Currently because of the fall we are all born sinners. We have a sin nature.
We're not talking about the false doctrine "Fall." What was their condition? Were they created sinful ("missing the mark") or were they created holy/righteous/sinless, etc?
Because if God Himself is the standard of perfection and the Law expressive of that perfection and the required perfection from men, then the only Person that can stand in God's Presence blameless is the Holy, Sinless, Son. And Saul as well as all of Scripture records God's Perfect expectation of sinlessness perfection and Adam sinned - even before he ate from the tree - showing himself sinful.
It is by virtue of a lamb being slain from [before] the foundation (creation) of the world that God would bear the sinful presence of man and the universe. Following Isaiah's declarations about God, that there is only ONE God, there is NONE like Him, and [God] gives His glory (sinlessness, holiness, righteousness) to NO ONE, then the only conclusion of anything He creates - angel or man - is that they would be sinful ("missing the mark" - Strong's definition of sin.)
But the Constantinian Gentile theology on man is he was created holy, which then sin comes from holy because he sinned, or he was created sinless, which means sin comes from sinlessness and the question begs to be asked: God is sinless. How long before God sin since some believe sin comes from sinlessness. Or that God created man innocent, but innocent from what? Standing before a Holy God before Adam sinned doesn't address the question.
So, although you believe one of these things it all still fails to answer the question.
You'll need to explain this one a bit more.
It is said be some ignorant people that Adam was created holy (supposedly in the image of God who is holy) but if this is the case and Adam sinned then sin came from holy/holiness, which is a lie.
Another thing that must be addressed is that many say Adam was sinless - the Nature of God - which means God shared, copied, reduplicated, gave His glory to a created being which opens the door to a follow-up question: If Adam was holy and possessed this one Deific Attribute of God then he would have to possess ALL Deific Attributes of God (eternalness, Holiness, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, etc.), and he doesn't which would leave him fallen short of God's complete, perfect Deific glory and the word for this is sin.
Adam wasn't even eternal and this fact alone means he falls short of God's glory.
The word for that is SIN.
God created man sinful because that's the only way man can be created because there is only ONE God, there is NONE like Him, and He gives His glory (Holiness, Sinlessness, Eternalness, etc.), to NO ONE.
Even as glorified beings after everything is said and done and God's people are with Him men as glorified beings could STILL NOT stand before a Holy God which is why we are hid in Christ, clothed with HIS righteousness - which is righteousness imputed and not originally possessed by man in his creation, and this leaves our Advocate, our Paraclete, our Intercessor as the Middle-Man between us and the Father. The same applies to angels. ALL were created sinful and yet while one-third sinned thus expressing their creative make-up, others did not sin. Why? Because God withheld them. Angels do not possess original sinlessness. Besides these there are other questions that arise, such as God is just. Adam sinned. Yet animals die which is the judgment for sin. Why do animals suffer for another's sin? That is not just.
No, the best and only answer to man's creative make up using Isaiah's truths is that man was created sinful ("missing the mark" of the glory of God.)