Hobie said:
So what kept Him from sinning?
This is a subject that to me is about as intriguing as intriguing gets. The same theme is pervasive in the debate between the Reformed and Self-determinists of all sorts. The Reformed are accused of believing in a system where "everything is automatic", (so, (the self-determinists say), why even try, since everything that is going to happen as God planned is going to happen regardless of what we do?)
It is not automatic. It is only sure. Christ did not sin, not because him being God made it easy to not sin, but because it is sure, that God does not sin.
Further, it is self-contradictory to say that God could have sinned, since sin is rebellion against God. It is silly to say that God can rebel against God. Thus, if Jesus had sinned, he would not have been God. This by no means indicates that the temptation was bogus, but only that, since he was God, he could not have sinned.