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Free will. What is it?

I do not believe God has overruled free will and forced anyone to do anything.

Duly noted. But it leaves the question still unanswered.

The question didn't ask if he would, and it didn't ask if he has. It asked if he can.

If God CAN control or overrule the human will, is it free?

The answer is either yes or no. And feel free to elaborate or add certain qualifications. For example, "Yes, it is nevertheless free because [insert reasons here]."

Or you could even answer, "It is free even though God can, and it would no longer be free the moment he did. (But, to be clear, I don't believe he ever has.)"

Or you could answer, "I reject the premise because I don't believe God can control or overrule the human will."

See? There are at least four possible answers you could give.

Why is it people think they can dictate a discussion. and tell a person they have not done something?

I am asking a specific question and want a clear answer. That is not dictating a discussion; I can't make you answer one way or another. But I do want an answer, and if one is not provided I will throw a spotlight on that.

If you're trying to get me to change my view about free will with this line of questioning ...

I have no interest in trying to change your mind. But I am keenly interested in trying to figure out what you believe. That is, after all, the reason for this thread—to learn what we all believe on this question.
All I see in the book of Jonah is God's sovereignty, providence and His will being done and a rebellious human that God had chosen, but did it the way God ordained it anyhow.

The spiritually dead cannot choose salvation.
I diosagree. But if you want to believe this, I have no problem
Their minds are set on the flesh, death and hostile towards the God.
Romans 8:5 For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.
Romans 8:6 For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace,
Rom 8:7 because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so,
Romans 8:8 and those who are in the flesh cannot please God.

The unregenerate love sin and hate the light of truth.
John 3:19 "This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.
John 3:20 "For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.

Unregenerate man cannot understand the Spiritual things of God.
1 Corinthians 2:14 But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.

The unregenerate are children of the devil.
John 8:44 "You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

The preaching of the cross is foolishness to them.
1 Corinthians 1:18 For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

Now with all this in mind, how can the spiritually dead (unregenerate) person has no will or want to seek God, his will is bent on sin.

In fact, Paul tells us their is no one good, no not one. No one seeks God.

God elects those that He will draw to his son, and give them the new birth to believe.
John 20:30 - 31 — 30 And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; 31 but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.
As john says clearly here Life comes from seeing and believing.

it also comes from receiving John 1 - But as many as have RECIEVED HIM, to THEM he gave the power to become children of God.

New birth into Gods family or life comes to those who receive in faith.

it is all gods will

1st that he will lose non (eternal security)

2nd, that all who see and believe will be given this eternal life.

John 6: 38 For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. 39 (one) This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day. 40 And (two) this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.

Take this with John 3. Where Jesus says as mosses raised the serpent. Whoever looks to Christ in faith will be born again, and this life will be forever (eternal life)
That doesn't follow. That would only be true if God intended to (and did) regenerate everyone.
If regeneration is by irresistible grace. everyone would be saved, it would be so irresistible that no one would reject. All would repent. and you would not need to make them alive first.. because the grace is so irresistible. a natural man would easy take it..

lets remember, we need to look at it as an outside would see it..

You can not say something is irresistible, then say but actually. God has to make us alive first. or we would not receive it. and not everyone would receive it. This is nonsensical when use the definition of the word.

that is why I reject the I in "TULIP"
But he has an 'elect only' policy.
Says who?
God can be seen throughout Scripture, History, Science and Logic to be very particular. So far, every verse/passage I have seen brought to bear by those who disagree with Reformed Theology in this, turn out to be not what they thought, or even very strong support for salvation intended ONLY for the elect.
I see a different God.

I see a God who came to people. A god who was very merciful. refusing to even give his chosen the land because the sin of the Amorite was not yet complete. How he3 loved his chosen nation for generations while that nation rebelled. and killed his prophets. That he loved a gentile nation so much. He sent Jonah against his will (by putting road blocks in his way when he tried to flee) to get them to repent.

makesends said:
Maybe, then we could also drop the term, "free", from freewill, since freewill is only used in the Bible concerning voluntary deeds, as opposed to required deeds. (For example, voluntary offerings as opposed to required offerings.)

But Irresistible Grace refers only to Regeneration.

This is one of the issues at the core of our disagreements, though it is not itself THE core of it.

You use these commonly used human terms, human concepts:
1. What can happen
2. God overruling someone's will
3. A person's will 'is what it is', and God works with and around it.

