Thanks for the response. It was something I have been wondering about lately..
It's good to know I'm not broken!
Disclaimer: I do not hold to duality of Good vs Evil. I am only referring here to the antithesis of Good, which is Evil.
I relate blasphemy, to the devil and his false teachers, and to EVIL. Have you ever seen the horror felt by a mother seeing her child on the tracks as the train bears down on it? But when the train strikes the child, the life leaves that mother, though the body continues senseless.
The horror, even what some call cosmic treachery, of the attempted negation of the very source of existence, is not a small thing. This is the one thing God cannot abide, (yet, for now, temporally, he waits, for our sake). It is a horror beyond the ability of innocence to stomach. It is creepy, feels viscous like the night terrors where you can barely move to flee a horror pursuing you.
Some believers think there is no such thing as demons nowadays, others attribute every bad thing to demons, but neither seems to understand the horror that is demonic evil. Maybe the best way to put it is to try to describe what the evil angels will be, in the end, and what the reprobate will be, bereft of any of God's graces in them. Inky, greasy, slimy, hopeless, the power of choking darkness, wraiths closing in around and penetrating what you thought was your perimeter. No consideration for your dignity or personhood —in fact, hating it— yet when in disguise appealing to that very thing, seducing you to its slavery. Trying to turn you into what it is.
Those who have been directly exposed to it in demonic form, can't begin to tell you the 'attack' of death upon them, the smell, the feel of death.
I've even found a certain amount of truth, (by experience and by scripture's statements about the nature of God), to the notion that in every way that God is "person", or personality, and is beauty and virtue, purity, force of purpose (and so we too are possessing of personhood); that antithesis of goodness and life, is sin which is death, that evil is a cold pervasive extinguishing of life. And it is irresistible, but for the power and grace of God.
THIS is only part of the reason blasphemy makes you sick. Love for God, love designed and built by God, is also a huge part of why it makes you sick, and blasphemy relates to that love by antithesis.