This is a distorted portrayal of the doctrine of predestination. It does not teach that salvation is not by believing but only by predestination.
No it is not! The decree of God is the point of necessity; all that follows is mere detail. The predetermining of God that X is chosen, and Y is not, establishes the finished results. Belief does not, unbelief does not. That is merely a “fashion accessory” to the clothing of the Elect and Reprobates. God’s choice is the decision point of certainty. Nothing else needs to happen from that point on for the results to be certain.
And salvation being dependant on a free will choice is a limitation of potential since the claim is made that Jesus died for all men whether they believed or not but was only effectual if they did believe. It is a limitation of both results and potential.
It is not a limitation of potential, for all men may believe. There is equal potential, from God’s perspective, for he desires, and would allow anyone to be saved. No one, as a general rule of principle, is uniformly bound from being saved. Potential is all on the God side of the equation, for man can not mandate that God to do anything, so any limitation is purely on the results side, and failure is completely on man’s shoulders, while salvation is purely on God’s ledger because he is the only one who can save, forgive, adopt, and allow for reconciliation, and this is all gracious because God does not have to do anything good for us. It is all of God from first to last. He grants the potential, he sets the protocols (which include man’s responsibility to believe, repent, and confess), and fulfills his promise to save, the only semblance of obligation placed on God by God, not by man’s actions.
God requires man to repent, confess and believe. God chooses when he will and will not act. God says he will act subsequent to man’s required actions. God then exercises his power and restores the broken relationship with those who believe in Christ.
The gospel operates just exactly as God intended; its potential is unlimited, its power is unrestrained within the requirements of the gospel, then only limits are humanly self-imposed through unbelief. God limits no one, God calls all men to repentance. Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved!