I like Hokema. I haven't the chance to read Forde yet. Hey brother, as were discussing this yesterday. The Classical Arminian position on TD and Prevenient Grace contradict each other. This and other reasons is why I recanted Classical Arminianism and became a Classical Reformed Calvinist. What's very interesting though is Arminius himself states without regeneration of the Holy Spirit by God in Christ Jesus, no sinner will possess the faculty to think, will, desire God.
The Arminian will respond by saying they believe in Prevenient Grace and insist this must come before man's so-called willful choice. But how do they explain how this prevenient grace doesn't interfere in violating man's will? Well, PG isn't effectual in saving anyone, they will say. Okay, so then obvious question to ask is what then is the cause of man's salvation if it isn't Grace? They will say it's them making a choice; this little work outside of God's Grace that is found in the inherent goodness of man. Sounds like Pelagianism to me.