Red, You should have started that conversation about three verses earlier.
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
This sets the stage for the rest of the passage, John 3:16-21. It says God loved the world. Now this doesn't mean that He approved everything that man does, but that clearly He had compassionate feelings toward them. God hates wickedness, but still he has compassion for them. I truly love my sons and have their entire lives. But there have been times when I simply could not condone their conduct. But that does not mean I ever stopped loving them. God is much more benevolent in that regard than I could ever be. Again, the world here is all mankind. There is no basis for taking this as anything other than all mankind.
I have a few minutes to post a little, but I plan on resting more today than I have the last few, but, that can wait, this is more important. I do have a few grandchildren here that I need to spend a little time with, but they are busy at the moment.
Jim, I have no problem where to start any discussion, but those scriptures I used this morning were part of the discussion at hand. John 3:16 is addressing a totally different subject all together ~ but since you think it is important to our current discussion, let us look at John 3:16.
Without going deep into John 3:16, let me address only your main point where you said:
There are two key points made in beginning this passage. The first one is that God loved the world. It doesn't say God just loved a few whom He selected in the very beginning, those you call the elect,
Jim, you are showing yourself to be a novice, which you should not be with all the years you have given yourself over studying the scriptures, yet you are doing what any unskilled student of the scriptures would do, or/and, what any person does who looks for opportunities to reject the teachings of a doctrine their flesh does not like. Such people quickly jump on sound bites that seemly would give their position some support.
Jim, I'm convince I ahve discussed this with you before, but just in case I have not, once more let me give you the only true biblical sense that can be given that would flow with all other scriptures from Jesus' words recorded in John 3:16. Jim, very simple to see and understand.
Jesus is speaking to a leader of the Jews, and he is now revealing another truth to Nicodemus (he already revealed the mystery of being born again, that it must proceed seeing, hearing and understanding) now he revealing that God's love is not limited to the Jews only, but for the Gentiles also, by using the word
world. World in John 3:16, does not mean
all without an exception, as you and others desire for it to mean, but is used to means
all without distinction!
Romans 3:29
Is he the God of the Jews only?
is he not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also:”
Jim, in the OT and up until Christ's death. God was the God of the Jews
only, but a mystery hidden in the OT is now made know that He is the God of both Jews and Gentiles, his elect are from every nation under heaven.
I'm stopping for now since there some grandchildren that wants my attention for a while....later....RB