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Posobiec's Eschatological War scenario


Well Known Member
Jun 24, 2023
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At Twitter, "Poso" and his Naval intelligence background provides lots of helpful background for discerning our times. While commenting on Israel-Gaza over the weekend, however, he suggested the objective is to draw Israel in to Gaza to start an "eschatological war."

For most readers this goes right toward the various scenes of the Rev without any qualification to it. But it should raise the following questions:
1, does the NT imagine a human war starts the 'eschaton'--the final event, which is the judgement of earth by God? I don't think so.
1A, let's say for the moment that 2 Thess 1-2 is about a modern temple incident. We don't have a modern temple--nor any realistic way for it to come about. If there was a modern temple built, it would revive Judaism, but not follow the letter to the HEBREWS about the role of the ancient sacrificial system. It would thus be an anti-temple for an anti-Messiah. Not something to get too excited about as it is not possible now nor the near future, and indicates a tragic direction.
2, does the NT provide a blanket acceptance of everything about modern Israel? IOW, is it possible to keep one's distance from modern Israel but embrace the NT? I say no on the 1st and then yes.
3, would a regional nuclear conflict that ruined the area be likely but not be "right out of the Rev"? Quite.
This is truly tragic if due to a misunderstood NT eschatology that inflames Muslims over Israel or al-Aqsa. M. Sanford THE COVENANT REVOLT, Amazon.
At Twitter, "Poso" and his Naval intelligence background provides lots of helpful background for discerning our times. While commenting on Israel-Gaza over the weekend, however, he suggested the objective is to draw Israel in to Gaza to start an "eschatological war."

For most readers this goes right toward the various scenes of the Rev without any qualification to it. But it should raise the following questions:
1, does the NT imagine a human war starts the 'eschaton'--the final event, which is the judgement of earth by God? I don't think so.
1A, let's say for the moment that 2 Thess 1-2 is about a modern temple incident. We don't have a modern temple--nor any realistic way for it to come about. If there was a modern temple built, it would revive Judaism, but not follow the letter to the HEBREWS about the role of the ancient sacrificial system. It would thus be an anti-temple for an anti-Messiah. Not something to get too excited about as it is not possible now nor the near future, and indicates a tragic direction.
2, does the NT provide a blanket acceptance of everything about modern Israel? IOW, is it possible to keep one's distance from modern Israel but embrace the NT? I say no on the 1st and then yes.
3, would a regional nuclear conflict that ruined the area be likely but not be "right out of the Rev"? Quite.

More about 1A: it is very hard to understand Christian "excitement" that this temple event would happen but be such a tragedy. We ought to be vexed and hoping it does not.