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Jesus is the Almighty and He is omniscient


Well Known Member
May 21, 2023
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The Watchtower: Whenever we ask Jehovah God, as did David, to examine our “kidneys” we mean for him to make a most searching examination, one that takes in the deepest emotions, thoughts, feelings. Being omniscient and omnipotent, Jehovah God has no difficulty at all in making such an examination. (The Kidneys—Why Used Symbolically, April 1, 1965, page 219)

Because Jehovah God is omniscient and omnipotent He is able to fully understand our (1) deepest emotions, (2) thoughts, and (3) feelings.
Since the Lord Jesus can do the same thing demonstrates He is omniscient and omnipotent (= God).
Omnipotent = Almighty

The Watchtower: Christ Jesus, to whom judgment is committed, also looks where Jehovah looks: “I am he who searches the kidneys [“deepest emotions,” Ref. Bi., footnote] and hearts, and I will give to you individually according to your deeds.” (Revelation 2:23) (Determined to Serve Jehovah With a Complete Heart, June 1, 1986, page 17)

Insight on the Scriptures: He was able to see into men’s hearts, discern their thinking, reasoning, and motives. (Mt 9:4; Mr 2:6-8; Joh 2:23-25) (Jesus Christ, Volume 2, page 71)

The Watchtower: THE literal kidneys represent a region of the body lower than the fleshly heart. According to one of the definitions, the kidneys are the seat of human feelings, affections and passions. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary links the kidneys with the person’s “temperament.” At Revelation 2:23 the resurrected, glorified Jesus Christ says: "I am he who searches the kidneys and hearts, and I will give to you individually according to your deeds.” (The “Kidneys” and the “Heart” in the Scriptures, September 1, 1984, page 19)
The Watchtower: Whenever we ask Jehovah God, as did David, to examine our “kidneys” we mean for him to make a most searching examination, one that takes in the deepest emotions, thoughts, feelings. Being omniscient and omnipotent, Jehovah God has no difficulty at all in making such an examination. (The Kidneys—Why Used Symbolically, April 1, 1965, page 219)

Because Jehovah God is omniscient and omnipotent He is able to fully understand our (1) deepest emotions, (2) thoughts, and (3) feelings.
Since the Lord Jesus can do the same thing demonstrates He is omniscient and omnipotent (= God).
Omnipotent = Almighty

The Watchtower: Christ Jesus, to whom judgment is committed, also looks where Jehovah looks: “I am he who searches the kidneys [“deepest emotions,” Ref. Bi., footnote] and hearts, and I will give to you individually according to your deeds.” (Revelation 2:23) (Determined to Serve Jehovah With a Complete Heart, June 1, 1986, page 17)

Insight on the Scriptures: He was able to see into men’s hearts, discern their thinking, reasoning, and motives. (Mt 9:4; Mr 2:6-8; Joh 2:23-25) (Jesus Christ, Volume 2, page 71)

The Watchtower: THE literal kidneys represent a region of the body lower than the fleshly heart. According to one of the definitions, the kidneys are the seat of human feelings, affections and passions. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary links the kidneys with the person’s “temperament.” At Revelation 2:23 the resurrected, glorified Jesus Christ says: "I am he who searches the kidneys and hearts, and I will give to you individually according to your deeds.” (The “Kidneys” and the “Heart” in the Scriptures, September 1, 1984, page 19)
Jesus is NEVER called Almighty. Its you adding by assuming. Rev 2:23 doesn't mention a name. All the religions in darkness do not know Jehovah nor that he speaks in Revelation a few times. Keep twisting and misleading others= satans will.
Jesus is NEVER called Almighty. Its you adding by assuming.

I am going by the requirements the JW's have set.
It's not my problem nor my fault that they contradict themselves.

Rev 2:23 doesn't mention a name.

It doesn't have to because "the Son of God" (Jesus) is the speaker (cf. Revelation 2:18).

Keep twisting and misleading others= satans will.

Your go to line when all else fails for you.
The Watchtower: Only Jehovah is able to fathom our inner person—our motives, thoughts, and emotions.—Jeremiah 17:9, 10. (Safeguarding Our Christian Identity, February 15, 2005, page 19)

"Only Jehovah" knows the following of all people:
(1) motives
(2) thoughts
(3) emotions

The JW's affirm that Jesus knows all three above. Thus "only Jehovah" includes the Lord Jesus.
Insight on the Scriptures: He was able to see into men’s hearts, discern their thinking, reasoning, and motives. (Mt 9:4; Mr 2:6-8; Joh 2:23-25) (Jesus Christ, Volume 2, page 71)

The Watchtower: Christ Jesus, to whom judgment is committed, also looks where Jehovah looks: “I am he who searches the kidneys [“deepest emotions,” Ref. Bi., footnote] and hearts, and I will give to you individually according to your deeds.” (Revelation 2:23) (Determined to Serve Jehovah With a Complete Heart, June 1, 1986, page 17)
I am going by the requirements the JW's have set.
It's not my problem nor my fault that they contradict themselves.

It doesn't have to because "the Son of God" (Jesus) is the speaker (cf. Revelation 2:18).

