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Have you ever been tested by the devil

No, it doesn't. Scripture teaches an end to Satan and all his minions so that he and they would no longer exist at a particular point. That point has come and gone since AD 70. You just missed the memo, is all.
Chapter and verse please that says Satan and the demons were eliminated at the time of the destruction of the temple in AD 70.
The word "converted" does not adequately convey the concept of the new birth in spirit, being born again in truth with a renewed mind that is a new creation. It generally refers to changing a belief system
I'm sure you realize that I am referring to my salvation experience when I was first awakened to life by the Holy Spirit. Please don't make me an offender for a word...I'm posting in rather a hurry today, and really should be in my workroom taking care of business.
For example, you seem to have claimed that a "physiological" condition is responsible for all demonic behaviours we see today because your reading of the Biblical verse that says the fallen angels are bound in hades is the ultimate end
I am not basing my understanding of the fate of the unclean spirits, the devils, and Satan based on a single verse in 2 Peter 2:4. That is only part of the full picture presented in scripture, and it doesn't end for them staying in a bound state. Their fate ends with their total elimination and destruction so that they don't exist anymore.
...even though the New Testament also talks about resisting the devil and he will flee from you, or putting on the spiritual armour of God to stand against the devil, etc., etc.
Those were scripture directives that were necessary for the "short time" in which Satan had then been released in AD 33 until the Satanic realm was destroyed in AD 70. An enraged Satan was in full battle mode at the time, knowing that he only had that "short time" left to exist.
You don't bother to tell anybody what the specific physiological condition actually is, nor how to treat it, either.
The mental health field is not my area of expertise, but I have often visited facilities and had close association for many years with quite a few individuals who have been affected by mental health maladies. The human brain is a marvel of God's creative acts, but when that wiring malfunctions, there are any number of strange perceptions and activities that can result, even among godly Christians. I don't rule out pharmaceutical intervention for chemical imbalances in these cases, which I do not regard as resulting from demonic activity, since God has eliminated this oppression of mankind long ago. I also highly recommend the non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical EMDR treatment method by mental health practitioners for healing traumatized individuals. Diet, lifestyle, and social engagements with others also affect the mind and its behavior. No one treatment method should be regarded as a magic bullet for all problems.

What are the 3 resurrections?
They are the three bodily resurrection events which reflect the symbolic pattern portrayed in the three required OT harvest feast celebrations in scripture, namely, Passover, Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles. A resurrection for the bodies of the saints in scripture is compared to "harvests" of the "precious fruit of the earth" which God as the husbandman patiently waits for (James 5:7). God has already fulfilled the first two bodily-resurrection events staged with the "First Resurrection" event at Passover in AD 33 (Christ and the Matthew 27:52-53 resurrected saints), and then the second resurrection on Daniel's predicted 1,335th day, which fell on Pentecost day in the AD 70 year. Finally, the third bodily-resurrection event will take place in our future at the time of year when the Feast of Tabernacles would have ordinarily taken place under Mosaic law. This is why Zechariah 14:16-19 highlights that single FOT for believers to remember in the "year to year" process of history following Christ's AD 70 coming to the Mount of Olives.
Chapter and verse please that says Satan and the demons were eliminated at the time of the destruction of the temple in AD 70.
It's not just a single chapter and verse. It is many texts, and takes a post dedicated to that theme to cover the issue.
The mental health field is not my area of expertise,
I know.
They are the three bodily resurrection events which reflect the symbolic pattern portrayed in the three required OT harvest feast celebrations in scripture, namely, Passover, Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles. A resurrection for the bodies of the saints in scripture is compared to "harvests" of the "precious fruit of the earth" which God as the husbandman patiently waits for (James 5:7). God has already fulfilled the first two bodily-resurrection events staged with the "First Resurrection" event at Passover in AD 33 (Christ and the Matthew 27:52-53 resurrected saints), and then the second resurrection on Daniel's predicted 1,335th day, which fell on Pentecost day in the AD 70 year. Finally, the third bodily-resurrection event will take place in our future at the time of year when the Feast of Tabernacles would have ordinarily taken place under Mosaic law. This is why Zechariah 14:16-19 highlights that single FOT for believers to remember in the "year to year" process of history following Christ's AD 70 coming to the Mount of Olives.
This is mental illness as an explanation.

Do take time to write a lot when you are in a hurry dear.
Have you ever been tested by the devil?
Does having your life and faith pummeled to the brink of extinction at God's behest to teach an important lesson that cannot be learned any other way count?

