Coming to Christ through a invitation call.
Some time during the year of 1973 I remembered asking a person who went to BJU to purchase me a bible with the money I had given to him, since I thought he knew more than me what to buy, because I was ready to learn the bible~he purchased a ASB which was the bible that BJU used for the most part. He only purchased the NT and told me to start there. It was all Greek to me literally, but I did learn who the apostles were and a few only thing that any elementary school kid could learn on his own. But, not very much more than that. I did begin to listen to BJU radio station on Sunday, because I begin to feel guilty of living the way I was living. My wife was right here with me, and even wanted us both me to go to church. We visited a few and then of all places went to a revival meeting at this small independence Baptist church~where there's are one every corner here is the upstate of S.C.
At the end of the meeting that night the preacher look straight at me and Sherry and said, why are you staying there (some thing to that effect) come to Christ, etc. Which we did, and I have never looked back since that day. I look back at that afterward and consider that moment a moment of the beginning my conversion to Christ, even though this begin much earlier, after we moved south. When exactly was born of God's Spirit, is really unknown since that's God work that takes palace in our subconscious, but truly the fall of 1974 is when my life was committed to Christ, and since that day I have went through several conversions to a more perfect knowledge of the truth. Let me give some details to help.
The small church was a church that taught freewill, against election, and taught a secret rapture theta, etc., etc.
I immediately begin to devour the scriptures and read as much as I possibly could, even though I had to read them several times to get a true understanding. I also purchased books to read and spend a lot of time searching for the truth. I went to bible college in 1975, and dropped out almost as soon as I started, because, what I was taking, I was getting
more from books from men like A. W. Pink, etc. I devour every book that Pink ever wrote, and had a hard copy of them, which I gave my entire library, (a nice room full) to a young man and his wife with six small children so they could reap what I did many years ago.
I quickly saw the doctrine of unconditional election, which left me without a church (place) to attend in this area. I visited over 30 some churches, all of which, just did not teach this doctrine, they
hated it with a passion. I also saw the error of premillennialism. and gradually converted over to amillennialism just about as quick, and then
on to idealism but this conversion took much longer, maybe twenty years, or longer to perfect.
Now, let me come to around 1983, where Sherry and I met a elderly lady who worshipped in her home and invited us to come with her and meet, which we did and this lasted for around a couple of years. But she wanted to do what Arial mentioned above:
And because people are people, the definition sometimes comes down to declaring absolutes, as though one size fits all. We tend to think that however it came about for us is the way it comes about for everyone.
Miss Bullock (never had been married~she was in her seventies when we first met her and we were in our early thirties) always wanted to know how folks came to know the Lord~she thought that when God regenerated a person they come under heavy conviction of sin and this could last for several weeks
until they let go and surrender their hearts to the Lord, etc. etc. She was guilty of thinking all folks get born again just as
she thought she did, when her experience could have very well been a case of conversion and
her conversion was according to her temperament, and circumstances , etc.
More on this point later....RB