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How did Jesus keep from sinning?


Aug 5, 2023
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We know Christ came in the same flesh as man. He had flesh and blood and could suffer death. He had the genetic makeup handed down from Adam's fall through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and King David. So He was made in all points just like we are, and could be tempted and could sin. So what kept Him from sinning?
We know Christ came in the same flesh as man. He had flesh and blood and could suffer death. He had the genetic makeup handed down from Adam's fall through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and King David. So He was made in all points just like we are, and could be tempted and could sin. So what kept Him from sinning?
No sin nature?

God can't sin?
We know Christ came in the same flesh as man. He had flesh and blood and could suffer death. He had the genetic makeup handed down from Adam's fall through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and King David. So He was made in all points just like we are, and could be tempted and could sin. So what kept Him from sinning?
He was made flesh and blood like us, lived in the same fallen world as we do, surrounded by the same temptations as we are, but was not born in Adam and so was not born with Adam's sin as we are. He was born of God. Flesh and blood through Mary.

He could not sin because He same from God, as man, with a purpose. That purpose was the redemption of His people from their sins, and the power of the sin nature to hold them in darkness. His purpose was to live perfectly sinless, and therein fulfilling all the requirements of mankind to their Creator, that in Adam, we are unable to do.

His purpose, having done that, was to substitute Himself in death, which He had done nothing to deserve, in our place. In this He took the just punishment that we deserve, that in Him we might be justified through faith. His righteousness counted as ours, just as our sin was counted as His. The end result of this is a people purchased for God through the blood of His sacrifice, and the defeat of the power of sin to condemn and the defeat of death's power to separate them from God.

He could not sin in the flesh because it was ordained by God that He would not sin. Is 53.
We know Christ came in the same flesh as man. He had flesh and blood and could suffer death. He had the genetic makeup handed down from Adam's fall through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and King David. So He was made in all points just like we are, and could be tempted and could sin. So what kept Him from sinning?
He would have most likely been consciously aware of the presence of God at all times.
Christ had some advantages not available to others of his day. For example:

1) He not only had the genetic makeup of mankind, but also that of God; which
trumps mankind's genetic makeup.

1John 3:9 . . Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in
him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.

2) He was not only empowered by God's spirit, but he was overpowered.

John 3:34 . . God's spirit is upon him without measure or limit.

NOTE: That passage in 1John 3:9 doesn't apply to born again Christians because
the Father has only one direct descendant. (John 1:14, John 1:18, John 3:16, John
3:18, 1John 4:9)

Born again Christians are God's handiwork, i.e. creations (2Cor 5:17, Eph 2:10, Eph
4:24) taken into His family circle by means of adoption. (Gal 4:4-5, Eph 1:4-5)
We know Christ came in the same flesh as man. He had flesh and blood and could suffer death.
He did not have the "genetic makeup handed down from Adam's fall."
The "genetic makeup of Adam's fall" is a sin nature and Jesus Christ had none.
"Adam's genetic makeup" is sinful. And Jesus Christ had none of it.

So He was made in all points just like we are, and could be tempted and could sin. So what kept Him from sinning?
The doctrine that the Lord Jesus Christ not only was able not to sin, but that He was not able to sin. Thus not only did He not sin, He could not sin. He was not only able to overcome temptation, but He was unable to be overcome by it. Christ had a human nature and human nature is, in itself capable of falling. But the human nature of Christ was personally united to the eternal Word, or Son of God, Who is incapable of falling; it never had any existence apart from this union with the Word. Thus when speaking of the Theanthropic Person it is both inconceivable and unscriptural to say that the God-man could have sinned. It is vain to say what the human nature of Christ could have done if left to itself - the fact is, it was not, and could not be, left to itself.

The Scripture teaches the impeccability of Christ. Hebrews 13:8 says He is immutable, but that could not be, if He had been capable of falling. Hebrews 4:15 says, "Christ was tempted in all points like as we are CHORIS HAMARTIAS."
Choris hamartias means "apart from sin" or "sinless." Christ's temptations were unlike ours in that while He was assailed from the outside, there was nothing in Him to respond to that outward challenge. He said, "the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me" (John 14:30.)
Jesus' genealogy is relatively unimportant to the average Gentile, whereas very
important to Jews because only David's biological posterity qualify to ascend his
throne and govern the people of Israel.

