My Young Creation Week YCW view
Marcus Sanford, MCS Regent College, (improved 3-23-24)
Designer of Cataclysm kiosks for churches and public locations
Creation week of local things was recent! Gen 1 was not about the lifeless, distant universe.
Evolution is unknown to the universe.
The local text POV is retained.
The distant lifeless objects simply provided day 1 light (either naturally or speeded), not God’s designed messages through the local objects. If Day 1 light was natural, the distant lifeless universe was ‘stretched out by God’ at some earlier time (the light-years math).
2 Peter 3 intended a
time distinction between the distant universe and earth, and did not put the distant universe in “creation”, neither when thinking about Genesis nor when reporting the skeptics delusion.
The designation YEC is unclear on the critical distinction of 2 Peter 3 and the rest of scripture.
1, Cassuto’s recitation approach means that 1:1 is a section title, not action. It also means that 1:2 is background, not action in the narrative.
2, The text is not trying to explain the distant lifeless universe, but the local celestials that move (inc. the Milky Way band) because those moving lights ‘messaged’ to humans.
3, The creation week was about the zone man inhabits; the crust and atmosphere. The earth was as found in 1:2 for at least a short while; the details may be down to God’s dealing with superhuman entities, revolting angels, or principalities and powers, imprisoning them in darkness or fire.
4, Day 1’s light
may be the arrival of distant object light, resolving that issue. This also confines the narrative to earth’s point of view, but I also believe in what Lewis called ‘natural miracles.’ There is no astro-evolution or any life out there; such concepts are ludicrous. Possibly cp. Dt. 4:30.
5, Day 4’s lights are local celestials, out to the Milky Way because the ancients knew it moved, changing the ‘message’ of the stars daily. We find many indicators that these celestials originated recently. They form messages to humans as seen later in Abraham’s and Daniel’s lives and the nativity. Cf. Larson THE BETHLEHEM STAR. Life on earth flourishes with the arrival of sunlight, as designed. It is complete and thriving from its day of launch, and told to ‘swarm with swarms.’ There is no evolution of life anywhere.
6, 2 Peter 3 has suggestions that the distant universe is ‘of old’ but that earth was more recently formed, not from nothing, but from the mix of water and matter of 1:2. It depends on the connective ‘kai’ which can be contrastive. The verbs
definitely contrast. The skeptics there assumed the distant universe was very old (that is not the issue), but that earth “creation” cannot be disrupted once created (they don’t appear to be referring to the distant worlds). This is the 3rd instance of the Bible not attempting to group distant lifeless worlds with local message-bearing celestial bodies. Peter proves why earth was disrupted in the cataclysm and will be again.
7, the Kraus-Meyer-Lamoreux debate of 2016 at Wycliffe College, U Toronto (Youtube) contains a segment where Lamoreux (a theistic evolutionist), compares Genesis 1 to an Egyptian cosmology diagram (1hr, 22m). Clearly there is a similarity and a mythology in the Egyptian rendering.
Ra takes a boat in the waters above the
firmament (the blue sky) each day and through the underworld at night and resumes the next day.
Genesis 1 would displace
Ra as Creator, of course, and put the sun itself on Day 4, humiliating the Egyptian belief in the sun as
Ra. The Day 1 light is not explained by the artpiece, and Lamoreux did not refer to it. But this can keep the science of Gen 1 intact. If it is distant light, and “creation” is confined to our locality, there is not a problem, no matter how much Gen 1 was intended to speak to Egyptian theology.
Incidentally, Lamoreux documented a passage in Darwin’s autobiography in which he believed himself to be a theist while writing ORIGINS. The problem with this would be the elapsed time, and whether designs of creatures must never be similar. If Darwin originally meant all this transpired in Gen 1’s week, then he is merely providing an excess of detail.