The Calvinistic person (whether actually a Calvinist or Reformed—and I claim neither) works from:
3. God is what he is, default fact (sovereign), and he is thus the basis by which all other fact and principle exists.
2. God needn't overrule anyone's will. He is not about them, he does not exist for them. Instead, they are about him, no matter what they think and do. They exist and do what they do for HIS purposes, whether they mean to or not.
1. Nothing can happen except by God's purposes. The notion of "possibility" is only about the future, and it is only our human notion. God already has that in hand. Only one thing is possible in any single consideration.

Notice that our options from which to choose are only that—options from which to choose. In fact, only the one chosen ever happens. We have no evidence that anything else 'could have been' chosen. Even in the Bible references to the hypothetical —(for eg, "If you had done (chosen, wanted, obeyed etc) 'this or that', then I would have done (been, said, rewarded etc) 'something or other'...")— do not indicate that anything could have happened, but to demonstrate various abstracts, such as what should have been chosen, or principles concerning what results follow which choices, and so on.

To be fair in representing the Reformed and Calvinist, not all of them put things the way I have there. That is my own way of saying it, but that is the basic difference.

The CORE of the difference between what are commonly called 'freewillers' and Calvinist/Reformed is in Point-of-View: Humano-centrism vs God-centrism, (to some degree dealt with in points #3 above).
I think we went over this in another thread?
Yep. It all serves God's purpose. Do you know why he created man? Was Eden the pinnacle of God's purpose for man? If there had been no evil, we would not become the people we will be in Heaven.
So your saying God created man to curse them with a curse that would bring mankind multiple times to the point of extinction (the flood first, and second Matt 24, the end time period where Jesus has to intervene or no flesh would survive)

I am sorry, but I can not see this,,

The system would be incoherent, if God, knowing what would result, created anyway, then decided that was a mistake? Again, two wills. (1. Command) : We all disobey, some always, some often, (2. 'Decree') : but everything we do, good or bad, God INTENDED to happen, for his purposes.

You assume that there is such a thing as "what could happen" and "possibilities". But even if there were such a thing, (though I say those are only our guesses), there is no reason he would chose only people he knows will do his will (obey him), to put into places of power etc. —everyone, obedient or not, he uses for the choices THEY make, whether good or bad, to accomplish his ends (decree). We know, for example, from explicit Scriptural statement, that everybody in power was put there, not by accident, but by God.

FWIW I don't focus on his sovereignty as much as on his being Default Fact. He is the beginning of everything else, and he had no beginning. (This is such an important and necessary distinction between him and his creation that Pantheism / New Age / etc have gone so far as to think that God is everything and everything is God. They are wrong, and what they conclude is not a necessary conclusion of his Immanence.) Sovereignty and many other things are necessary implications or even necessary to a proper definition of God. Thus, it is self-contradictory to say that Sovereign God can give up his sovereignty. And no, I'm not saying he can't. I'm saying it is a logical self-contradiction, like saying that he can (or can't) make a rock too big for him to pick up. The fact we can put words together like that, and like the poetic sound of them, doesn't make it a cogent notion.

One of the problems with focusing on his love is that it depends on not just subjective notions, but subjective feelings, that we bring into the mix of reason as if they were facts. We draw axioms from what WE think love is, and arrange everything else by that.

"God is love", we hear, and we think, "Ooooh that's nice—God is LOVE!", as if we had a valid comprehension of the matter. We draw our implications (inferences) and conclusions, and so we have limited what he means. We even assume it must mean that he respects and honors us.
The issue is you can not look at Gods love or justice as you look at human love and justice.

God is so far above us, trying to give it human terms just belittles it, because we can not fathom how great they are..
Duly noted. But it leaves the question still unanswered.

The question didn't ask if he would, and it didn't ask if he has. It asked if he can.

If God CAN control or overrule the human will, is it free?

The answer is either yes or no. And feel free to elaborate or add certain qualifications. For example, "Yes, it is nevertheless free because [insert reasons here]."

Or you could even answer, "It is free even though God can, and it would no longer be free the moment he did. (But, to be clear, I don't believe he ever has.)"

Or you could answer, "I reject the premise because I don't believe God can control or overrule the human will."

