Adam's curse of death was a curse that he would die by natural causes - within his BODY
not a death that was caused by SPIRITUAL CAUSES -
The curse of his sin caused a breakdown his body the immunity, DNA of his body - Genetic Genome - CELL PRODUCTION
Life Expectancy Is Written in Our DNA
DNA methylation provides clues about how long a person or animal is likely to live. Could it be harnessed to slow the aging process?
The fundamental factors that killed Adam, the reasons Adams body no longer functioned and the cause of his death is a result of how the cells in the body are dying. Some cells in your body are replaced every 7 to 10 years - they die and need to be replaced by new cells . Neutrophil cells (a type of white blood cell) might only last 2 days - they die and need to be replaced by new cells
Egg cells: last 50 years - then begin to decay, rot and the cells begin to lose life slowly
Heart muscle cells: last 40 years - then begin to decay, rot and the cells begin to lose life slowly
the entire body begins to decay and corrupt and die - the same with
Intestinal cells last 15.9 years-
Skeletal muscle cells: last 15.1 years-
Fat cells: last 8 years
Hematopoietic stem cells: 5 years-
Liver cells: 10-16 months-
Pancreas cells: 1 year-
the entire body stops producing new cells to replace the dying cells causing the human body to die
Stiffening of the blood vessels and arteries, bones begin to shrink in size and density, fracturing and breaking down. Structural changes in the large intestine due to the cells of the body that are not reproducing fast enough to replace the dead cells. The eye's lens begins to become cloudy, The hearing diminishes, no longer able to hear, the gums begin to pull back from your teeth that are decaying and become infection - begening to rot and decay
the skin thins and becomes less elastic and more fragile and wrinkled and frayed
the body no longer burns or uses calories fast enough to provide energy for the body
the body of Adam dies because his body itself began to decay, rot and had become corrupted by the fruit that was forbidden. Adam no longer has access to eat from the GARDEN . - God. changed his diet and drove him out of the garden,
Gen 3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast .
eaten. of the tree, . - . cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou
eat of it all the days of thy life;
:18 and thou shalt
eat the herb of the field;
:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou
eat bread,
till thou return unto the ground;
the sin of 'Âdâm and his wife Chavvâh brought death to the human race.
This death was a result of the eating of the forbidden fruit of corruption and death that corrupted their bodies
this is free will - not a spiritual condition inherited from Adam that was also passed down from him by God
this would make God himself the one who had passed down the - ORIGINAL SIN -
this is why we will have a new body