I'm familiar with the Reformed position on the Pope and remain suspicious of ulterior motives. Not that I need any for the RCC...but I see nothing biblical ( prophecy or otherwise ) in dragging the Pope into the equation except for possibly the false prophet.
2 Thess. 2:3,4 (WPNT)
3 Don’t let anyone deceive you by any means; because that day cannot come unless the rebellion comes first and the man of sin is revealed, the son of ruin,
4 who opposes and exalts himself over everything that is called a god or an object of worship, to the point of taking his seat as God in God’s sanctuary, proclaiming himself to be God.
The "Popes" claim that submission to them is necessary for salvation and that they can overrule what the Bible says, thus placing themselves above God and setting themselves against him.
They place themselves above kings and rulers of the Earth, who must bow down and kiss their ring in obeisance.
They have also changed times and seasons, as the Bible warns about.
RCism claims to be The Church and the "Pope" sits on a throne, as the head of it, making supposedly infallible pronouncements, thus taking the place of Christ.
One of the "Pope's" titles is "Vicar of Christ", which means "Instead of Christ" (i.e. antichrist).
They, as head of RCism, persecute, and proclaim as heretics, genuine Christians, having tortured and murdered millions, over many centuries (drunk with the blood of the saints).
The RC rulers are clothed in purple and scarlet.
They depict the RC organisation as a woman holding out a cup (a symbol of the Whore of Babylon).
The "Pope" is covered in pagan symbolism (e.g. fish-god Dagon mitre, the crooked crucifix (a satanic symbol) and many others).
The "Pope" has the title of "Pontifex Maximus" - a pagan title of Babylonian priests (meaning "Greatest Bridge-builder", in a religious sense - more blasphemy), passed on to the latter Roman Caesars (as god-men), then to the "Pope", as the continuation of Babylonian false religion.
The "Pope" is called "Holy Father" (a title belonging only to God the Father) - he truly has names of blasphemy.
The great confessions of faith: The Westminster Confession (created by Anglicans, but also adhered to by Presbyterians); and The 1689 Baptist Confession proclaim that the "Pope" is the anti-Christ.
There is much more evidence, but this should suffice to show that, if the office of "Pope" is not the anti-Christ, then he has the great misfortune of being so incredibly like him that it is impossible to tell the difference.