“You can never learn that Christ is all you need, until Christ is all you have.” - Corrie ten Boom​
  • Jarius Daughter.
  • Lazarus.
  • Jesus.
  • Us (someday)
... wait a minute, that's four. :unsure:
I am referring to group resurrection events - not individual cases such as were raised by the disciples and Christ and the prophets in the OT, who had to wait on earth until Christ's predicted second coming return in AD 70.
I am referring to group resurrection events - not individual cases such as were raised by the disciples and Christ and the prophets in the OT, who had to wait on earth until Christ's predicted second coming return in AD 70.
OK, then how about this:
  • Those resurrected while Jesus was alive through the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
  • Those resurrected when Christ died (the dead that came out of their graves as a witness to the death of death).
  • Those resurrected with Christ (Jesus as the first-fruits of a harvest).
That's three. :cool:
Those resurrected while Jesus was alive through the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
This is a spiritual awakening to eternal life through the Holy Spirit on a case by case basis. This spiritual awakening to life (at whatever point in a human's life) is a requirement for participation in one of the three group bodily resurrection events for the saints - in AD 33, AD 70, or our future at the close of fallen mankind's history.

  • Those resurrected when Christ died (the dead that came out of their graves as a witness to the death of death).
  • Those resurrected with Christ (Jesus as the first-fruits of a harvest).
These are the same. The Matthew 27:52-53 saints came out of their graves and went into Jerusalem "after Christ's resurrection" on that same day when He arose the first day of the week. All of that group together were called the "First-fruits" harvest (1 Corinthians 15:20 & 23, and Revelation 14:4). It was comparable to the "First-fruits" harvest of barley back in the OT, with a handful of the wave sheaf offered in the temple along with a single He-lamb for a sacrifice (Leviticus 23:12).
@3 Resurrections

I was just having fun guessing. If I were to PERSONALLY advocate for 3 Resurrections, they would all be "personal" (related to our Justification, Sanctification, and Glorification.) I would list them as follows:

  1. Jesus was resurrected - His death, burial and resurrection changed EVERYTHING!
  2. At some point in TIME, God did something to me. The old man died and I rose transformed. "Born from above" or "given a heart of flesh rather than a heart of stone" or "made a new creation" or Sealed with the Spirit" ... choose whatever term you like, but I was DEAD in sin and then I was ALIVE in Christ. That was a resurrection to me.
  3. "Already and not yet" is the Baptist Mantra. I am not what I once was (already resurrected), but I am not what I will become (not yet Glorified). I have one more resurrection to look forward to where God will transform me to be like Him. I am SO looking forward to that.
Those would be MY 3 Resurrections (If I felt a pressing need to have 3 resurrections delineated).

Shalom Shalom (it means "perfect peace"),
It's not just a single chapter and verse. It is many texts, and takes a post dedicated to that theme to cover the issue.
Easy to say....hard to prove.

Basically your whole fallen angel theology is based off of a single verse.....which is a bad thing to do especially when there are many verses that show your position is problematic.
You forgot Eph. 2:3.

3 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.
Eph 2:3.

But hey! That's what I'm here for.
Jude 6

6 And the angels who did not stay within their own domain but abandoned their proper dwelling—these He has kept in eternal chains under darkness, bound for judgment on that great day.

Which angels were these?
Rev 6:2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took as wives whomever they chose.
Those were not angels. Thos were human descendants of Seth (covenant) and daughters of men (who were non-covenant.)

They were unequally yoked, and this should serve as a lesson that we need to marry only covenant women. THEN our children stand a much better chance of not growing up without law and become tyrants and bullies which is what "nephal/nephalim" means according to Strong's.

First, the angels that sinned are locked up and it occurred between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, before God created man.
Second, for the sake of argument if there were angels loose on the planet evil angels do not participate in Holy Matrimony.
Third, spirit beings have nothing to do with material humans. Like wind on our skin.
Fourth, God is Sovereign and none of his creation have free will.
Fifth, all angels are male and have no need for genitals.
Sixth, God ordained that His creation of males or any one species mate with the females of the same species "after their kind." Angels and humans are of two created orders.
Seventh, spirit being would not have any DNA in which to pass on in their offspring for there are no female angels and this didn't piss off the angels that God didn't create females for them to carouse with. The angels that DID NOT sin are perfectly happy to be as they are and serving God without the hassle of females to draw their attention away. They are perfectly centered on God.
Eighth, God has only ONE only begotten Son, not many sons. Covenant "men" are adopted.
Ninth, I admit this thing about presenting themselves and what happen to Job is difficult to interpret but what I have submitted above is reasonable and sound.
Now, I'm sure the author of this OP will allow a response to what I said and then I'll leave this subject for another thread but there's not much more for me to add at this time and I don't want to sidetrack his thread. Let's not do that.

1. There are many instances of Jesus curing and healing various physical ailments and sicknesses but show me in Scripture of Jesus healing mental conditions.

2. Why would the Holy Spirit add this statement as the conclusion to Jesus healing the one man in the tombs:

15 And they come to Jesus, and see him that was possessed with the devil, and had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and IN HIS RIGHT MIND: and they were afraid. Mk. 5:15.
You forgot Eph. 2:3.

3 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.
Eph 2:3.