See? There are at least four possible answers you could give.
I do not deal in hypotheticals. They never turn out well. and most people asking for them seem to be asking to drive a point home.. If you want to make a point, please make it.
I am asking a specific question and want a clear answer. That is not dictating a discussion; I can't make you answer one way or another. But I do want an answer, and if one is not provided I will throw a spotlight on that.
See above. Again, I do not deal in hypotheticals.. Just make your point.
I have no interest in trying to change your mind. But I am keenly interested in trying to figure out what you believe. That is, after all, the reason for this thread—to learn what we all believe on this question.
then ask real questions. Not hypotheticals.

If I do not believe a Perfectly loving God would over rule a persons free will. asking if it is possible would be asking me to say something i do not believe would ever happen..

Satan's lie is God does not really love us, God created us to serve him only, He stands as a dictator with a wip bringing us in line, do as I say or else.. or treating us like puppets. only able to do what he wants. or having us pull his sleigh to do his dirty work.

God has spent the last 6000 some years defeating this lie. the final nail in the coffin being the cross..

No greater love!!!
I do not deal in hypotheticals.

You also don't answer questions. Here, watch this:
  • Is God able to control or overrule the human will?

Ask real questions. Not hypotheticals.

The number of times that you engage in projection is incredible, as you just did again here, telling me to ask only real questions and to not use hypotheticals—barely 24 hours after musing aloud, "Why is it people think they can dictate a discussion?"

I did ask a real question. It was not a hypothetical, it was a conditional (in the context of logic). The antecedent is being assumed for the sake of argument ("If God can control or overrule the human will ..."), in order to inquire about the consequent ("... is it free?"). It is a logical "If p, then q" but expressed as an interrogative. The question is inquiring whether the truth of p (sovereign control) logically allows q (freedom of the will) to also be true. The conditional is being used to probe a potential logical incompatibility between divine sovereignty and human free will.
You also don't answer questions. Here, watch this:
  • Is God able to control or overrule the human will?

The number of times that you engage in projection is incredible, as you just did again here, telling me to ask only real questions and to not use hypotheticals—barely 24 hours after musing aloud, "Why is it people think they can dictate a discussion?"

I did ask a real question. It was not a hypothetical, it was a conditional (in the context of logic). The antecedent is being assumed for the sake of argument ("If God can control or overrule the human will ..."), in order to inquire about the consequent ("... is it free?"). It is a logical "If p, then q" but expressed as an interrogative. The question is inquiring whether the truth of p (sovereign control) logically allows q (freedom of the will) to also be true. The conditional is being used to probe a potential logical incompatibility between divine sovereignty and human free will.
My friend.


Ask me a question based on what I BELIEVE if, as you said, your trying to understand what I believe. (Is that really what you are doing? After this post. I question that is what you are doing.. But I will not accuse)

I do not believe God would ever over rule a persons will (that would make him a dictator in my view) so to ME is it a hypothetical

It does not have to be hypothetical in your view. In fact I know you believe God can and has over ruled a persons will..

But you are asking me a question I can not answer. because in my view it is a hypothetical question.

I do not and will not deal in questions concerning things that are hypothetical to me.

And then you attack me like this? (Number of times I engage in projection)

if you do not like that I will not answer your question that is hypothetical to my thinking, that's no one me. But DO NOT say I am projecting.

MAKE YOU POINT that you are trying to make.. or pleas move on.
ACTS 20:25b ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’
If "free will" (the ability to self determine salvific faith) be true then, in this aspect a Christian is more blessed than God.


Job 35:7 If you are righteous, what do you give to him, or what does he receive from your hand? 8 Your wickedness only affects humans like yourself, and your righteousness only other people.
If "free will" (the ability to self determine salvific faith) be true then, these verses are false.
I do not believe God would ever over rule a persons will (that would make him a dictator in my view) ...

I know you don't. That wasn't the question. I shall try a third way to get an answer.

Which one matches your view closest:
  • "I don't believe that God would overrule a person's will because I believe he's not able to."
  • "I don't believe that God would overrule a person's will, even though he is able to."
(P.S. You really ought to calm down a little. I am trying to ask you a question, not attack you. There is no need for this elevated defensiveness.)
If regeneration is by irresistible grace. everyone would be saved, it would be so irresistible that no one would reject. All would repent. and you would not need to make them alive first.. because the grace is so irresistible. a natural man would easy take it..
Not at all. It is God who decides in whom the Spirit of God will dwell. That is not given to anybody to accept and decide about. It is, then, not up to anybody to accept or reject by any choice, resistance or otherwise.

