The scriptures are the testimony of the apostolic church to Jesus Christ!

The scriptures are the testimony of the apostolic church to Jesus Christ!
The just (the trinitarians) shall live by faith!Not the canon till 381 approved by the authority of Christ in His apostolic church!
The spirit did not write a physical textThe Holy Spirit certainly is, genius.
scripture says yes! Matt 28:19 Acts 1:8
Isaiah says the Father IS Christ.Is the father the spirit of Christ?
Not sure what Acts 1:8 has anything to do with, but Mt. 28:19 doesn't mean what you want it to.S
scripture says yes! Matt 28:19 Acts 1:8
The Holy Spirit is God.The spirit did not write a physical text
Don't you think Jesus would've needed to actually 'teach' the trinity concept if all that were the case?The just (the trinitarians) shall live by faith!
And by obedience to Jesus Christ in His apostolic church that has authority to bind Christians on earth to believe all that Christ has revealed and the apostolic church teaches! Matt 16:18-19 & 18:17-18 Matt 28:19
Being led into all truth by the spirit of truth! Jn 16:13
I said the New Testament scripture is the churches testimony to Christ.Not sure what Acts 1:8 has anything to do with, but Mt. 28:19 doesn't mean what you want it to.
Proven by every baptism recorded in the Bible (after Mt. 28:19) being performed in the Jesus' Name formula.
It can't mean what you claim it means when the rest of Scripture on the matter proves your interpretation to be false.
I agree but you said God wrote it, inspired anywayThe Holy Spirit is God.
The Holy Spirit is the Author.
Sorry if that offends you.
Truth hurts.
I thought you opposed the doctrine of the trinity?The Holy Spirit is God.
The Holy Spirit is the Author.
Sorry if that offends you.
Truth hurts.
The Spirit not the father or the son but the third person proceeding from the father and the sonDon't you think Jesus would've needed to actually 'teach' the trinity concept if all that were the case?
And the Spirit of Truth IS Jesus.
Jesus is the helper/advocate/intercessor/paraclete,paracletos.
"... we have an helper/advocate/intercessor/paraclete,paracletos with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: ..."
1 John 2:1
"But the comforter(helper/advocate/intercessor/paraclete,paracletos) which is the Holy Ghost ..."
John 14:26