That is not what I intended. I can see how what I wrote was confusing. What I intended to convey was that we come to repentance by the power of God. In other words, we are drawn by the Father to the Son. You are very correct to point out that we must repent to receive Christ.
Forgive me. I apologize. Iv'e unfortunately become accustomed to people trying to hide what they're really saying, without just saying it. Instead, they try to cloke it in 'better' words. It's what they did with Jesus, and what Paul calls pretty speeches.
And so, it's rare and refreshing to see someone actually teaching the Bible as it's written, without trying to shift it around.
I should have said, if you were teaching it. I'll remember the correction in the future. Thanks.
I was simply saying that it is the working of Christ and His agencies upon our hearts that brings us to repentance where we then can receive Him.
Amen. This is a much better teaching than what I once did. We should always include it is God's repentance, and His godly sorrow given to us by His grace, that we might obtain mercy and enter into His kingdom. It's also His Son's saving faith we are given to do so and keep it that way.
We know that whosoever is born of God is not sinning; but he that is begotten of God is keeping himself, and that wicked one is touching him not.
Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that are keeping the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, Keeping yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
Of course, repentance will still remain necessary for us as the Holy SPirit continues to reveal us to ourselves.
A slight correction here. Confession of hidden faults revealed for forgiveness, is not still repenting of unrighteous works of the flesh.
all such dead works that are repented of by grace of God, in order to receive His promised new heart and life of Jesus' Christs prophesied New Covenant.
Amen. If we do not repent, it means we do not hate sin.
This is almost too good to heart these days. When God says His sons love righteousness and hate iniquity, He's talking about us eschewing evil and doing good.
Some pervert this into a hating of the mind only, which they call 'repenting with the mind'. They therefore now justify themselves by so-called 'hating it' while still sinning, rather than enjoying it.
They not only preach a lukewarm gospel of sinning less, but also of getting 'less fun' out of the unrepented sinning.
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man is sowing, that shall he also reap. For he that is sowing to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that is sowing to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
We still love darkness more than light and thus it will be when our verdict is read.
They continue the perversion by declaring they are now 'in the light', by 'hating' sinning in the mind.
All it is, is the unrepented sinners'; gospel for hearers only, that have heard the word of truth, and do have their minds changed about sinning, but they do not the word of truth, by changing the heart from the sinning.
Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby ye have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel?
You are right on it too. It truly is the case that many are called to repentance, but only few are chosen to do so.
Not because God is not willing for all men to repent, but because not all men are willing to repent. At least not God's way, which is
from all sinning, not just some, and for Jesus' sake, not just for
better 'Christian' living.
Once man separates repenting of dead works from saving faith, then he separates his toward works from inward faith. They literally make a religion of the unrighteous, preaching a gradual righteousness by works alone.
They claim an inner righteousness by faith alone
without works, while preaching an outward righteousness by works alone
without faith.
They separate all their works from any faith, just so
doctrinally they can keep their 'saving' faith
untainted by their works. Which makes sense, since their works are still unrighteous, which cannot be with faith toward God.
The unrepented sinners' gospel is not saved by faith alone
without any works, but is in practice unrighteous man's salvation by faith alone
with dead works continuing...