Thanks for participating brother. I don't see why I should write to him about it; I'll write it here...
Jim presented the last few chapters of Revelation as one consistent event, that shouldn't have Versification. Let's use an arbitrary number; perhaps all of this could happen in a day. But the Passage included Satan being bound for a thousand years; in the one Account. Therefore, I don't think this can be said to be a consistent, unbroken Narrative...
Versification can be said to be Relative, I agree with that. If someone changed the Chapter and Verses, perhaps they can start a Chapter when Satan is Bound, and end this chapter when Satan is released. This too, would be Relative Versification; but it would seem clear that it is a Thousand Year long Chapter...
Since it's clear that it took a Thousand Years to pass in just the space of a few Verses, I don't think we should read the Passage Jim read; as an event taking place as if there are no proper breaks in it: without Gaps in it...
But like I said, I am looking for Positive reasons to believe an Eschatology, no matter which Eschatology it is. Your point that God is not done with Israel, is a great point for Premillenial Dispensational Eschatology. Jim's point that a Chapter break shouldn't be where it is, is just a point; not a great point. Since more, smaller Chapter breaks could exist, that's not a good reason to want to rid the Bible of a Chapter break. I'm not saying that's what Jim wants to do, to help Jim make his Case; but that's what Jim wants to do...