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All ISRAEL will be saved


Apr 30, 2024
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There are at least three interpretations.

  1. The word "all" could be a hyperbole.
  2. The phrase "all Israel" means all Jews who are alive at some point in the future will be saved.
  3. The word "Israel" means Jewish and Gentile believers.
Romans 11:

1 I ask, then, has God rejected his people? By no means! For I myself am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, a member of the tribe of Benjamin. 2 God has not rejected his people whom he foreknew.
God had not rejected all the Israelites. The Israelites were the original olive tree that God had planted and cultivated. Some branches were broken off due to their rejecting God.

5 So too at the present time there is a remnant, chosen by grace.
There was a remnant of Israelites remaining in the olive tree. They had not been broken off.

24 For if you [Roman Gentiles] were cut from what is by nature a wild olive tree,
Gentiles were branches cut from a wild olive tree.

and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree,
God grafted the wild olive tree branches into his cultivated original olive tree.

how much more will these, the natural branches, be grafted back into their own olive tree.
In the future, the broken Jewish branches will be grafted back in.

26 And in this way all Israel will be saved.
All Israel includes

  1. the remnant branch that was never broken off,
  2. the Gentile branches that were grafted in, and
  3. the broken-off Jewish branches that will be grafted back in.
"All Israel" means all the believers of the LORD who are living branches of God's cultivated olive tree. The root nourishes and supports them (v. 17).
There are at least three interpretations.

  1. The word "all" could be a hyperbole.
  2. The phrase "all Israel" means all Jews who are alive at some point in the future will be saved.
  3. The word "Israel" means Jewish and Gentile believers.
Romans 11:

God had not rejected all the Israelites. The Israelites were the original olive tree that God had planted and cultivated. Some branches were broken off due to their rejecting God.

There was a remnant of Israelites remaining in the olive tree. They had not been broken off.

Gentiles were branches cut from a wild olive tree.

God grafted the wild olive tree branches into his cultivated original olive tree.

In the future, the broken Jewish branches will be grafted back in.

All Israel includes

  1. the remnant branch that was never broken off,
  2. the Gentile branches that were grafted in, and
  3. the broken-off Jewish branches that will be grafted back in.
"All Israel" means all the believers of the LORD who are living branches of God's cultivated olive tree. The root nourishes and supports them (v. 17).

Well done, except for Israel is not the tree. Jesus is the tree. Israel is a branch in the tree that is Christ, and the reason branches were removed is because they did not believe in Jesus. Yes, Israel is called a "tree" in scripture, but that's not the same tree and they are not the tree of salvation. That tree is Jesus, and Jesus alone. It's a good op except for that one mistake. I'd add only the fact, "not all Israel is Israel," so in determining what Paul meant by "all Israel will be saved," we would necessarily want to identify and then exclude the Israel that is not Israel. The conclusion is the same, though. There are not Jews or Gentiles in Christ and the "all Israel" to which Paul is referring it those who believe in the name of God's only resurrected Son.
Remember not all of Israel is born again Israel the bride of Christ. Some remained under the name or spirit of Jacob (the deceiver) non converted mankind

And in Isiah 62 our unseen head propmised to name Israel a new name a name more befitting to represent the bride of all nations as families of the world when ever two or thre witneses gasther toghter under the hearing of one the Holy Spirit Christ the husband

The father fulfilled his promise in Acts .Calling the bride . . .Christian, a word with no other meaning attached. "residents of the heaven city of Christ. . . . prepared for his bride the church named after her founder and husband Christ.

The word Christian has seemed to have lost meaning and purpose in regard to some doctrine of men. Many even say its a derogatory name like Bible thumpers or Holy Roller fruit cakes . . . coming from the father of lies and surely not from our invisible head .

In that way change the meaning of one word violate the commandment not to Deuteronomy 4:2

Satan's the man of sin. His goal to deceive al the nations of the world that God is a Jewish man as King of kings

Our Holy Father is not a man.
There are at least three interpretations.

  1. The word "all" could be a hyperbole.
  2. The phrase "all Israel" means all Jews who are alive at some point in the future will be saved.
  3. The word "Israel" means Jewish and Gentile believers.
Romans 11:

God had not rejected all the Israelites. The Israelites were the original olive tree that God had planted and cultivated. Some branches were broken off due to their rejecting God.

There was a remnant of Israelites remaining in the olive tree. They had not been broken off.

Gentiles were branches cut from a wild olive tree.

God grafted the wild olive tree branches into his cultivated original olive tree.

In the future, the broken Jewish branches will be grafted back in.

All Israel includes

  1. the remnant branch that was never broken off,
  2. the Gentile branches that were grafted in, and
  3. the broken-off Jewish branches that will be grafted back in.
"All Israel" means all the believers of the LORD who are living branches of God's cultivated olive tree. The root nourishes and supports them (v. 17).

The phrase “in this way” is very significant here too.