"Receiving" is a bit of a tricky word, here, ever since the synergistic notion has become standard thinking, that an act of will of the recipient is the hinge upon which this question turns. We do receive the Holy Spirit, in that we are the receptacles, or 'vessels', into which the Spirit of God is placed.

And once it is done, any "acceptance" is acknowledgement, thankfulness, fellowship and walking with God.
lets remember, we need to look at it as an outside would see it..
You can not say something is irresistible, then say but actually. God has to make us alive first. or we would not receive it. and not everyone would receive it. This is nonsensical when use the definition of the word.

that is why I reject the I in "TULIP"
The Irresistible Grace is the being-made-alive, which must come first before any spiritual (per 1 Cor 2:14) decision by the creature can be made. We don't say that God has to make us alive first before doing his deed of making us alive. You are placing your layer upon ours, as though we were doing it.

makesends said:
But he has an 'elect only' policy.
Says who?
Says the doctrine of 'Election', as taught by Scriptures, all over the place.
I see a different God.

I see a God who came to people. A god who was very merciful. refusing to even give his chosen the land because the sin of the Amorite was not yet complete. How he3 loved his chosen nation for generations while that nation rebelled. and killed his prophets. That he loved a gentile nation so much. He sent Jonah against his will (by putting road blocks in his way when he tried to flee) to get them to repent.
Yes, I know you see a different God.
So your saying God created man to curse them with a curse that would bring mankind multiple times to the point of extinction (the flood first, and second Matt 24, the end time period where Jesus has to intervene or no flesh would survive)

I am sorry, but I can not see this,,
No. You are misrepresenting things. How would it sound if I were to say, "So you're saying God intended something to happen, but somehow couldn't stop it from going wrong." ?

Go back to the beginning. Why did God create anything? For the glory of his praise. How does his creating bring that about? By making a particular creation that would be his particular People, the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ, the Children of God, the Dwelling Place of God. How does he accomplish that particular creation? By, among many other things, the creation of those who would reject him. To those he did not show mercy nor 'install' his Holy Spirit to dwell in them and raise them from death to life in Christ. Instead his intention toward them was reprobation FOR THAT PARTICULAR CREATION, AND THAT, FOR THE PRAISE OF HIS GLORY. Look at Romans 9 again, verse 23, in the immediate context of verses 19 to 23, or 11-24, or the whole chapter, or the whole book, or the whole Bible.
The issue is you can not look at Gods love or justice as you look at human love and justice.
That is what I said, yes. But the self-determinist does look at God's love or justice according to human love and justice. The one insisting on self-determinism thinks it all depends on himself, to include his concepts and definitions. When he runs into a logical roadblock, at the very best he thinks, "Well, I don't know it all so I give up thinking about it —my concepts of love and justice are human only, and not the way God sees it, so I give up trying to make sense of it all. I'll stick by my concepts because they work well up to a point, and ignore the logical implications and contradictions, because I can't abide even any beginning of a notion of an unjust God."
God is so far above us, trying to give it human terms just belittles it, because we can not fathom how great they are..
Of course. But that is what those insisting on self-determinism do.
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Not at all. It is God who decides in whom the Spirit of God will dwell. That is not given to anybody to accept and decide about. It is, then, not up to anybody to accept or reject by any choice, resistance or otherwise.

"Receiving" is a bit of a tricky word, here, ever since the synergistic notion has become standard thinking, that it is an act of will of the recipient is the hinge upon which this question turns. We do receive the Holy Spirit, in that we are the receptacles, or 'vessels', into which the Spirit of God is placed.

And once it is done, any "acceptance" is acknowledgement, thankfulness, fellowship and walking with God.
again, this sounds like alot.

Recieve is just this

he who believes is not condemned, who who does not believe is condemned already..

the one who believes is the one who recieves. as John said, even to those who believe (trust)

Because when we look at it as we have been taught. we will only see what we have been taught. I had to learn this the hard way.. And have since changed my view on a few things
The Irresistible Grace is the being-made-alive, which must come first before any spiritual (per 1 Cor 2:14) decision by the creature can be made. We don't say that God has to make us alive first before doing his deed of making us alive. You are placing your layer upon ours, as though we were doing it.
I will say again, If you believe this, this is fine, But I reject this notion.

You have man dead in sin, being made alive still dead in sin.

that is contradictory
makesends said:
But he has an 'elect only' policy.

