I don't need it expounded on by someone I don't know and therefore cannot rely on. I will only get their opinion on it. I am perfectly capable of expounding upon it myself, and have to some degree. In fact the end of it played a huge role early in my sanctification. But it needs no expounding on to answer the question I asked, which concerned only the first two chapters. Could/would you worship God as we see Him there?
How can you say it is a problem to my present and ask what it is at the same time?!

Just so you know what it is I will tell you even though common human decency would demand that you first answer my question to you. Could/would you worship God as we see Him in Job 1 and 2?
I worship God as He reveals Himself to us in the scriptures, whether it is to my liking or not. I understand that He is God, the Creator of everything, the sustainer of everything, the one who created me and as His creature creation I live and move and have my being in Him. He is King and I am servant. He is King and I am subject. I don't need to see Him other that who He is in order to worship Him. I am duty bound and pleased to worship Him as He is. I don't want to change Him. God as He is is the only God who can be trusted, all else is wishful thinking, and chasing after idols or the wind. I cannot trust in myself. and do not want to trust in myself. Thank God I don't have to trust in myself but can trust in every word that comes out of His mouth. Thank God my life is not in my own hands but in His, the true and faithful covenant God. I WILL HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME. I will worship no other. I will trust in no other but the God who reveals Himself in His word, no matter how I may feel about this or that. Yes I can and I do worship God as we see Him in Job 1 and 2. There is no other! I know this. He is holy and righteous and good and all His ways are perfect. He is not me, and I am not Him. He is Other. He is God.
What does that have to do with the question: Could/would you worship God as we see Him in Job 1 and 2?
Oh look. You can quote scripture instead of answering the question: Could/ would you--------? Do you think for some reason I keep asking you that question and have not read that? Here is another question. Who brought Job to Satan's attention in the first place that prompted the above response?
That question doesn't need to be asked. It is answered in those passages. And it is three questions. You know---many people end their sentences with an uprising inflection that makes it sound like a question when it is not. Why do so many of your non questions have question marks after them? In this case it makes it really hard to determine what is a question and what is a statement.
Since God does not give the answer to that question, we will never find it by speculating.
Is that a statement or a question. If it is a question, see above. Could/would you worship the God
that we see in Job 1 and 2? Without having to find a way in which He is really not that way and trying to do so by supplying an answer to the unanswerable questions that softens the blow?
God is the one that brought it up, not Satan. And none of it changes what God said and did. Pretty drastic just to prove a point don't you think? Can you worship a God who would go to such extremes in the life of a poor innocent, God fearing man, just to prove a point? Do you still think you are softening the blow? And what is it that you think? That was God in the olden days, and somehow both God and Satan have changed since the olden days? Or do you believe God is immutable? And therefore-----Could/would you worship God as we see Him in Job 1 and 2?