Not so. You truncated the quoted post altering what I said showing your dishonesty.
No, I "
truncated" the statement solely for the sake of brevity since you, me and everyone else with two eyes can read what was posted. The source for the truncation was cited and no malevolence was posted or intended. There is no warrant for assuming any subterfuge on my part. Try keeping the posts about the posts and not the posters.
Something cannot be said to be developed from scripture and be unscriptural. It can be said to have been developed from a misreading of scripture or misuse of scripture and be unscriptural but that is not what the posts states. Furthermore, comparing a view that is "developed" from scripture with another view that is "derived" from scripture as if both are equal is a false dichotomy.
And I can post that without calling into question anyone's motives, faculties, or character. Try keeping the posts about the posts and not the posters.
Post 1 and Post 48 could both be erroneous.
That has already been established. More than once. I was the one who broached it. I am glad you agree. Just because something could be wrong does not mean it is wrong. Post 48 is wrong, and it is wrong for several reasons. It's wrong because it never answers the op's inquiry. It's wrong because it asserts views demonstrably in conflict with scripture. It is wrong because its methodology is flawed in multiple ways. It's also wrong because its author demonstrated a lack of intent to discuss the op (and did so unrepentantly.
None of that has been proven true of the op.
Just because a teaching is derived from stringing a some scriptures together doesn't guarantee that it is without error.
That would assume something not yet in evidence. If it is believed the TULIP is "
derived from stringing a some scriptures together" then make the case proving that assessment. The op has, after all, invited all to do exactly that.
Try keeping the posts about the posts and not the posters.
Would you like me to take up the rest of Post 52 with you?
I do not read an answer to that question in Post #103. Would you like me to take up the rest of Post 52 with you?