I attended Church daily at a Bible college I had attended for three years. Graduated in 1981 with honors.
It was right down the street from where I was living. I was free to remain attending certain courses played on video for the evening class.
One night I heard a class that was given by the president of the college. He kept driving home a new theme in his message.
The theme went like this....
(He kept passionately driving this point home...)
"Anyone living in area of their life without Bible doctrine?... In that area?
He is a liar! We need Bible doctrine for every area of our life!"
I was stunned. I never heard the term Bible doctrine used in that way before.
When class was over we all got up and walked out into the hallway.
As I was walking out the doorway I prayed a very quick simple prayer up to Heaven...
"Father! In Jesus name, I ask... Give me Bible doctrine for every area of my life!"
Within only seconds a sweet lady I knew, walked up to me and asked me if I would like to borrow a notebook that her brother has.
The notebook has 1000 Bible doctrines listed in categories. I was peacefully stunned... without hesitation said,
Her brother is a pastor and he was away for ministry work. I was told I could have it for that time.
I lived and worked up the street at a country inn and restaurant as its resident manager. We just entered a slow season, so I was there during the day watching over the place.
I spent days with this notebook in the waiting room between talking with guests and taking the phone.
One after the other.. one doctrine to the next.... I became amazed to learn how much wisdom can be gleaned
from knowing the Word of God in depth and detail.
The notebook was compiled by a Dallas graduate pastor who sat under a very gifted pastor. The doctrines broke down the Hebrew and Greek, and showed correlations of Scripture with Scripture.
Soon after I came under a supernatural demonic attack. Instead of fearing? It made me rejoice to know I was onto something good from God.
A bit later after finishing the doctrinal notebook I decided to begin learning from the pastor whom the 1000 doctrines were derived. At that time his ministry would send you cassettes of classes he gave. I ordered and began listening during the daytime hours in the waiting room at the Inn.
The first message I listened to? I was utterly stunned on how rich and informative it was!
I then said to myself...
"I just graduated from three years of Bible college, having graduated with honors...
And, I just learned more from this pastor in one hour more than I learned for three
years at Bible college!
"Stunned," was putting it mildly.
So? I could have assembled in churches nearby to legalistically follow what it says in Hebrews 10:25.
Considering I had just graduated from a Bible college where we assembled seven days a week!
I was getting much more from hearing the lessons on tape (which were taught before a live congregation,
which recorded their interaction).
So? Do I follow the letter of the Word, and get no life from weak teaching churches?
Or, realize, that in God's sovereignty He provided a means to assemble to hear the Word
of God being expounded by a very gifted teacher?
I will let you decide if I made the wrong choice, or not.
grace and peace ...............