can’t and won’t ever happen (even if they are working to get Christians elected!) and all of them say it won’t make any difference of substance, let alone enduring substance. They work for change they don’t always believe will happen, and if it does happen the effect won’t be substantive, and whether substantive or not it will not endure. Keep in mind: these are people who eschatologically believe one of the end-times signs is the US removing its support of the modern nation Israel. In other words, these Christians believe all their work could be destroyed anytime this week, next month or in coming years. The loss doesn’t matter because they are going to heaven.

Again: This does not happen with any other leading theological/eschatological alternative. Dispensational Premillennialism is the only theology/eschatology in which this happens in this way or this degree. It's not the historical, orthodox point of view or practice (and many of them know this but still believe any way). This kind problem of a disconnected life is unique to Dispensationalism Premillennialism.
Other examples include how a Christian truly believing they are going to be raptured any day now while plan for their retirement 20, 40, or more years from now, or how they can espouse a literal reading of scripture and not practice it..... thinking they are doing so! These aren't just inconsistencies between thought, word, and deed; they are examples of a serious disconnection, of a life lived so dissociated from what one preaches, and the inconsistency isn’t even seen (or recognized when attention is brought to it).
Such a nice little pile you've swept together.

Then again there are people like you who think their retirement will survive the 4 horseman.
Such a nice little pile you've swept together.
Yep. It is a nice pile. There's more but there's only so much space allowed in a post.
Then again there are people like you who think their retirement will survive the 4 horseman.
There are billions of us, and we've been around since the inception of Christianity. It's the Dispensationalist that is the normative and statistical outsider. The lack of awareness about these facts is another example of delusion. Dispensationalists either do not know the history or deny it.
Yep. It is a nice pile. There's more but there's only so much space allowed in a post.

There are billions of us, and we've been around since the inception of Christianity. It's the Dispensationalist that is the normative and statistical outsider. The lack of awareness about these facts is another example of delusion. Dispensationalists either do not know the history or deny it.
History? The preterist claim a history but never show how history has recorded how Matt 24 or what is written about in the book of Revelations has happened.
Yes. History.
The preterist claim a history but never show how history has recorded how Matt 24 or what is written about in the book of Revelations has happened.
This op has absolutely nothing to do with the preterism. If you have something particular in this op worth discussing then do so, but otherwise, the off-topic content will be treated as an effort to derail the thread and ignored.
Then again there are people like you who think their retirement will survive the 4 horseman.
Do you have retirement savings?
Other examples include how a Christian truly believing they are going to be raptured any day now while plan for their retirement 20, 40, or more years from now,
More strawman points.

Though I believe the rapture is near....as expressed by prophecy, news, technology and other sources.....I also understand that God has the right to step in and and do as He wishes when He wishes.

But you would have me cash in my retirement savings? What would be the point of that?
Do you subscribe to Dispensational Premillennialism? Are you currently drawing from your retirement savings?
More strawman points.
There are literally more than a dozen threads in this forum (and scores more in other Christian forums) proving this is not a strawman. You have the opportunity here and now to prove they're not culpable of the things described in this op.
Though I believe the rapture is near....
When you say, "...near..." what specifically and exactly do you mean when using the word "near"? Is that "near" as in next week, or next month? Near as in next year, or maybe two or three years? Is a decade near? How about a century or two? Would a century or more be near? What do you mean, specifically and exactly, when using the word "near"?
Though I believe the rapture is near....
And what, specifically, is it in your life that others might recognize as a life lived consistent with that belief?
as expressed by prophecy, news, technology and other sources.....I also understand that God has the right to step in and and do as He wishes when He wishes.

But you would have me cash in my retirement savings?
Not me. Your own theology. If the rapture is near and the rapture is separated from the final judgment and you're going to be removed from the planet and thereby unable to spend all that retirement savings... then it is incumbent upon you to use that money wisely before you leave so as to be a god steward of that with which God has blessed you. Normally, a wise man saves for the future and a foolish man spends whatever he gets (Pr. 21:20), but you're not going to be around to spend any of it if you're removed from the planet sometime in the near future. All your money and all those millions saved by DPers will go to waste. Literally. In all likelihood, that money will be confiscated by the corrupt governments and used to resist, fight and oppress God's post-rapture work.

