Would you like to talk about Prevenient Regeneration?
Say whatever you want to say about them; but I am getting burnt out at the present moment.Would you like to talk about God's Primary Causation?
Would you like to talk about Prevenient Regeneration?
Say whatever you want to say about them; but I am getting burnt out at the present moment.Would you like to talk about God's Primary Causation?
Calvinists do not go by what He tells us any more than do non-Calvinists. Calvinists interpret what they read just like everyone else. To argue otherwise is to engage in extreme egoism. It is arrogance beyond belief. And if fact I would argue that Calvinists are more prone to eisegesis than most of the rest of Christendom.The Law was our tutor to lead us to Christ. It is the Law that condemned us. It was the curse of the Law that Christ set us free from.
Calvinists do not deal in what ifs. They are irrelevant. Nor does it base its theology on what they believe God would or would not do. They go by what He tells us. To argue against something on the basis of a what if is arguing from logical fallacy.
No one is forced to sin. To obey is a choice.Yes, Paul did. So did Jesus and John.
John 6:44 No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day.Where does the Bible say when we are draw to Christ we are given motivation to receive Him? Scriptures please.
Just by mere serendipitous chance, I was uncaused to happen upon this thread, so I haven't read everything; but somebody said that we are forced to sin, and that obedience is not a choice?No one is forced to sin. To obey is a choice.
Reply #120Just by mere serendipitous chance, I was uncaused to happen upon this thread, so I haven't read everything; but somebody said that we are forced to sin, and that obedience is not a choice?
Hmmm.... that would be Libertarian Free Will which is "the ability to make choices without any prior prejudice, inclination, or disposition. For the will to be free it must act from a posture of neutrality, with absolutely no bias. It determines its own volitions; so as not to be dependent, in its determinations, on any cause without itself, nor determined by anything prior to its own acts."My belief is that everyone has an unhindered ability to make a free decision to receive or reject Christ at whatever juncture in their lives that they are being drawn to Him (2 Corinthians 3:17).
LOL... I give you props for being strong enough to face this Calvinistic Firing Squad ... lolSay whatever you want to say about them; but I am getting burnt out at the present moment.
OH NOJust by mere serendipitous chance, I was uncaused to happen upon this thread
I happen to like math and statistics ... so just for the record, how many people have made the 'choice' to live a sinless life?No one is forced to sin. To obey is a choice.
I am familiar with TWO distinct "Calvinistic" answers:But if God is the First Cause of everything then He is responsible for murder and rape and incest.
I have a problem with THAT theology.
There is no word and no concept of motivation in those passages. You have had every one of them thoroughly expounded on, run through exegesis, aligned with the whole counsel of God, by the Calvinists you are trying to refute.John 6:44 No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day.
John 6:45 It is written in the Prophets, 'And they will all be taught by God.' Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to me--
Rom 10:17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.
IOW you are unable to support what you say, it is just something you choose to believe?Then reject what I am saying ("harden your heart to it"); it is no skin off my back...
Your example does not present coincidence. It presents a scientific fact that results from scientific law.I happen to like math and statistics ... so just for the record, how many people have made the 'choice' to live a sinless life?
When does "coincidence" become statistical correlation implying "cause-effect"?
Let us take an example. The sun rose this morning. The sun also rose yesterday. Was that just a coincidence? How many mornings does the sun need to rise before I can conclude that the sun rises EVERY morning and will rise tomorrow morning?
I did not love God with all my EVERYTHING every day prior to today. I did not even measure up to that yardstick THIS MORNING. Mother Teresa and Billy Graham also claim to have failed to live up to that yardstick. So who is it that has CHOSEN to obey (as you posit we all can)? When EVERYONE fails, when does coincidence become a scientific "law"?
Are you attacking the poster and not the post?Otherwise your claim has nothing on which to hang its hat, and you are simply deciding what the Bible says in a way that is pleasant to you, rather than finding out whether you are correct or not.
Those verses simply state facts. You can argue all day long what the mean to you, but that doesn't change what they say. As far as having had them thoroughly expanded on, that is more than a stretch, coming from a Calvinist.There is no word and no concept of motivation in those passages. You have had every one of them thoroughly expounded on, run through exegesis, aligned with the whole counsel of God, by the Calvinists you are trying to refute.
The facts presented by those verses provide the motivation for anyone who believes what is said. Given that faith comes by hearing the word about Christ, anyone interested in obtaining faith would be motivated to listen and learn about Christ. I see that happening all the time.As you now say they are teaching motivation to choose Christ it behooves you to do the same work that was done for you, so that we might see and understand how "motivation" is being taught in them.
FYI: We came to the ultimate conclusion that if God were to chime in and post a response, it would probably be: "You are both idiots, but I love you."
Neither proposition thinks God created evil. Evil is not a thing; rather, it's a lack of something. The earth and Adam as originally created was good. @CCShorts is the expert on proposition #2.God is in control of all things and created EVIL
Why?Calvinists do not go by what He tells us any more than do non-Calvinists. Calvinists interpret what they read just like everyone else. To argue otherwise is to engage in extreme egoism. It is arrogance beyond belief. And if fact I would argue that Calvinists are more prone to eisegesis than most of the rest of Christendom.
You are using them for a particular purpose. That the scriptures themselves are motivators. Here they are again in response to the question "Where does the Bible say that when we are drawn to Christ we are motivated to receive Him?"Those verses simply state facts. You can argue all day long what the mean to you, but that doesn't change what they say.
You have removed those scriptures from the full counsel of God and used them as "proof" texts, rather than actually showing they mean what you say. What if I were to show you this text?John 6:44 No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day.
John 6:45 It is written in the Prophets, 'And they will all be taught by God.' Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to me--
Rom 10:17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.
What do the facts presented by the full context provide? The Jews who were present couldn't even understand all this talk about Jesus being the bread of life and eating and drinking His blood, and Jesus was standing right in front of them. Which goes to show, one cannot choose to believe something. Either they do or they don't. They don't choose to believe it and they don't choose to not believe it. They either believe what they hear or they don't believe what they hear. Now what do you suppose makes the difference? Those scriptures alone will tell you, and the rest of the Bible consistently backs it up. Choosing is not the issue or the catalyst. Believing is what Jesus said made the difference between those who have eternal life and those who do not.The facts presented by those verses provide the motivation for anyone who believes what is said. Given that faith comes by hearing the word about Christ, anyone interested in obtaining faith would be motivated to listen and learn about Christ. I see that happening all the time.
Because I believe that Calvinists, more than most, attach Calvinist-assigned meanings to words and phases that are not really biblical. Every key element of TULIP falls into that. Words like "election", "foreknowledge", "sovereignty" etc. fall there as well. So many of those take on special meanings not found outside of Calvinism/Reformed theology.Why?