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Mystery of the most holy trinity!

Then how can there be an eternal father with no eternal offspring?
Why would offspring be needed unless it was to keep a lineage going? Or companionship? OR TO CREATE A UNIT?

In my opinion the term Father should only apply pertaining to His son Jesus and when He came about in Matthew 1. This is regarding God the Father and God the Son

It is said that YHWH has been called the Father from eternity past. So the Word is actually His Son back then? But the Word then would be younger then YHWH the Father. Now as I am a card carrying full blooded Trinity believer I could be convinced why the Trinity was not from eternity past, if that is the case. Be it from before this ball of mud we walk on came to be, or when the Holy Spirit visited Mary and she became with child.... The Son would be younger then the Father....

IF THAT BE THE CASE... Not only would that mean the Trinity was not from the beginning and as we believers have read, studied and been taught... per the understanding of the Holy Bible.... The Trinity had to be incorporated at different times... but only if one keeps calling God the Father... Father from the beginning

@Runningman said:
Anyone who is God's offspring has a beginning point (not eternal)

Perhaps he can explain if something begins, but never ends would that not qualify as eternal? If not, what would he call it?
How can he be both eternal and came into existence?

Your quote
(Son only came into existence some 2400 give or take years ago.)
And then he was crusified and resurrected and is in heaven sitting on the right hand of the Father... forever and ever and ever
But God did???
Not the Father. It is said "and behold, a voice out of the heavens said, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased.”"

You asked...
donadams said:
Did the father become man or descend in the form of a dove?

The Father was talking from heaven. I doubt that he shape shifted into a dove, and the last I heard only 1 snake could form sentences.

You do know you are not making a bit of sense.
But only God existed before the world began “in the beginning” so Jesus is divine yes?
Half. I dont think anyone would walk on water, cast out demons, or turn water into wine unless he had mystical powers or was divine.

What about the Word? Where did he come from and when?
I don't one person being eternal necessitates that others be eternal.
That would keep the area in heaven nicely opened.

Everytime there is a new living creation through out the years going back and forward let the offspring expire as having done their job.
Why do you suggest that????????????????

Just because your manmade institution says so?

give it up already, dude.
I see you are not denying it.
The church who chose Jesus' Peter to be their first pope..... Peter who taught them about the Trinity he learded from Jesus.

Go read my last 2 responses to you.
Peter was?