Ps 132:11 . .The Lord has sworn in truth unto David; and He will not turn from it:
"Of the fruit of your body will I set upon your throne"

The New Testament asserts Jesus' biological connection to David.

Acts 2:29-30 . . Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch
David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulcher is with us unto this day.
Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him,
that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on
his throne.

Rom 1:3 . . . His son; descended from David according to the flesh

FAQ: Jesus is alleged to have been miraculously conceived (Luke 1:27-35) How
then did he in any way at all descend from David's loins, i.e. his flesh?

REPLY: Mary is sometimes assumed Jesus' surrogate mother. However, he wasn't
implanted in her womb, rather, he was conceived in her womb. Seeing as how
Joseph wasn't Jesus' father, then conception by means of his mom's flesh became
the default path to David's flesh.

** Although women are rare in Bible genealogies, they still matter. For example
Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba. (Matt 1:5-6)

FAQ: Since when did David's throne pass down thru a man's mother?

REPLY: It never has and it never will. In point of fact the Bible says David's royal
descendants have to come down thru his son Solomon.

1Chron 22:7-10 . . David said to Solomon: My son, this word of The Lord came to
me: "You will have a son. His name will be Solomon . . . he will be My son, and I
will be his father. And I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever."

As it turns out: Joseph is one of David's men related to Solomon. (Matt 1:6-16)

So then, seeing as how Jesus wasn't Joseph's biological offspring, it was necessary
for him to adopt Mary's baby in order for the boy to get into Solomon's genealogy.

FAQ: Since when did the Jews begin placing men in positions of power by adoption?

REPLY: Jacob was the first. He took possession of Joseph's two sons Manasseh &
Ephraim, and installed them as tribal heads equal in position to Jacob's eldest sons
Reuben and Simeon. (Gen 48:5-6)
We know Christ came in the same flesh as man. He had flesh and blood and could suffer death. He had the genetic makeup handed down from Adam's fall through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and King David. So He was made in all points just like we are, and could be tempted and could sin. So what kept Him from sinning?
He was made flesh and blood like us, lived in the same fallen world as we do, surrounded by the same temptations as we are, but was not born in Adam and so was not born with Adam's sin as we are. He was born of God. Flesh and blood through Mary.

He could not sin because He same from God, as man, with a purpose. That purpose was the redemption of His people from their sins, and the power of the sin nature to hold them in darkness. His purpose was to live perfectly sinless, and therein fulfilling all the requirements of mankind to their Creator, that in Adam, we are unable to do.

His purpose, having done that, was to substitute Himself in death, which He had done nothing to deserve, in our place. In this He took the just punishment that we deserve, that in Him we might be justified through faith. His righteousness counted as ours, just as our sin was counted as His. The end result of this is a people purchased for God through the blood of His sacrifice, and the defeat of the power of sin to condemn and the defeat of death's power to separate them from God.

He could not sin in the flesh because it was ordained by God that He would not sin. Is 53.
To me it is curious how God does things 'all the wrong ways', most noticeable in how instead of doing the flashy miraculous power-full things, he does them by the earthy, the mundane, the normal, even the human way, yet perfectly accomplishing all he set out to do. Jesus was fully man, yet it is not because he was powerful that he did not sin, but because he was God; he lived how we should, depending on his God for strength and integrity.
He was made flesh and blood like us, lived in the same fallen world as we do, surrounded by the same temptations as we are, but was not born in Adam and so was not born with Adam's sin as we are. He was born of God. Flesh and blood through Mary.

He could not sin because He same from God, as man, with a purpose. That purpose was the redemption of His people from their sins, and the power of the sin nature to hold them in darkness. His purpose was to live perfectly sinless, and therein fulfilling all the requirements of mankind to their Creator, that in Adam, we are unable to do.

His purpose, having done that, was to substitute Himself in death, which He had done nothing to deserve, in our place. In this He took the just punishment that we deserve, that in Him we might be justified through faith. His righteousness counted as ours, just as our sin was counted as His. The end result of this is a people purchased for God through the blood of His sacrifice, and the defeat of the power of sin to condemn and the defeat of death's power to separate them from God.