Matthew 6:24
No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.

What would be the point of that?
The point would be a theology that is consistent with whole scripture, an eschatology that is rational, a sound evangelical witness for the Lord, and your personal integrity.
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Not me. Your own theology. If the rapture is near and the rapture is separated from the final judgment and you're going to be removed from the planet and thereby unable to spend all that retirement savings...
I hope the rapture occurs prior to me spending my retirement savings.

The way things are going it looks like that may happen.
I hope the rapture occurs prior to me spending my retirement savings.
I'm sure you do. Blessedly for you and me there is now no condemnation, but that does not change the fact you'll be asked to account for burying money away where it could not be used for the kingdom and living a life contrary to what was preached.
The way things are going it looks like that may happen.
So you say, but so far, in all the years during which you and I have traded posts, not a single futuristic concern you've ever mentioned has turned out to be an eschatologically salient predictor of the rapture. Not one. Years have been spent speculating and prognosticating and not a single word ever proved true. Years have been spent dodging questions...

  1. You believe the rapture is near. Are you a Dispensational Premillennialist (or what might generically be called a "modern futurist"?
  2. What, specifically, might an outsider observe about the way you live your life that evidences the belief the rapture is near and you will be taken away?
  3. What specifically do you mean when using the word "near," in a sentence like, "I believe the rapture is near"? How near is near?

Shall I expect answers to the questions asked, or not?
Earlier I wrote of the hypocrisy inherent in Dispensational Premillennialism. Sadly, the practice of preaching one premise and either living as if, the premise is not true or criticizing those who believe otherwise leads to a life that can correctly and justly be called delusional; so delusional that it borders on the dissociative. The term "dissociation" (dissociation, not disassociation) is a condition in which parts of the individual become psychologically separated from one another. Simply put, years of believing the teachings of Dispensationalism causes a change in the way the world and reality is perceived. All of the hypocrisies and mentioned in Part 2 of this series on problems inherent within Dispensational Premillennialism contribute to this delusionally dissociative life but perhaps the most influential is the continuous practice of believing and saying the world is going to hell in a handbasket any day now. If that is truly true then there is absolutely no sense in doing things like taking out a mortgage, saving for children's college, or putting away money for retirement. If it is true Christians are going to be removed from the planet any day now then none of us will be around to reap the benefits of long-term investment and all that money would be going to waste, not spent in more effective ways in what remains of our time here on earth. It is a notable example of poor stewardship. Christians should live in a manner consistent with their stated beliefs and Dispensational Premillennialism is an obvious example of that not happening, but it is also an example of how this teaching skews practice because the DPer walks around with a pessimistic belief system, eschewing any possibility the gospel might have a positive global effect in all areas of life and criticizing those who believe otherwise.

Understand that dissociation occurs unawares. Psychologically, it is a term used in reference to occasions when thought or emotions get disconnected from each other or the person’s environment. In some ways this is a very commonplace or ordinary condition, such as when we forget the last mile of road on a long trip. We were alive and breathing and thinking and acting and negotiating the highway but not heeding the last mile or three. In extreme conditions the soul fractures and multiple personalities form. There’s a lot of terrain between the two. I'm not saying the Dispensationalist is mentally ill or crazy. I am saying the longer a person lives with that teaching the more different reality, the world, and their Christian life becomes. I’ve used this term in reference to Dispensational Premillennialism because of the disconnection or disjointedness between things taught by the teachers, things claimed by the adherents, actual action commonly practiced, and the actual way the world exists. I remind everyone that there's not one single prediction by a DPer in the last 190 years that has ever come true. This 100% fail rate is important to note because the word "delusion" means, "false belief or judgment about external reality, held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary." There is incontrovertible evidence of zero correct predictions, but the belief in imminent events persists. It persists so well that they are willing and constantly speculating how modern conditions might be end-times signs. There is incontrovertible evidence the rate of evangelical conversion has persisted (not declined or increased) over the last century, and incontrovertible evidence the gospel is having positive effect in countries outside of the US (especially in Asia and Africa over the last half-century but the Dispensationalist believes differently and holds a much different view of external reality.

