Joel 2:21-22 in OT = Those who call on the name-YHVH(Jehovah)will be saved
Quoted 2 x in NT- Acts 2:21-Romans 10:13--The name belongs at both NT spots---But in the altered translations-LORD is at Joel by satans will, thus Lord is at both NT spots. And since all know Jesus is Lord, they think his name is the name to be called on but they will find out its 100% error, they are being mislead by using altered translations.
The "Lord" ('kyriou' in Greek) in Acts 2:21 and the "Lord" ('kyriou' in Greek) in Romans 10:13 refers to the Lord Jesus.
So I don't know what you are talking about.
In fact, even in their 'Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures' the JW's have it as 'kyriou'.
Acts 2:21
Romans 10:13
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