Nope. . .a covenant is a contract.
No terms = no contract/covenant.
Incorrect. A covenant is a kind of contract but it is also something more than a contract. Thinking a covenant is only a contract is mistaken and misguided. I recommend you give consideration to the fact ALL the covenants with God are ALL always monergistically initiated, not negotiated.
There was neither law (Ro 5:12-14) nor covenant between Adam and Moses.
That is incorrect. The Law did not exist, but laws did exist. Adam was commanded not to eat from the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden. That is a law. There were laws pertaining to marriage that existed long prior to the giving of the Mosaic Law (see how many times the phrase "in--law" is used prior to Exodus 20). Centuries prior to giving Moses the Law God told Abraham,
Genesis 26:4-5
"I will multiply your descendants as the stars of heaven, and will give your descendants all these lands; and by your descendants all the nations of the earth shall be blessed; because Abraham obeyed Me and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes and My laws."
You're wrong here, Eleanor. What Romans 5 states is that there wasn't a standardized means of accounting for all sins until the Law was provided, not that law did not exist before then. Go back and re-read the whole Romans 5 narrative again with that in mind. Paul explicitly states sin reigned from the time of Adam until Moses. How would he know that if there hadn't been rules stipulating what qualifies as sin?
Nope. . .not between Adam and Moses (Ro 5:14) when there was nothing to disobey (Ro 4:15, 5:12-14).
Genesis 4:6-7 proves otherwise. Babel, Abraham's treachery with Abimelech, Sodom and Gomorrah and Laban's deceiving Jacob all prove otherwise. The law of sin and death has always existed. If you disobey then you die.
Genesis 6:5-6
Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. The LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.
How could God say such a thing if there were no metrics?
Nope. . .irrelevant, not about covenant of works, but about flesh vs. spirit in the life of the believer.
Incorrect again. The only works a human has apart from Christ and the regenerative and indweeling influence of the Spirit is works of flesh.
I take my doctrine only from NT didactics, with which all prophecy will be in agreement.
Scripture proves otherwise.
Scripture proves otherwise.
Denying salvation by faith alone? (Eph 2:8-9)
Yep, and nothing I posted should be construed to say otherwise. If what I posted was thought to say otherwise, then you made (another) mistake and should go back and re-read what was posted without the prejudice.
But the faithfulness/works do not save, only their faith does.
Yep. and nothing I posted should be construed to say otherwise. If what I posted was thought to say otherwise, then you made (another) mistake and should go back and re-read what was posted without the prejudice.
Scripture proves otherwise.
Agreed. . .dangerous to your theology, and evidence of my lack of belief in it.
Just sayin'.
Ad hominem noted and given the credence it is due.
The fact is the covenants are all God-initiated and monergistically so. God does not ask anyone if they want to participate prior to His choosing them, calling them, and commanding them. It is only after He has done these things that He ever asks any of the participants for any choice on their part. All other contracts are profoundly different in this regard. Furthermore, there is a theme of love and passion within the covenants that does not exist in other contracts (such as business contracts where fiscal profit is the motive). The statement "a covenant is a contract" is woefully inadequate, and thereby incorrect. Furthermore, the conditions of the covenant do persist. The benefits and consequences of the covenant, its blessings and curses, persist and I provided a sampling of scripture from the beginning to the end of scripture to prove that fact. Just as the tree of life existed in the garden, so too does that tree exist in the new city of peace. Just as there are consequence for disobedience that bring death in the garden, so too are there still consequences that bring death for all other forms of disobedience. No straw men at all. Paul called it the law of sin and death.
If you disobey, then you die.
The wages of sin is death and sin reigned from the time of Adam to Moses even when there was no Law by which sin might be made accountably known to the sinner. One Law, lots of laws.