I just found your post interesting from your perspective, I’m not saying I agree with it.
A Born Again imo will always be obedient to the will of God...I mean God showed me his will for an area of my life as a new babe.
As best as we can.
YOU WERE selected for a purpose. Of that I have zero doubts. You had an experience that most people never do. You share something in common with Jeremiah and others from the Holy book that were "selected"
Do you doubt the sincerity of the young pastors and clergy when they take their vows after seminary and become ordained ministers?
Or even those young priests who swear their vow of chastity?
How many will tell you that they "got the calling" and truly believed that they were all about gods work only to be caught up years and decades later in alcoholism, and even affairs. They did not set out to be this way. But it happened. And these would have told you... perhaps still believe they were also born again.
I love you as my sister in Christ.
I love you as my friend.
Your testimony is beyond comprehension to some and magnificently wonderful to others who wish they had shared what you did.
Your ability and witnessing so great but you need to understand that somewhere deep within you is that free will spark that
Adam had... at one time. He made a choice to follow his wife. You have made a choice... your choice.... every time you say
as you did below
"but, it was the hardest journey of my life to get to the place I’m at today...I couldn’t have done it without the Holy Spirit, who keeps me on that narrow path."
You did not start out ready to obey.... did you.
You say it was "hardest journey of my life to get to the place I’m at today"
That , my friend, is what I call free will. If you had the spiritual born again experience and had difficulties in your growth.... that was because the free will was making it hard for you to do what your heart wanted.
Didn't Jesus tell us...in John 14:16-17
“I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever;
that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you."
That Spirit of truth.... is the Holy Spirit.
Why, if there was a danger that they might fall away would this need to be done? Because they all were born with free will.
He guides each of us and when we falter in our growth... be it early on or later.... It is He who gets us back on that straight and narrow.
And with that I shall say May the Lord bless you and keep you...
( at the risk of many who might come along and say now woman has a right to bless) (I thought about that and it was the Holy Spirit that gave the OK)
It scared me silly, I didn’t understand it at the time, again it came by divine revelation, therefore I ignorantly rejected it..that was nearly 33 yrs ago.....God knew exactly what I would do when he revealed his will to my heart....it was all part of his plan...it’s a very long story, well , I am now 100% being obedient to his will, there is so much to this story, I’ve cut it extremely short...I’m 100% in harmony to his will,( my will is in line with his will) .
Gods will can never be thwarted...now I’m in a good place and am enjoying his will coming to fruition, mind Blowing stuff....but, it was the hardest journey of my life to get to the place I’m at today...I couldn’t have done it without the Holy Spirit, who keeps me on that narrow path.
..my relationship with God is very much Alive and Active...the Holy Spirit indwells my spirit, working everything out according to God’s plan....it’s all about God and His Living Power....that gives Life to my spirit.
Just my opinion/testimony and belief.