But hey! That's what I'm here for.
At least make sense.
Those were not angels. Thos were human descendants of Seth (covenant) and daughters of men (who were non-covenant.)
Well, that's where you have it wrong.
They were unequally yoked, and this should serve as a lesson that we need to marry only covenant women.
I would suppose a fallen angel and a human would be unequally yoked.
THEN our children stand a much better chance of not growing up without law and become tyrants and bullies which is what "nephal/nephalim" means according to Strong's.
Strongs doesn't say that. You can look it up if you like.
First, the angels that sinned are locked up and it occurred between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, before God created man.
No, the angels fell after man was created....You do know what "very good" means??? Yes???
Second, for the sake of argument if there were angels loose on the planet evil angels do not participate in Holy Matrimony.
I don't think it was Holy. Sex, yes....Holy, no.
Third, spirit beings have nothing to do with material humans. Like wind on our skin.
OK, you're beginning to make up silly answers....so I'll stop answering this post.
Fourth, God is Sovereign and none of his creation have free will.
Fifth, all angels are male and have no need for genitals.
Sixth, God ordained that His creation of males or any one species mate with the females of the same species "after their kind." Angels and humans are of two created orders.
Seventh, spirit being would not have any DNA in which to pass on in their offspring for there are no female angels and this didn't piss off the angels that God didn't create females for them to carouse with. The angels that DID NOT sin are perfectly happy to be as they are and serving God without the hassle of females to draw their attention away. They are perfectly centered on God.
Eighth, God has only ONE only begotten Son, not many sons. Covenant "men" are adopted.
Ninth, I admit this thing about presenting themselves and what happen to Job is difficult to interpret but what I have submitted above is reasonable and sound.
Now, I'm sure the author of this OP will allow a response to what I said and then I'll leave this subject for another thread but there's not much more for me to add at this time and I don't want to sidetrack his thread. Let's not do that.

1. There are many instances of Jesus curing and healing various physical ailments and sicknesses but show me in Scripture of Jesus healing mental conditions.

2. Why would the Holy Spirit add this statement as the conclusion to Jesus healing the one man in the tombs:

15 And they come to Jesus, and see him that was possessed with the devil, and had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and IN HIS RIGHT MIND: and they were afraid. Mk. 5:15.
I have no definitive answers, but antidotally, a Registered Nurse that I know who worked in a Psychiatric Hospital claims that a large percentage of the “mental illness” that he cares for is demonic in origin in his opinion. Drugs render those under the influence of evil spirits controllable, but these people will never be cured by drugs or therapy.

Take or leave his observation as you please.
There is no "devil."

All the angels that sinned are locked up.

2 Peter 2:4
Jude vs. 6
Chuckle!!! Tell yourself that lie 1000 more times, and maybe you'll get to believe it. Your "cites" don't say what you want them to.
I have no definitive answers, but antidotally, a Registered Nurse that I know who worked in a Psychiatric Hospital claims that a large percentage of the “mental illness” that he cares for is demonic in origin in his opinion. Drugs render those under the influence of evil spirits controllable, but these people will never be cured by drugs or therapy.

Take or leave his observation as you please.
That's the point. What does "demonic" mean?
The Gentile Church believes in an angel named Lucifer also called Satan, the Devil, etc., who is loose on the planet but 2 Peter 2:4 says the angels that sinned are locked up.
Given that and Israel's history there was no Satan or devil or demons except goat-demons that were nothing like the Gentile Church believes.
I used to believe in a Satan out there in one place at a time but not anymore. 2 Peter 2:4 tells me they are all locked up and this required me to rethink what I believed. Scripture does that to me, toy know. It tells me what to believe unlike a majority here who tell Scripture what to say. So, let me work out my salvation. I know in whom I believe and not only that, but why.
Demons are "attitudes" of the mind. The man Jesus healed had mental issues, and before Jesus dealt with anyone, He had to subdue their mind and attitude and with power told them to "Shut up!"
So, if the angels that sinned are locked up, and Satan is used as an adjective and Jesus told Peter the person "Satan" then I reject the theology of Gentile Christians that there is an angel called Satan and his friends loose on the planet.
I no longer hold to "the devil made me do it."
That's the point. What does "demonic" mean?
The Gentile Church believes in an angel named Lucifer also called Satan, the Devil, etc., who is loose on the planet but 2 Peter 2:4 says the angels that sinned are locked up.
Given that and Israel's history there was no Satan or devil or demons except goat-demons that were nothing like the Gentile Church believes.
I used to believe in a Satan out there in one place at a time but not anymore. 2 Peter 2:4 tells me they are all locked up and this required me to rethink what I believed. Scripture does that to me, toy know. It tells me what to believe unlike a majority here who tell Scripture what to say. So, let me work out my salvation. I know in whom I believe and not only that, but why.
Demons are "attitudes" of the mind. The man Jesus healed had mental issues, and before Jesus dealt with anyone, He had to subdue their mind and attitude and with power told them to "Shut up!"
So, if the angels that sinned are locked up, and Satan is used as an adjective and Jesus told Peter the person "Satan" then I reject the theology of Gentile Christians that there is an angel called Satan and his friends loose on the planet.
I no longer hold to "the devil made me do it."
Except that the Bible talks about demonic possession and not mental illness. Then there was "Legion" who went into thousands of pigs. Nothing you have said here wipes away the testimony of the Bible and the church through the ages. It's just your personal opinion.