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Sin, chaos, and entropy

What does that mean?
Entropy turning towards transforming into something else. The present dying corruption is not transforming . The old things as rudiments of this world will vanish up and smoke . A new periodic table .The golden measure of faith (unseen)
Entropy turning towards transforming into something else. The present dying corruption is not transforming . The old things as rudiments of this world will vanish up and smoke . A new periodic table .The golden measure of faith (unseen)
I must apologize. None of that makes any sense to me at all.
That makes no sense. I don't even know what the point is that you are trying to make. Entropy is real.
"Entropy" is only a word we use to put a handle on a remarkably pervasive phenomenon. It is not a "thing". "Entropy really happens" would be more accurate.

There is reason, according to some scientists, to think that particles have something similar to "cell memory". They certainly have no way to prove otherwise. My point was that God knows all, and entropy doesn't affect him at all.
I must apologize. None of that makes any sense to me at all.
I can't be sure, but it sounds like @Mr GLee is referring to something like how I think is God's economy is probably like; where to think is to do, where words are the thing itself, where abstractions are solid reality, etc. (At least, I think that is reasonable concerning God himself —for us, idk.)
I must apologize. None of that makes any sense to me at all.

Its not transforming but disappearing up in smoke.. corruption cannot put on the incorruptible .Wolf in sheep clothes.

New bodies, new rudiments. Not Metamorphosis. But rather neither male nor female. . Jew nor gentile . .one bride
"Entropy" is only a word we use to put a handle on a remarkably pervasive phenomenon. It is not a "thing". "Entropy really happens" would be more accurate.

There is reason, according to some scientists, to think that particles have something similar to "cell memory". They certainly have no way to prove otherwise. My point was that God knows all, and entropy doesn't affect him at all.
Nothing that God created affects Him at all. Why the emphasis on entropy?

Its not transforming but disappearing up in smoke.. corruption cannot put on the incorruptible .Wolf in sheep clothes.

New bodies, new rudiments. Not Metamorphosis. But rather neither male nor female. . Jew nor gentile . .one bride
But spiritual bodies, whatever they might be. I do not believe those spiritual bodies will in any sense be material.
You could be right...but do you have any biblical support for it?
Do I? No.

But think on this, the Garden was a local spot. A particular spot here on earth.

What was outside the Garden? Was it nothingness?
Nothing that God created affects Him at all. Why the emphasis on entropy?
My mention of 'entropy' began several generations of posts back, in a comment on something someone else had said. My point was, at the time, to mention a not-often considered fact concerning entropy. You chose to comment on my post.
I think it's worth mentioning that entropy, like so many other things we assume as 'principle', is not loss of information to heat, except in OUR ability to recount. That is, to God, there is no loss, not just of useful energy, but no loss of anything. As usual, humans look at things backwards. Just saying...
That is a misunderstanding of entropy. There is no loss of anything in a closed system; there is only change from one state to another. Furthermore, creation is not a closed system. Misapplying the concept of entropy will lead to other mistakes.
Do I? No.

But think on this, the Garden was a local spot. A particular spot here on earth.

What was outside the Garden? Was it nothingness?
No, the bible tells us there were plants and animals outside of the garden.
Day 3 plants were created....day 5 and 6 animals were created. They were created prior to the garden being planted.
No, the bible tells us there were plants and animals outside of the garden.
Day 3 plants were created....day 5 and 6 animals were created. They were created prior to the garden being planted.
And is it possible for thousands of years to pass (though I think it was longer) during the time (if there was time in the garden) Adam was in the Garden?
And is it possible for thousands of years to pass (though I think it was longer) during the time (if there was time in the garden) Adam was in the Garden?
It would seem .The garden, city of pleasure outside of the garden. The tree hidden on the inside
It would seem .The garden, city of pleasure outside of the garden. The tree hidden on the inside
Well if they were to stay in the garden and eat of the tree they would live forever in that state. So, it had to be kinda like a type and shadow of heaven. Of course, Eden was not predestined to last forever, or it simply would have. But during this time in Eden, which could have been timeless? How much earth time went by? That's the question. Of course, we cannot know, we are not God.
It would seem .The garden, city of pleasure outside of the garden. The tree hidden on the inside
What "city of pleasure outside of the garden" are you talking about?

And, the tree hidden on the inside —hidden from whom? —and which tree?
What "city of pleasure outside of the garden" are you talking about?

And, the tree hidden on the inside —hidden from whom? —and which tree?

It is something I have been looking at. Not a salvation issue

The bible uses demonyms as city to denote residents. Eden translated is City of pleasure. It represents the new Jerusalem prepared for the Bride of Christ. From her the gospel goes out to the whole world all the nations

The tree in the middle of the forest was hid from sight in order to represent the faith of Christ. The unseen eternal things of God.

Satan added to the prophecy of Christ. Neither shall you touch it. It drew them to the center where Satan took over, the lust of the eyes. . they touched it and did not die so then they ate. . . lust of the flesh, foolish pride.

The two building blocks of false pride

1 John 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

Same kind of reasoning I believe. . . don't look with the lust of the eye .

Matthew 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

It would be like taking children to a toy store and saying to them look with you eyes not with your hands. Hands off
The tree the middle o
And is it possible for thousands of years to pass (though I think it was longer) during the time (if there was time in the garden) Adam was in the Garden?
I don't think Adam was in the garden very long prior to the fall.
I don't think Adam was in the garden very long prior to the fall.
Okay. Guess this is one of those things we just can’t know for sure.

But, since it was in the garden, it’s possible many earth years could have passed. Agree?
It is something I have been looking at. Not a salvation issue

The bible uses demonyms as city to denote residents. Eden translated is City of pleasure. It represents the new Jerusalem prepared for the Bride of Christ. From her the gospel goes out to the whole world all the nations
So you think Eden was separate from the Garden.
The tree in the middle of the forest was hid from sight in order to represent the faith of Christ. The unseen eternal things of God.
Isn't that your application of the unseen eternal things? I.e., do you have any other reason to teach that the tree in the middle of the farden was hid from sight? Or are you just being poetic?
Satan added to the prophecy of Christ. Neither shall you touch it. It drew them to the center where Satan took over, the lust of the eyes. . they touched it and did not die so then they ate. . . lust of the flesh, foolish pride.
Eve is the one who said that God had said, "neither shall you touch it". Though I object to the positive statement that it was added to what God had actually said. We don't know for sure everything that God had told them.
The two building blocks of false pride

1 John 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

Same kind of reasoning I believe. . . don't look with the lust of the eye .

Matthew 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

It would be like taking children to a toy store and saying to them look with you eyes not with your hands. Hands off
The tree the middle o