Says the doctrine of 'Election', as taught by Scriptures, all over the place.
I disagree.

I do not see it taught anywhere
Yes, I know you see a different God.
sad, but true.. we both can not be right
No. You are misrepresenting things. How would it sound if I were to say, "So you're saying God intended something to happen, but somehow couldn't stop it from going wrong." ?
Then explain it in a way I could see it in any other way.. How else could I change what I see?

if you said that you would be misrepresenting me, because I have said time and time again, God has stopped things from happening.. he has also allowed many things.

Go back to the beginning. Why did God create anything? For the glory of his praise.
Yes..And satan led and tried to take this glory by saying God did not create us to serve us, but to serve his own evil desires.
How does his creating bring that about? By making a particular creation that would be his particular People, the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ, the Children of God, the Dwelling Place of God. How does he accomplish that particular creation? By, among many other things, the creation of those who would reject him. To those he did not show mercy nor 'install' his Holy Spirit to dwell in them and raise them from death to life in Christ. Instead his intention toward them was reprobation FOR THAT PARTICULAR CREATION, AND THAT, FOR THE PRAISE OF HIS GLORY. Look at Romans 9 again, verse 23, in the immediate context of verses 19 to 23, or 11-24, or the whole chapter, or the whole book, or the whole Bible.
I disagree. He made man to serve. man chose to rebel. So he devised a plan to save his creation. because he loved it.
That is what I said, yes. But the self-determinist does look at God's love or justice according to human love and justice.
Maybe you are too?
The one insisting on self-determinism thinks it all depends on himself, to include his concepts and definitions.
Well he may, But as with everything, if we disagree with something. do not go 100 degrees out and do the same thing yourself but make it sound different.
When he runs into a logical roadblock, at the very best he thinks, "Well, I don't know it all so I give up thinking about it —my concepts of love and justice are human only, and not the way God sees it, so I give up trying to make sense of it all. I'll stick by my concepts because they work well up to a point, and ignore the logical implications and contradictions, because I can't abide even any beginning of a notion of an unjust God."

Of course. But that is what those insisting on self-determinism do.
God is perfect justice, he is also perfect love

perfect justice says there is a payment for sin (death)

perfect love can not over rule his justice, but he can make a way. To take the penalty in the place of the guilty.

Perfect love died for all. not some

to say he only died for some.. would IN MY VIEW (please do not take offence) be a humanistic way of thinking.. I say this, because it is not perfect love, it is limited love

Justice applies to everyone because it is perfect. if love does not apply to everyone. then love is not perfect it is limited.
ACTS 20:25b ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’
If "free will" (the ability to self determine salvific faith) be true then, in this aspect a Christian is more blessed than God.
How is this?

How can a christian be more blessed then God in giving when God gave himself for his creation.

Job 35:7 If you are righteous, what do you give to him, or what does he receive from your hand? 8 Your wickedness only affects humans like yourself, and your righteousness only other people.
If "free will" (the ability to self determine salvific faith) be true then, these verses are false.
free will is not self determinate in all cases.

That is what I have been trying to show..

so to say ALL free will is self deterministic is false.
I know you don't. That wasn't the question. I shall try a third way to get an answer.

Which one matches your view closest:
  • "I don't believe that God would overrule a person's will because I believe he's not able to."
  • "I don't believe that God would overrule a person's will, even though he is able to."
(P.S. You really ought to calm down a little. I am trying to ask you a question, not attack you. There is no need for this elevated defensiveness.)
I am moving on.

I have said multiple times now. i will not answer a hypothetical.

You keep trying to push, then act as if it is me who is the problem not you.

the fact you keep pushing for an answer you will never get. instead of just telling me the point your trying to make. just proves to me you have ulterior motives.

You say your not trying to attack me,

Yet you say

1. I continue to engage in projection
2. My view that your question is a hypothetical is nonsense

I can go on and on but you get the picture.

You say you are tryign to learn what I believe. Ask me a question about my belief I can answer.

not a hypothetical..

This will be the last time I respond to this question. So ask another question. make your point. or please move on
ACTS 20:25b ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’
If "free will" (the ability to self determine salvific faith) be true then, in this aspect a Christian is more blessed than God.
How is this?

