No physical church upon the earth has the same authority as the Bible - and your particular church proudly admits to altering the Bible.Both scripture and the apostles have the same authority!
Both are God breathed!
Both Inspired!
Both come from the same source and are of divine origin & authority!
You said:
“God wrote scripture”! Ok
God is the source of truth and the author of the life of grace. Jn 1:16-17 Jn 14:6
Then why don’t you believe the Apostles; His Apostolic Church?
God is the ultimate authority, Christ is the authority of God, sent By God and therefore the Apostles; His Apostolic Church are the authority of Christ and sent by Christ!
The Apostles; His Apostolic Church is the extension of God & Christ with His authority to every place and time!
Under the explicit authority and command of Jesus Christ to teach & sanctity all men unto eternal salvation, with our obedience to them being implied! Matt 28:19 Lk 10:15 Jn 20:21-23
All under the guarantee & inspiration of the Holy Ghost! Jn 8:32 Jn 16:13
Where does Christ or scripture ever say: “this applies to what they have written ALONE”?
The apostles taught us in person, preaching teaching as the witnesses of Christ (acts 1:8 & 16:17) and the “Mouthpiece of God”!
Thirty plus years before the first letter of the Gospel or New Testament was written, Christ handed down (tradition) or transmitted the fullness of truth to the Apostles; His Apostolic Church, and they exercised authority, teaching, and sanctifying. (administration of baptism, and the sacraments)
Then decades later some of the Apostles wrote some of these truths under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost!
The fullness of divine revelation was complete with the ascension of Christ, and there is no new public revelation, but the apostolic authority continues in the threefold mission that of His Apostolic Church, teach, govern, and to sanctify!
Sacred Scripture & Tradition are God breathed and inspired!
All Christians are bound (Matt 16:18-19 & 18:17-18) to believe and obey! (Rom 16:26)
If God is the ultimate authority and Christ is sent by God and exercise His authority then Christ is also the ultimate or equal authority!
If the apostles are sent by Christ and exercise His authority, and act in His name then the Apostles or His Apostolic Church are also the ultimate or equal authority!
Sacred Scripture & Tradition have equal authority and are the ultimate authority!
Verified by scripture:
2 thes 2:15
Matt 16:18-19
Matt 18:17
Matt 18:18
Matt 28:19-20
Lk 10:16
Jn 20:21-23
Acts 1:1-2
Acts 1:8
Acts 2:42
Acts 16:17
The holy gesture (sign of the cross) in its roots was a prayer in apostolic times.
Fourth-century Father of the Church St. Basil (329–379) said that the Apostles “taught us to mark with the sign of the cross those who put their hope in the Lord”—that is, those who presented themselves for Baptism.
Notice the level of authority He assigned to this statement: “the Apostles taught us”!
He could not say that if He believed that Sacred scripture was the “only authority”!
James Cardinal Gibbons, The Faith of our Fathers, 88th ed., pp. 89.
James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore (1877-1921), in a signed letter."But you may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctify."
https://www.sabbath.org/index.cfm/l...holic-protestant-confessions-about-sunday.htmIs Saturday the seventh day according to the Bible and the Ten Commandments? I answer yes. Is Sunday the first day of the week and did the Church change the seventh day -Saturday - for Sunday, the first day? I answer yes . Did Christ change the day'? I answer no! "Faithfully yours, J. Card. Gibbons