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Perseverance of the Saints, and Hebrews 6:4-6; 10:26-31

@CrowCross in post 3 doesn't say that Moses was lost. He says that Moses lost the blessing (that he would have had, had he (and Israel) been entirely obedient) of entry into the promised land.
Is it ok to converse with dead people?
@CrowCross in post 3 doesn't say that Moses was lost. He says that Moses lost the blessing (that he would have had, had he (and Israel) been entirely obedient) of entry into the promised land.
True, Moses wasn't lost. He was a "believer"...Just like those mentioned in Heb 6 who were also believers.
Is it ok to converse with dead people?
Moving the goalposts? Red herring? What does that have to do with the conversation up to this point?
Moving the goalposts? Red herring? What does that have to do with the conversation up to this point?
How is it that whenever we speak of prayer and the saints we are accused of conversing with the dead, we ask you the same and this is what we get, wretched double standards!
Moving the goalposts? Red herring? What does that have to do with the conversation up to this point?
Here would be my explanation, of why it was posted.

In the cunning hope that someone will come along and say, "No we are not to communicate with the dead, so why do Catholics do it?" ANd then yet another yet another thread can be smoothly moved into a thread, not on perseverance of the saints, but on Catholicism. It is bait.
How is it that whenever we speak of prayer and the saints we are accused of conversing with the dead, we ask you the same and this is what we get, wretched double standards!
Yep. I was right. I realize you cannot help yourself Don, but you best be putting forth the effort. Self control is a virtue.
Yep. I was right. I realize you cannot help yourself Don, but you best be putting forth the effort. Self control is a virtue.
Sorry I did not notice it’s one of your “special” threads I was only answering him
Sorry I did not notice it’s one of your “special” threads I was only answering him
The Catholic board is one of our "special" boards also. No need to respond to this post, and please don't.
makesends said:
I've been gone for a bit ...who said Moses was lost? I need some context.

donadams said:
Cc in #3

makesends said:
@CrowCross in post 3 doesn't say that Moses was lost. He says that Moses lost the blessing (that he would have had, had he (and Israel) been entirely obedient) of entry into the promised land.

donadams said:
Is it ok to converse with dead people?

makesends said:
Moving the goalposts? Red herring? What does that have to do with the conversation up to this point?
How is it that whenever we speak of prayer and the saints we are accused of conversing with the dead, we ask you the same and this is what we get, wretched double standards!
Huh? I ask who said Moses was lost, and you say CC in #3, and I say @CrowCross doesn't say that in #3 and you ask if it's ok to converse with dead people. I ask what does that have to do with this about CC saying (or not saying) that Moses was lost, and ask if that is not moving the goalposts or trying to distract me from the question of whether or not CC had said what you claimed he said, and you start going on about double standards. What in the world are you going on about?

Best I can figure, you must have thought you were talking to someone else. Otherwise your responses make no sense to me.
makesends said:
I've been gone for a bit ...who said Moses was lost? I need some context.

donadams said:
Cc in #3

makesends said:
@CrowCross in post 3 doesn't say that Moses was lost. He says that Moses lost the blessing (that he would have had, had he (and Israel) been entirely obedient) of entry into the promised land.

donadams said:
Is it ok to converse with dead people?

makesends said:
Moving the goalposts? Red herring? What does that have to do with the conversation up to this point?

Huh? I ask who said Moses was lost, and you say CC in #3, and I say @CrowCross doesn't say that in #3 and you ask if it's ok to converse with dead people. I ask what does that have to do with this about CC saying (or not saying) that Moses was lost, and ask if that is not moving the goalposts or trying to distract me from the question of whether or not CC had said what you claimed he said, and you start going on about double standards. What in the world are you going on about?

Best I can figure, you must have thought you were talking to someone else. Otherwise your responses make no sense to me.
Forget the above

Now a simple question
Is it ok to communicate with the dead? That’s all nothing more

I said “no one who truly has salvation ((heaven)) can lose it”!

Hi Don

I would ask. . .How would that (truly has salvation )apply to the Limbo . . .Purgatory doctrines? Where do they fit into the salvation plan?

Can they be removed if a person receives the end of thier new born again faith,(Christ in us yoked with him ) from the very beginning called; the hearing of faith (his unseen understanding) His power as the fullness of His Mercy seasoned with Grace the fullness the whole cost of salvation not a unknown remnant Save what some call the Queen mother in heaven. That does not sound like the gospel of Christ the invisible head, more like a oral traditons of dying man kind pass it around the legion of fathers grape vine .

Our brother in the Lord Peter was given words from the invisible head, Christ . He did not say wait until you see it with your own eyes before you beleive (Pharisees with Sadducees ) Like. . .I'm form. . Missouri the show me State. or Vatican City. no room left on the roof it would seem.

1 Peter 1:8 Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls. Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace(fullness) that should come unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.

In that way we can have our denomination differences ,Our Father makes men differ. Differences as oral tradition as long as they do not do despite to the fullness of grace the whole cost salivation . Not a unknown remnant..

2 Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

Put on the whole armor it defends us .We can as a gift defend it.