How can a christian be more blessed then God in giving when God gave himself for his creation.
According to "free willies", God died for all men without exception, but the actual application of this offer is incumbent upon the individual and that aspect of salvation shows men to be on the giving side and God on the receiving side according to "free willies". Since, it more blessed to give than receive, Christ are in the superior position regarding this aspect. This aspect, according to "free willies", glorifies man and not God even though there are verses to contradict "free willies" like:
Job 41:11 Who has first given to Me, that I should repay him?
1 Corinthians 4:7 "Who maketh thee to differ from another? And what hast thou that thou didst not receive? (Free willies would say they have "free will" which was not received

free will is not self determinate in all cases.

That is what I have been trying to show..

so to say ALL free will is self deterministic is false.
A definition saying what something is not is not a definition.
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ACTS 20:25b ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’
If "free will" (the ability to self determine salvific faith) be true then, in this aspect a Christian is more blessed than God.

According to "free willies", God died for all men without exception, but the actual application of this offer is incumbent upon the individual and that aspect of salvation shows men to be on the giving side and God on the receiving side according to "free willies".
lol. where does this kind of thinking come from. This is not what ANYONE I know thinks or believes anything even near this

Here let me give you an example that may help you understand what we think

I have 4 kids. You could say I created these 4 kids since I am the father.

All 4 of my kids have needs they can not fullfil. They have no ability to get these needs met.

Do I go ahead. and pay out of my work for these needs to be met

2 of my kids see the value of my gift. and receive them

2 of my kids do not trust me, they think I have ulterior motives, they doubt I really love them, and they in unbelief reject my gift.

the 2 kids that received my gift in faith did not give more then me, They did not do anything to earn the gift they received, and they did not give me anything in return, I did not receive anything

yet here you are in this case saying I received from my kids. and they can now boast because they earned the gifts I gave out of my blood sweat and tears.

The two who rejected my gift out of lack of faith had every chance to take the gift and get their needs met. In refusing, their needs are never met and they lost out..

Since, it more blessed to give than receive, Christ are in the superior position regarding this aspect. This aspect, according to "free willies", glorifies man and not God even though there are verses to contradict "free willies" like:
How can my kids be glorified because in faith they chose to recieve my gift they could never pay for?

Its more blessed to give than to receive, I Gave, they received. I am more blessed. as is God more blessed because we received in faith his gift.

Job 41:11 Who has first given to Me, that I should repay him?
1 Corinthians 4:7 "Who maketh thee to differ from another? And what hast thou that thou didst not receive? (Free willies would say they have "free will" which was not received
Free willies say we recieved the gift.

What do we have that we did not recieve? Nothing

what did we recieve? the love of God and his grace gift.

A definition say what something is not is not a definition.
What you said in you post does not accurately resemble what we believe.
lol. where does this kind of thinking come from. This is not what ANYONE I know thinks or believes anything even near this

Here let me give you an example that may help you understand what we think

I have 4 kids. You could say I created these 4 kids since I am the father.

All 4 of my kids have needs they can not fullfil. They have no ability to get these needs met.

Do I go ahead. and pay out of my work for these needs to be met

2 of my kids see the value of my gift. and receive them

2 of my kids do not trust me, they think I have ulterior motives, they doubt I really love them, and they in unbelief reject my gift.

the 2 kids that received my gift in faith did not give more then me, They did not do anything to earn the gift they received, and they did not give me anything in return, I did not receive anything

yet here you are in this case saying I received from my kids. and they can now boast because they earned the gifts I gave out of my blood sweat and tears.

The two who rejected my gift out of lack of faith had every chance to take the gift and get their needs met. In refusing, their needs are never met and they lost out..

How can my kids be glorified because in faith they chose to recieve my gift they could never pay for?

Its more blessed to give than to receive, I Gave, they received. I am more blessed. as is God more blessed because we received in faith his gift.

Free willies say we recieved the gift.

What do we have that we did not recieve? Nothing

what did we recieve? the love of God and his grace gift.

What you said in you post does not accurately resemble what we believe.
Who is the "we"?
we who belie)ve in free will (at least everyone I know and have known and fellowshipped for the last 50 years all over this great country
Let's say we All believe the Will is Free in some ways, and we All believe the Will is Bound in some ways...

We All believe in '50 Shades of Gray' of the Will. We argue over percentages of Freedom and Bondage...

That's silly...
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Let's say we All believe the Will is Free in some ways, and we All believe the Will is Bound in some ways...

We All believe in 'Shades of Gray'. We argue over percentages of Freedom and Bondage...