He could not sin in the flesh because it was ordained by God that He would not sin. Is 53.
No, He was made man, just like all other men, and overcame so that we can put on His robe of righteousness.

Romans 5:19
For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
Adam's curse of death was a curse that he would die by natural causes - within his BODY

not a death that was caused by SPIRITUAL CAUSES -

The curse of his sin caused a breakdown his body the immunity, DNA of his body - Genetic Genome - CELL PRODUCTION

Life Expectancy Is Written in Our DNA

The fundamental factors that killed Adam, the reasons Adams body no longer functioned and the cause of his death is a result of how the cells in the body are dying. Some cells in your body are replaced every 7 to 10 years - they die and need to be replaced by new cells . Neutrophil cells (a type of white blood cell) might only last 2 days - they die and need to be replaced by new cells

Egg cells: last 50 years - then begin to decay, rot and the cells begin to lose life slowly
Heart muscle cells: last 40 years - then begin to decay, rot and the cells begin to lose life slowly
the entire body begins to decay and corrupt and die - the same with

Intestinal cells last 15.9 years-
Skeletal muscle cells: last 15.1 years-
Fat cells: last 8 years
Hematopoietic stem cells: 5 years-
Liver cells: 10-16 months-
Pancreas cells: 1 year-

the entire body stops producing new cells to replace the dying cells causing the human body to die

Stiffening of the blood vessels and arteries, bones begin to shrink in size and density, fracturing and breaking down. Structural changes in the large intestine due to the cells of the body that are not reproducing fast enough to replace the dead cells. The eye's lens begins to become cloudy, The hearing diminishes, no longer able to hear, the gums begin to pull back from your teeth that are decaying and become infection - begening to rot and decay

the skin thins and becomes less elastic and more fragile and wrinkled and frayed
the body no longer burns or uses calories fast enough to provide energy for the body


the body of Adam dies because his body itself began to decay, rot and had become corrupted by the fruit that was forbidden. Adam no longer has access to eat from the GARDEN . - God. changed his diet and drove him out of the garden,

Gen 3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast . eaten. of the tree, . - . cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
:18 and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground;

the sin of 'Âdâm and his wife Chavvâh brought death to the human race.
This death was a result of the eating of the forbidden fruit of corruption and death that corrupted their bodies

this is free will - not a spiritual condition inherited from Adam that was also passed down from him by God

this would make God himself the one who had passed down the - ORIGINAL SIN -

this is why we will have a new body
Greetings Hobie,
So He was made in all points just like we are, and could be tempted and could sin. So what kept Him from sinning?
Jesus was a human, a descendant of Adam and was thus a mortal and shared Adam's fallen nature and the lusts of the flesh. He was also the Son of God by birth as the One God, Yahweh, God the Father was his father and Mary his mother. He was thus of higher birth than all that went before and after him, and as such he was a specially prepared vessel to accomplish the great work of salvation. From a child he was specially educated by God and Mary and Joseph. His trials and temptations were strong, and he could have sinned but he overcame all sin and voluntarily submitted to the greatest trial, which was his sufferings, his trial, his crucifixion and death. As a result God the Father raised Jesus and changed him into an immortal being, and exalted him to sit at His right hand until the time when he will return to establish the Kingdom of God on earth for the 1000 years.

Kind regards
Greetings Hobie,

Jesus was a human, a descendant of Adam and was thus a mortal and shared Adam's fallen nature and the lusts of the flesh. He was also the Son of God by birth as the One God, Yahweh, God the Father was his father and Mary his mother. He was thus of higher birth than all that went before and after him, and as such he was a specially prepared vessel to accomplish the great work of salvation. From a child he was specially educated by God and Mary and Joseph. His trials and temptations were strong, and he could have sinned but he overcame all sin and voluntarily submitted to the greatest trial, which was his sufferings, his trial, his crucifixion and death. As a result God the Father raised Jesus and changed him into an immortal being, and exalted him to sit at His right hand until the time when he will return to establish the Kingdom of God on earth for the 1000 years.

Kind regards
Jesus was a human, a descendant of Adam and was thus a mortal and shared Adam's fallen nature......Jesus shared Adams fallen nature? Do you know what you're saying?