Other examples include how a Christian truly believing they are going to be raptured any day now while plan for their retirement 20, 40, or more years from now, or how they can espouse a literal reading of scripture and not practice it..... thinking they are doing so! These aren't just inconsistencies between thought, word, and deed; they are examples of a serious disconnection, of a life lived so dissociated from what one preaches, and the inconsistency isn’t even seen (or recognized when attention is brought to it).

Because I live in the DC area I have occasionally been privileged to interact with politicians, lobbyists, and think-tank members working for gospel-oriented change. Every single occasion in which I have conversed with Dispensationalists they’ve all communicated at least one common theme: none of their efforts will endure if they succeed! I have dined with members of Focus on the Family, the Family Research Council, radio-syndicated preachers, professors at Christian universities, and leaders of local evangelical organizations who regularly go to Capitol Hill working for political/societal change and heard them state this. When asked another common theme is expressed: Jesus is coming back any moment and they are going to be removed from the planet with their work unfinished and the world going to go to hell….. because that is the way God plans to do things! On occasion I have asked these folks (some of them public figures whose names most of us would recognize) what they think might happen if 60 or 80 or even all 100 Senators were Christians. Would it make any difference? Most of them say it can’t and won’t ever happen (even if they are working to get Christians elected!) and all of them say it won’t make any difference of substance, let alone enduring substance. They work for change they don’t always believe will happen, and if it does happen the effect won’t be substantive, and whether substantive or not it will not endure. Keep in mind: these are people who eschatologically believe one of the end-times signs is the US removing its support of the modern nation Israel. In other words, these Christians believe all their work could be destroyed anytime this week, next month or in coming years. The loss doesn’t matter because they are going to heaven.

Again: This does not happen with any other leading theological/eschatological alternative. Dispensational Premillennialism is the only theology/eschatology in which this happens in this way or this degree. It's not the historical, orthodox point of view or practice (and many of them know this but still believe any way). This kind problem of a disconnected life is unique to Dispensationalism Premillennialism.
Thanks I would offer sound like the last four years of K Chameleon disconnected life . . .the new identity theft . . body and spirit separate being.

The spirit of reincarnation as if the the ressurection on the last day under the Sun has already occurred and it destroys in some the Spirit of faith the unseen eternal things of Christ .

2 Timothy 2:18 Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.

Jesus the Son of man experienced the idea of out of body experiences. I had a dream I saw him here or there. thre time the father gave him words(as it is written) to rebuke the spirit of reincarnation .Satan the king of lying signs to wonder after as if it was prophecy . I think its why jesus aid no sgn is given an evil generation seeks after a sign rather than as it is writen the will of the Faithful Creator.

The "Let there be" will that works in all time dispensations

Matthew 4:8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

What's weird to me. A person can identify with whatever suits there reincarnated fantasies . if so like a fly on the diving wall, other than one exception "I do not identify as a tax payer, not from this planet" Give me my (EBT) card

Proverbs 25:28 He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.

Build them then they will not come. Peace will
Thanks I would offer sound like the last four years of K Chameleon disconnected life . . .the new identity theft . . body and spirit separate being.

The spirit of reincarnation as if the the ressurection on the last day under the Sun has already occurred and it destroys in some the Spirit of faith the unseen eternal things of Christ .

2 Timothy 2:18 Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.

Jesus the Son of man experienced the idea of out of body experiences. I had a dream I saw him here or there. thre time the father gave him words(as it is written) to rebuke the spirit of reincarnation .Satan the king of lying signs to wonder after as if it was prophecy . I think its why jesus aid no sgn is given an evil generation seeks after a sign rather than as it is writen the will of the Faithful Creator.