That's silly...
again, this sounds like alot.

Recieve is just this

he who believes is not condemned, who who does not believe is condemned already..

the one who believes is the one who recieves. as John said, even to those who believe (trust)
Yes. If one has been born again by the Holy Spirit, he has received (and not as a result of anything endemic to who he is or what he has done): 1. the Spirit of God, as a receptacle for that Spirit. 2. all the 'immediate' benefits of that indwelling by the Spirit of God, to include salvific faith and salvation itself.

John does not say that this receiving is a result of the willed act of believing, nor by being convinced. I hope you read the last time we went through this. Can you show from Scripture where John says that the receiving of the Spirit and its immediate benefits, is a result of the willed act of believing? In fact, you can't even show that the believing is a willed act at all! As you indicate below, there is a lot you have been brought up believing as simple natural fact.
Because when we look at it as we have been taught. we will only see what we have been taught. I had to learn this the hard way.. And have since changed my view on a few things
Yep. And, FWIW, both you and I will change a lot more. You and I both learned the hard way, and we have a lot more to learn.
I will say again, If you believe this, this is fine, But I reject this notion.

You have man dead in sin, being made alive still dead in sin.

that is contradictory
Not at all. Man is taken from death to life. No longer dead in sin. The Reformed view is that man, through no act of his own —that is, totally by the Grace of God— is transformed from death to life. No longer dead in sin.

Are you saying that he has to no longer be dead in sin in order to be transformed, or in order to become transformed from death to life?

makesends said:
But he has an 'elect only' policy.

Says the doctrine of 'Election', as taught by Scriptures, all over the place.

I disagree.

I do not see it taught anywhere
What do you think the "Doctrine of Election" is? I'm going to try to assume you're not playing games. You do agree that the Bible uses the word, "elect", or "chosen" concerning a certain group of people, no?

sad, but true.. we both can not be right

Then explain it in a way I could see it in any other way.. How else could I change what I see?

if you said that you would be misrepresenting me, because I have said time and time again, God has stopped things from happening.. he has also allowed many things.
Yes, well, when you represented what I said, as though this issue of God causing that there be evil was an end in itself, with no other considerations, you were misrepresenting what I said. A yes or no answer would not have been accurate.

Here is what you said:
Eternally-Grateful said:
So your saying God created man to curse them with a curse that would bring mankind multiple times to the point of extinction (the flood first, and second Matt 24, the end time period where Jesus has to intervene or no flesh would survive)

I'm saying that that is not what I was saying, as it implies that that was the reason he created man. I don't even begin to think that, nor does what I say reduce to that. He created man for the purpose of 'producing' the "particular creation", the People of God, that will be seen in Heaven. All that you mentioned was part of what it takes to produce that chosen group from within humanity.

makesends said:
Go back to the beginning. Why did God create anything? For the glory of his praise.
Yes..And satan led and tried to take this glory by saying God did not create us to serve us, but to serve his own evil desires.
I don't get the relevance of that statement. What does that have to do with what we had been talking about, or with what it was responding to, or with freewill?

makesends said:
How does his creating bring that about? By making a particular creation that would be his particular People, the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ, the Children of God, the Dwelling Place of God. How does he accomplish that particular creation? By, among many other things, the creation of those who would reject him. To those he did not show mercy nor 'install' his Holy Spirit to dwell in them and raise them from death to life in Christ. Instead his intention toward them was reprobation FOR THAT PARTICULAR CREATION, AND THAT, FOR THE PRAISE OF HIS GLORY. Look at Romans 9 again, verse 23, in the immediate context of verses 19 to 23, or 11-24, or the whole chapter, or the whole book, or the whole Bible.
I disagree. He made man to serve. man chose to rebel. So he devised a plan to save his creation. because he loved it.
Are you saying that he did not make man for that final end of man—to be all he will be in heaven? Or is there something else that you are saying you disagree with? Lol, this format is discouraging, trying to keep up with who said what in response to what. I gotta give you credit, I'm only responding to one or two here, you are trying to hold down 5 or 10 conversations at once!

makesends said:
That is what I said, yes. But the self-determinist does look at God's love or justice according to human love and justice.
Maybe you are too?
Yes, to some degree that is inevitable. I try to take myself skeptically, however, which leads me to distrust my notions of God's love and justice, and to discard my notions altogether if they are not reasonable nor scriptural. I find simple logic to say that if God is God, then all that follows was his plan. Regardless of the best way to describe that, it is also what I find in Scripture, and when it seems Scripture says otherwise, I look a little farther into Scripture, and every time, so far, sure enough, God still planned precisely what came about. Otherwise, he is not God. God is not like us.