Jesus human father was not human. You do understand it wasn't Joseph???

In fact Jesus was or shouldI say is the Word who was God come in the flesh.
Greetings CrowCross,
Jesus was a human, a descendant of Adam and was thus a mortal and shared Adam's fallen nature......Jesus shared Adams fallen nature? Do you know what you're saying?
Yes, Jesus overcame sin in all its effects, and his conquest of sin at its very source was essential, not only for his own salvation and resurrection but for the salvation of all the faithful. The result was the reversal of the sentence of death imposed upon Adam and his descendants because of sin. Jesus as our representative acknowledged God's righteousness in this arrangement and opened the way of life for all those who believe into a correct understanding of Christ's death and resurrection and the faithful thus have their sins forgiven.
Jesus human father was not human. You do understand it wasn't Joseph???
God the Father was the father of Jesus and Mary was his mother, and as such Jesus was the Son of God and also the descendant of David through Mary Luke 1:30-35, Matthew 1:20-21.
In fact Jesus was or shouldI say is the Word who was God come in the flesh.
John 1:1,14 (KJV): 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
The continuity of the WORD is via the conception "the only begotten of the Father" and the details of this is revealed in Matthew 1:20-21 and Luke 1:34-35. Jesus at the beginning of his ministry was "full of grace and truth", fully revealing God his Father's character and Word.

Kind regards
he did not sin, but because he was God
This is the answer IMO.
God cannot sin by definition.

he lived how we should, depending on his God for strength and integrity.
:unsure: ... he was/is God so you are saying He depended on Himself. Granted, Jesus is a subset of God as shown be Him not being omnipresent or all knowing. :unsure:
No, He was made man, just like all other men, and overcame so that we can put on His robe of righteousness.
How can Jesus not overcome if He is God Himself in a human body? (rhetorical question)
Jesus is God. He cannot sin by definition.
Flesh and blood through Mary.
This is an assumption. God could have implanted a fertilized egg that He created into Mary.

John 1:3 All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being
This is an assumption. God could have implanted a fertilized egg that He created into Mary.

John 1:3 All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being
He could have. But wouldn't that make him a created being?
Yes, Jesus overcame sin in all its effects, and his conquest of sin at its very source was essential, not only for his own salvation and resurrection but for the salvation of all the faithful. The result was the reversal of the sentence of death imposed upon Adam and his descendants because of sin. Jesus as our representative acknowledged God's righteousness in this arrangement and opened the way of life for all those who believe into a correct understanding of Christ's death and resurrection and the faithful thus have their sins forgiven.
If he had had a sin nature he would need someone to die for him also. A nature to sin is sinful in itself. Adam's descendants still have the sentence of death imposed on them.

Jesus is not our representative. He is our substitute. Believing he is a representative instead of a substitute, a way shower instead of the way, is not a correct understanding of Christ's death and resurrection. Not even close.
i believe that Jesus was sinless and " kept " sinless for 2 specific reasons

1.. he did not follow after his own nature and natural instincts and desires as a man
2.. he knew the will of God who sent him into the earth and knew that he came OUT of God

and this knowledge and love was in him, having full knowledge, wisdom, understanding and purpose. In that he , as a man, with a human nature and natural desire did not follow after the momentary and short term pleasure and plans of those around him who sought food, pleasure, marriage, family, riches, fame, fortune and glory. Jesus saw visons and knew through spiritual perception exactly from day to day the importance and purpose of obeying the will of God.

Jhn 4:34 Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.

Jhn 5:30 I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will,

but the will of the Father which hath sent me.

Jhn 6:38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.

Jhn 6:39 And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.

Jhn 6:40 And this is the will of him that sent me,
He could have. But wouldn't that make him a created being?
The body of Jesus is a created thing as God is Spirit which is immaterial.
The spirit of Jesus ... :unsure: ... that's trickier ... I would say it is a subset of God and therefore not created but 'limited'. As proof of 'limited' scripture says Christ did not know the time that He would come back and thus was not all knowing. My analogy is that God is the "cloud" of the internet and Jesus can download information as needed.
His ways are not our ways and His thoughts not our thoughts so probably I don't know what I am talking about. *giggle* Lot's of people on the forum can vouch for that. *giggle*