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Biblical hijinks!

I don't see any statement there that all are capable of believing in Jesus Christ.
I see only that all those who do shall not perish but have eternal life.

That is not in contradiction to NT teaching that
no one can even see the kingdom of God until the Holy Spirit sovereignly rebirths him, or that
those without the Holy Spirit do not accept the things that come from God (1 Co 2:14), or that
the unregenerate mind set on the flesh is hostile to God, does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so (Ro 8:7), or that
those controlled by the sinful nature (all those not born again) cannot please God. (Ro 8:8).

That is not in contradiction to
rebirth being a sovereign act of God dependent on and governed by nothing but his sovereign choice, as unaccountable as the wind (Jn 3:6-8), rather than man's own choosing,
faith being a gift from God (Php 1:29, Ac 13:48, Ac 18:27, 2 Pe 1:1, Ro 12:3) rather than man's own doing,
repentance being granted (2 Tim 2:25, Ac 11:18, 5:3) rather than man's own doing,
obedience being by God's own working in us both to will and to do (Php 2:13), for we could do neither apart from God's own working it in us.
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Which one scripture or prophecy?
The balderdash is you gave a whole list of scriptures and without going back to check but is usually what you present as support, none more than one sentence, one single passage and often just a portion of one sentence taken from its middle. And not a one on them contained any explanation as to why they were quoted, your reasoning behind them, not even what you were making them to be saying. No exegesis, no interpretation, no hermeneutics applied-----and no thought.