makesends said:
The one insisting on self-determinism thinks it all depends on himself, to include his concepts and definitions.
Well he may, But as with everything, if we disagree with something. do not go 100 degrees out and do the same thing yourself but make it sound different.
I suppose you are referring to some incident or statement there, but don't know which or what. I'll leave it alone.

makesends said:
When he [the self-determinist] runs into a logical roadblock, at the very best he thinks, "Well, I don't know it all so I give up thinking about it —my concepts of love and justice are human only, and not the way God sees it, so I give up trying to make sense of it all. I'll stick by my concepts because they work well up to a point, and ignore the logical implications and contradictions, because I can't abide even any beginning of a notion of an unjust God."

Of course. But that is what those insisting on self-determinism do.

God is perfect justice, he is also perfect love

perfect justice says there is a payment for sin (death)

perfect love can not over rule his justice, but he can make a way. To take the penalty in the place of the guilty.
Perfect love died for all. not some
Who made that rule?
to say he only died for some.. would IN MY VIEW (please do not take offence) be a humanistic way of thinking.. I say this, because it is not perfect love, it is limited love
It is not, if that was his plan from the beginning. You want equal love for all, but that is not what he had in mind. Grace.

In the story of the workers in the field, those who had been there all day said it was not fair that those who came late to work got paid the same amount as those who had been there all day. The owner said, you got what you bargained for—why are you upset that I do with my own money what I want, generously toward some?
Justice applies to everyone because it is perfect.
if love does not apply to everyone. then love is not perfect it is limited.
I suppose you mean, if love does not apply equally to everyone... But, even if not, who came up with that rule?

All creation belongs to God. He can do as he will, and it may not look nice to some. "Who are you, oh man, [to tell God he is unfair]?"

God is a very particular God. His plan is specific.
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I have said multiple times now that I will not answer a hypothetical.

Sir, the question I am asking concerns the nature of God. This is as fundamental as theology gets.
  • Can God control the human will?
There are a number of possible answers:
  • "Yes, he can. And he would, for he has." <-- My answer.
  • "Yes, he can. But he never has and never would."
  • "No, he can't. The human will is outside divine control."
  • "No, he can't. But he wouldn't even if he could." <-- Your answer?
  • And so on.
This question is an inquiry into the nature of reality: Does God, in principle, have the ability to control the human will? That is not a hypothetical but a substantive metaphysical and theological question about divine omnipotence (vis-a-vis human agency).

Additional commentary to the reader: If a person believes that God can't control the human will, the appropriate response would be to defend that position. If a person believes that God can control the human will but chooses not to, then an explanation is warranted. And in either case, that explanatory apologetic should make reference to a meaningful exegesis of scripture. Simply refusing to answer is an evasion rather than a reasoned position.

There are serious concerns about a person's theology if they're either unwilling or unable to answer basic theology questions about the nature of God, which all monotheistic religions—especially Christianity—treat as a meaningful and fundamental topic. This odd refusal to answer a basic question—with all supposed hypothetical elements removed—is a transparently weak rhetorical move that derails meaningful discourse (as you are witnessing here).

Maybe Eternally-Grateful is simply reluctant to take a definitive position. If so, I wish he would just say that.

You say that you are trying to learn what I believe. Ask me a question about my belief that I can answer.

Not a hypothetical..

I am trying, sir, to ask a question about your belief that you can answer. It is as stripped-down as I can make it: Can God control the human will?

The fact that you keep pushing for an answer you will never get, instead of just telling me the point your trying to make, just proves to me you have ulterior motives.

That is because I'm NOT trying to make a point. I am simply trying to figure out what you believe. We already know what I believe—I've been very clear about that throughout this thread, including just above at the start of this post. What I don't know is what you believe. I have tried to find out using myriad forms of inquiry, but you won't answer even the most basic, stripped-down version of the question that I can muster.

You say you're not trying to attack me, yet you say that

1. I continue to engage in projection, and

2. my view that your question is a hypothetical is nonsense

1. Your projection was an observation, not an attack. You're free to disagree with my conclusion.

2. I didn't say it was nonsense, I said it was wrong.