If you aren't a Christian, I don't know why you would come to this forum and say the things you are saying. This "Gentile Christian" thing you are talking about as if it is opposed to the New Testament is just made up nonsense.
How could it be "nonsense?" The New Covenant is made between God and the house of Israel. If anything, Gentile Christians with whom God has made NO COVENANT attempt to steal everything God has given to the Jews His Chosen people and try to make it all their own, but it won't last. When the Times of the Gentiles ends - and it will end - God turns His full attention back to Israel THE SAME WAY when before the destruction of the Temple God had sent His Son to the
lost sheep of the house of Israel and pretty much ignored Gentiles. Now, here's a Scripture from the Holy Spirit. Tell me which of these "items" God gave to Israel have been stolen by Gentile Christians:
Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and
the glory, and
the covenants, and
the giving of the law, and
the service of God, and
the promises;
Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen. Rom. 9:4–5.
I know Gentile theology. The Romans letter was written by Paul, a Pharisee from the tribe of Benjamin and a Jewish Christian to Jewish Christians at Rome. But Gentile Christians read and teach it as though Paul wrote to Gentile Christians.
1. They steal the New Covenant Scriptures from Israel.
2. They teach they are descendant of Abraham and adopted by God.
3. They walk around as though they own the glory and a bag of chips.
4. They read, steal and teach that God had given them
all the covenants God made specifically with the House of Israel when they read the Scriptures. In EVERY church throughout the world when pastors and teachers teach from the Bible most of them insert Gentiles as the ones in the narrative their Scripture passages are speaking about.
5. The same when they teach about the Law to their congregants on Sunday mornings. But Gentiles were NEVER under the Law.
6. They steal and teach that they are the ones who serve God alone to the exclusion of Jewish Christians and the truth of the Scripture that Paul in Romans 9:4 is speaking about Jews, the House of Israel.
7. They teach and steal the promises God gave to Israel directly through covenant or directly through the prophets God sent to His Chosen, covenanted people Israel.
All I am doing is bringing clarity to what the New Covenant Scriptures teach, and you think I'm 'out of line?' I don't think nor believe it reasonable that God spends 4000 from Adam, to Seth, to Eber, to Noah, to Shem, to Abraham, to Isaac, to Jacob and the twelve tribes of Jacob/Israel making covenant after covenant to this specific family line and when Israel's Promised Messiah comes and goes God's Holy Spirit inspired writing are sent first
to Gentiles to whom He's made no covenant and haven't even begun to be saved yet while the Temple is still standing. How arrogant and prideful can anyone be to think God's Holy Word which He's given to Israel be given to Gentiles who've been carried away by their dumb idols.
If you can't see Romans 9:4 that salvation is of the Jews and in this era, God is using Gentiles to make Israel jealous don't let me minimize what happens typically in a tri-angle love affair. Someone usually gets killed. You want to have the right mindset and attitude towards the apple of God's eye, Israel, when the gun goes off. Because when Christ returns the first thing He's going to do is subdue the Gentile Christian faction because they are truly out of control stealing what belongs to Israel and trying to make everything their own.
All the apostles in the New Testament, and Jesus himself, were Jewish, not Gentiles, and they spoke of Satan and his demons. The fact that the Old Testament doesn't mention demons very much has no bearing on this (even though it does indeed mention them).
Of course, it does. Types and shadows, prefigures, prophecies that give outline and not substance, covenants and mysteries that are hidden, and the like must ALL be in the Old Testament, or they have NO New Testament reality. And "Satan," and "devil(s)," do not have any presence in the Old Testament the way the Gentile Church today believes them to be and to the extent they believe them to be. Did you know Christ called Peter the person "Satan?" Do you know that "Satan" is used a couple of places in the Old Testament of humans? Do you know that "Satan" and "devil" are written by the Holy Spirit as adjectives? How can anyone make an adjective into a noun or personal pronoun and hope to come to the knowledge of the truth? The answer is they can't. Instead of picking up what's called "demonology in the 20th century go back to the first century and beyond and trace how this subject which was nothing to Israel has become an entity today in Gentile minds. It permeates literature, media, movies, music, you name it.
You said, how do people KNOW it? This isn't rocket science. People know things simply because they just do. If you doubt it, just research some more and you will find out.
Anything and everything that is available to be learned must be studied it doesn't just come to you.
Here, in one sentence you say "people know things simply because they just do" (without study and being taught), and in the next sentence you tell me to do 'research." Contradiction in terms. Make up your mind.
Even Paul had to study and contemplate, and pray, and study, and contemplate to know the things he knew. It didn't just come to him in one sitting. He did what we do today and that is search the Scriptures for in them you think they are of eternal life, and they are, they TEACH about Jesus Messiah. Paul had to ask, seek, and knock just like we do today. He had the OT writings and so do we along with the New Covenant Jewish writings and we study them to make ourselves approved of God in order to come to the knowledge of the truth. And for every born-again believer - Jew or Gentile - our learning is a progression from glory to glory, day in and day out. I don't know about you, but I spend almost a total of 23 hours a day thinking about Scripture and about 6 hours a day in a 24-hour period reading and studying the Scriptures. The Lord has made it that I have the time to do this.
Do you?