Your go to line when all else fails for you.
You will find out different Fred, Jehovah speaks in revelation a few times. Your religions twist it because they live in darkness and do not know Jehovah. Your translations are altered( removal of Gods name against his will= satans will) and all using them are being mislead to NOT enter Gods kingdom-0 doubt.
Does "only Jehovah" know the motives, thoughts and emotions of all people?
Jesus is Gods image. God gave him all authority, judging, etc. Everything Jesus has or knows came from his Father. So obviously God gave Jesus those abilities as king of his kingdom. Otherwise how could he rule justly if he couldn't do those things?
So obviously God gave Jesus those abilities as king of his kingdom.

Thus, what "only" applies unto God is used in reference to Jesus.

Thanks for your admission.
Thus, what "only" applies unto God is used in reference to Jesus.

Thanks for your admission.
Your false reasoning and assumption says it only applies to God.
The Watchtower: Whenever we ask Jehovah God, as did David, to examine our “kidneys” we mean for him to make a most searching examination, one that takes in the deepest emotions, thoughts, feelings. Being omniscient and omnipotent, Jehovah God has no difficulty at all in making such an examination. (The Kidneys—Why Used Symbolically, April 1, 1965, page 219)

Because Jehovah God is omniscient and omnipotent He is able to fully understand our (1) deepest emotions, (2) thoughts, and (3) feelings.
Since the Lord Jesus can do the same thing demonstrates He is omniscient and omnipotent (= God).
Omnipotent = Almighty

The Watchtower: Christ Jesus, to whom judgment is committed, also looks where Jehovah looks: “I am he who searches the kidneys [“deepest emotions,” Ref. Bi., footnote] and hearts, and I will give to you individually according to your deeds.” (Revelation 2:23) (Determined to Serve Jehovah With a Complete Heart, June 1, 1986, page 17)

Insight on the Scriptures: He was able to see into men’s hearts, discern their thinking, reasoning, and motives. (Mt 9:4; Mr 2:6-8; Joh 2:23-25) (Jesus Christ, Volume 2, page 71)

The Watchtower: THE literal kidneys represent a region of the body lower than the fleshly heart. According to one of the definitions, the kidneys are the seat of human feelings, affections and passions. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary links the kidneys with the person’s “temperament.” At Revelation 2:23 the resurrected, glorified Jesus Christ says: "I am he who searches the kidneys and hearts, and I will give to you individually according to your deeds.” (The “Kidneys” and the “Heart” in the Scriptures, September 1, 1984, page 19)
The gospel of Christ has nothing to do with corrupted dying literal organs. Our new born again faith looks beyond the dying things of this corrupted world . He uses them as metaphors in parables comparing the temporal dying things seen to the eternal things of God not seen

Again the focus on the spiritual not the dying literal .

The Pharisees, sign and wonder seekers . .show us, work a miracle and then maybe we will believe for five minutes .They refused to seek after the spiritual unseen things of God . . . . hid from the things of this dying world seen

Satan blinding the mind destroying the glory of the gospel (beleive God not seen ).

Matthew 15:16-18King James VersionAnd Jesus said, Are ye also yet without understanding? Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man

In the new order on the last day under the Sun .The temporal dying things from here will never come to mind forever and ever . All believer's die not receiving the news bodies that will not age . Neither Jew nor gentile, male nor female (Hebrew 11)

In that way blood transfusions are not allowed . Mankind under the illusion . . .they will, surely not die.

While the life (spiritual)is in the flesh if it not of dying flesh. A living abiding sacrifice our daily bread.

Their temporal spirits under the letter of the law "do not eat." . . (Death ) it returns to the one father of all spirit life and the dust return to the spiritless clay

Genesis3: 4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

We are living in bodies under the one appointment to die once . Yoked with Christ our daily suffering can be lighter with a living hope beyond the grave

Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
Stephen prayed to Jesus to receive His spirit in Acts 7:59. This proves Jesus is God.
He saw Jesus in a vision. It says nothing about praying to him. You assuming does not make a truth ever.
You will find out different Fred, Jehovah speaks in revelation a few times. Your religions twist it because they live in darkness and do not know Jehovah. Your translations are altered( removal of Gods name against his will= satans will) and all using them are being mislead to NOT enter Gods kingdom-0 doubt.
YIKES....you removed the Word from on of Gods names in John 1. Against His will which you then say = Satans will. Doesn't say much for the JW's
He saw Jesus in a vision. It says nothing about praying to him. You assuming does not make a truth ever.
I noticed there is no mention of a vision....

55 But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked intently into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. 56 “Look,” he said, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.”

I read it again...no vision mentioned.
YIKES....you removed the Word from on of Gods names in John 1. Against His will which you then say = Satans will. Doesn't say much for the JW's
The word is not called capitol G God in the Greek lexicons at John 1:1--He is called Theos=god when in the same paragraph the true God is called Ton Theon to show the difference--The only possible difference= God and god. The same occurs at 2Cor 4:4 yet every bible has God-god correctly.
I noticed there is no mention of a vision....

55 But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked intently into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. 56 “Look,” he said, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.”

I read it again...no vision mentioned.
No one can see into heaven except in a vision given by God.