The "Let there be" will that works in all time dispensations

Matthew 4:8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

What's weird to me. A person can identify with whatever suits there reincarnated fantasies . if so like a fly on the diving wall, other than one exception "I do not identify as a tax payer, not from this planet" Give me my (EBT) card

Proverbs 25:28 He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.

Build them then they will not come. Peace will
Please read Posts 12 and 13 HERE and HERE.

This op is about Dispensational Premillennialism's prompting a lifestyle that is removed from reality and oneself. Nothing more, nothing else. While there are many possible tangents this op might foster, this thread is specifically intended for the discussion of the many disconnections those subscribing to DPism routinely live. Causes outside of the theology itself (like God, or Satan, or demons, or the flesh) are not the subject. It is my hope in these six ops that examining the problems themselves will prompt one of two changes: either the in-house reform of Dispensationalism, or the departure from Dispensationalism by its adherents to more historical and orthodox positions in Christianity.
Please read Posts 12 and 13 HERE and HERE.

This op is about Dispensational Premillennialism's prompting a lifestyle that is removed from reality and oneself. Nothing more, nothing else. While there are many possible tangents this op might foster, this thread is specifically intended for the discussion of the many disconnections those subscribing to DPism routinely live. Causes outside of the theology itself (like God, or Satan, or demons, or the flesh) are not the subject. It is my hope in these six ops that examining the problems themselves will prompt one of two changes: either the in-house reform of Dispensationalism, or the departure from Dispensationalism by its adherents to more historical and orthodox positions in Christianity.
Sorry. My goal was in regard to "removed from reality and oneself" like that of the confederacy

Isaiah 8:12 Say ye not, A confederacy, to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid.
I'm sure you do. Blessedly for you and me there is now no condemnation, but that does not change the fact you'll be asked to account for burying money away where it could not be used for the kingdom and living a life contrary to what was preached.

So you say, but so far, in all the years during which you and I have traded posts, not a single futuristic concern you've ever mentioned has turned out to be an eschatologically salient predictor of the rapture. Not one. Years have been spent speculating and prognosticating and not a single word ever proved true. Years have been spent dodging questions...

  1. You believe the rapture is near. Are you a Dispensational Premillennialist (or what might generically be called a "modern futurist"?
  2. What, specifically, might an outsider observe about the way you live your life that evidences the belief the rapture is near and you will be taken away?
  3. What specifically do you mean when using the word "near," in a sentence like, "I believe the rapture is near"? How near is near?

Shall I expect answers to the questions asked, or not?

In a previous post I presented the following that are indication that the rapture is near. How close is near? Who knows, but I don't believe it's a hundred years away.

I think we can look at prophecy, news, technology, etc. to help us present a "window".

Here's 15 off the top of my head.

For example Israel becoming a nation again is one indicator.
The Ezekiel nation alignment is a second. Russia aligning with Iran, Turkey and the other nations mentioned in that text. Sometimes it's hard to convert from the old nation names to the current nation names. Currently those nations appear to be aligned against Israel.
3.....Technology has been developed that would allow for the mark of the Beast to be employed. It's not quite there but almost there.
4....The Gospel pretty much has been preached to the entire world.
5....The NWO, UN as well as the WEF are working on a one world Government.
6....Plans for the new Temple in Israel are well under way.
7....A "peace treaty" known as the Abrahamic accord has been drafted.
8....The "like the days of Noah" is pretty much here. Transhumanism is being developed and rolled out.
9....AI currently is becoming closer to the "singularity. Rev 13:15 may be the singularity.
10...Peole are traveling to and fro..and knowledge is increasing at a startling rate.
11...A one world currency is being established.
12.... UN "peace and security" statue.
13...Many false Churches.
14....Wars and rumors of Wars. Though this seem to have always been happening.
15....Earthquakes in diverse places? I don't know if I would count the many "small" earthquakes but would expect to hear of major earthquakes happening every month or perhaps every week.

