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Do you understand?-The Lords supper?

Jesus is the FIRSTBORN of all creation. All creation occurred at the beginning, then God rested. Jesus was created direct-first and last, all other things created through him. But it was Jehovah who created all of it.

Gen 1:27= HE created--not we
Prov 8:27-28= HE created--not we.
Isaiah 40:26= HE created--not we.
Those verses do not give you the authority to judge who will be saved.

Your logic seems so much alike to trin churches.

You guys don't give anyone to judge for themselves.

It is so sad that you follow your leaders blindly.

You guys are not walking with God like those faith servants did in the Bible times.

that's why I say organizational churches are corrupt.
Jesus started 1 religion--One must be apart of it--its like Noahs ark.
How did the creation take place?

And don't go to Genesis because the Word spoke then and He certainly could not create himself?

BTW... Gen 1:26 says 26 And God said, Let us make man

WHO IS THE US?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
He created=100% bible proof i showed.
Let us=YHVH(Jehovah=HE) and his master worker( Jesus) Prov 8:30= the one beside God during the creation process--Col 1:16 Created by( As Gods master worker=not the source of power and wisdom to create) through him and for him= another did the creating=YHVH(Jehovah)
Prov 8:22 actually reads--produced me as the beginning( creation) of your way( creating)--possessed makes 0 sense.
Jesus started 1 religion--One must be apart of it--its like Noahs ark.
It is Jesus' Church and you don't know who they are.

If you think you are it, you are deceiving yourselves.

Your organization producing bad fruit.

Jesus says you know them by their fruit.

Your church's arrogance is one of the main ones.

Your church lacks humility which true characteristic of true servants.
He created=100% bible proof i showed.
Let us=YHVH(Jehovah=HE) and his master worker( Jesus) Prov 8:30= the one beside God during the creation process--Col 1:16 Created by( As Gods master worker=not the source of power and wisdom to create) through him and for him= another did the creating=YHVH(Jehovah)
Prov 8:22 actually reads--produced me as the beginning( creation) of your way( creating)--possessed makes 0 sense.
the one beside God during the creation process

Created by( As Gods master worker=not the source of power and wisdom to create) through him and for him

another did the creating=YHVH(Jehovah)

Very little frightens me since I do have the Holy Spirit living in me but the fact that you actually believe this View attachment 849 (I did not say it) does.

Cherry picking at its best ..... and not fully understanding the context from which you pull a verse.
It is Jesus' Church and you don't know who they are.

If you think you are it, you are deceiving yourselves.

Your organization producing bad fruit.

Jesus says you know them by their fruit.

Your church's arrogance is one of the main ones.

Your church lacks humility which true characteristic of true servants.
Sharing facts is not lacking humility. They hated Jesus, apostles and followers back then and murdered them. Jesus said his followers in his religion would he hated as well. Not for lacking humility for exposing this worlds darkness.
the one beside God during the creation process

Created by( As Gods master worker=not the source of power and wisdom to create) through him and for him

another did the creating=YHVH(Jehovah)

Very little frightens me since I do have the Holy Spirit living in me but the fact that you actually believe this View attachment 849 (I did not say it) does.

Cherry picking at its best ..... and not fully understanding the context from which you pull a verse.
I know my posts are fact. Jehovah will show the world.
Jesus started 1 religion--One must be apart of it--its like Noahs ark.

The living words "let there be" started the religion of the Faithful Creator the invisible eternal Spirit

Jesus the Son of man as dying mankind is not eternal God. . God is not a man.

The kind of religion Christ puts is stamp of approval on is . the fatherless and the unmarried widows . Which all were before adopted in the household according to Christ' labor of love as a work of his power full (let there be faith )

James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Galatians 6:9-11King James Version9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
I know my posts are fact. Jehovah will show the world.
No they are not.

it is a self-righteous attitude.

You are usurping His authority.

How dare you.
I know my posts are fact. Jehovah will show the world.
This attitude is the same as the protestants' claim that they will not be judged and already be saved.

It is an anti-Christ spirit.

Humility is a must in Jesus' follower characteristics.
You are judging the world which is Jesus' job.

You are usurping Jesus' authority.

that is arrogance.
The bible has already judged Gods judgements. Jesus will use those judgements being Gods image.
This attitude is the same as the protestants' claim that they will not be judged and already be saved.

It is an anti-Christ spirit.

Humility is a must in Jesus' follower characteristics.
Jw,s know 100%--one must endure until their end living now in this satan ruled system doing Jesus' Fathers will over self( Matt 7:21). Jesus was clear--FEW will find the road. All will be judged.
I know the world hates when the darkness is exposed. In the end it says, the world comes to kill the true followers in Jesus' 1 religion, just like they did to Jesus and his back then. It triggers Armageddon.
Jw,s know 100%--one must endure until their end living now in this satan ruled system doing Jesus' Fathers will over self( Matt 7:21). Jesus was clear--FEW will find the road. All will be judged.
I know the world hates when the darkness is exposed. In the end it says, the world comes to kill the true followers in Jesus' 1 religion, just like they did to Jesus and his back then. It triggers Armageddon.
I know you believe JWs are the only ones who know the Truth.

That is so wrong and arrogant.

That is not of God.
The bible has already judged Gods judgements. Jesus will use those judgements being Gods image.
Nope, Jesus says to be faithful until the end.

Or else.
I know you believe JWs are the only ones who know the Truth.

That is so wrong and arrogant.

That is not of God.
God reveals his truth, thru holy spirit, thru these-Matt 24:45 who then feed the domestics--One must be taught by them or remain darkness. Jesus was clear about them-Luke 17:26) If one rejects them its the same as rejecting Jesus and God.
Yes faithful to his God and Father. But worship is only accepted in spirit and TRUTH-John 4:22-24
You are not worshipping in the Spirit because you don't abide by His word.

You don't have a relationship with God and Jesus.

You have a relationship with your organization just like Trins.

Arrogance is not of Jesus.