Currently we seem to be in that window.
In a previous post I presented the following that are indication that the rapture is near. How close is near? Who knows, but I don't believe it's a hundred years away.

I think we can look at prophecy, news, technology, etc. to help us present a "window".

Here's 15 off the top of my head.

For example Israel becoming a nation again is one indicator.
The Ezekiel nation alignment is a second. Russia aligning with Iran, Turkey and the other nations mentioned in that text. Sometimes it's hard to convert from the old nation names to the current nation names. Currently those nations appear to be aligned against Israel.
3.....Technology has been developed that would allow for the mark of the Beast to be employed. It's not quite there but almost there.
4....The Gospel pretty much has been preached to the entire world.
5....The NWO, UN as well as the WEF are working on a one world Government.
6....Plans for the new Temple in Israel are well under way.
7....A "peace treaty" known as the Abrahamic accord has been drafted.
8....The "like the days of Noah" is pretty much here. Transhumanism is being developed and rolled out.
9....AI currently is becoming closer to the "singularity. Rev 13:15 may be the singularity.
10...Peole are traveling to and fro..and knowledge is increasing at a startling rate.
11...A one world currency is being established.
12.... UN "peace and security" statue.
13...Many false Churches.
14....Wars and rumors of Wars. Though this seem to have always been happening.
15....Earthquakes in diverse places? I don't know if I would count the many "small" earthquakes but would expect to hear of major earthquakes happening every month or perhaps every week.

Currently we seem to be in that window
For the last 180 years DPers have been making that very same claim about events in their time and not a single one of them have ever been correct and not a single one of them were ever held accountable for their false prognostications. DPism has a 100% fail rate, and no one in Dispensationalism has done anything to improve upon the abject failure of the theology and its adherents' practices. Instead of correcting the problem, Dispensationalists continue on in the exact same practice, inventing the exact same kind of misinterpretations oblivious to the history of complete, uniformly universal failure.

Deuteronomy 18:20-22
But the prophet who speaks a word presumptuously in My name, a word which I have not commanded him to speak, or which he speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die.' And if you say in your heart, ‘How will we recognize the word which the LORD has not spoken?' When the prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, and the thing does not happen or come true, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you are not to be afraid of him.

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." (Narcotics Anonymous)​

They great irony (or is it hypocrisy) is that Dispensationalists continue to look forward to an increase in false teachers in the last days.... and the false teachers for which they look are themselves. Ever seeing but never perceiving, ever hearing but never understanding.

1 Peter 2:1-3
But false prophets also appeared among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. Many will follow their indecent behavior, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; and in their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.

2 Timothy 4:3
For the time will come when they will not tolerate sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires...

David Jeremiah's net worth is estimated at $50 million! and not one prognostication he has ever made has ever come true. Neither has he ever expressed a single word of regret for having taught falsely (separating himself from all the many scriptures pertaining to confession and repentance) and no one has ever held him to account for any of it (separating themselves from all the scriptures pertaining to on-house correction and the poor witness the falsehoods bear to outsiders). One of the chief reasons non-Christians eschew Christianity is because all Christians are (supposedly) hypocrites. There is nothing more hypocritical than profiteering off false teachings and living life contrary to that teaching! Continuing to predict the rapture after having predicted it before and no rapture occurs multiple times is an epitome of delusion.

This op is NOT whether the time is near or not. This op is about the delusional life Dispensationalists commonly live when the theology leads them to become disconnected from reality. One example of that disconnection is the ongoing practice of making MORE predictions when every single prognostication in the entirety of Dispensational history has proven false! By attempting to hijack the op and argue for an imminent nearness the delusion is demonstrated for all to observe. It is the exact opposite of what should be done! Another example of delusional life is posting claims about the rapture for years, ignoring what scripture states, ignoring the historical orthodox position of the Church, ignoring the paradox of Dispensationalism making all the rest of Christianity a lie, ignoring the goodwill peer-correction of others and continuing on in the exact same failing practices.